I absolutely do not understand how Samael can be possible

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As a mana sorc. But really, just in general.

I'm watching [recent] video after video, and everyone seems to have a COMPLETELY different fight than I do, even on the exact same [recent] version. He's legit hardly casting anything, even completely unslowed. An occasional worm. Only one bone spear thing at once. Ghosts are rare. People taking no damage except when directly being hit by something. Fire stuff (wave/etc) only happens occasionally, and is rarely chained.

Meanwhile, my Sammy is straight up on crack, chaining abilities out the ass at all times. Hah, one worm? Try 2. Try 4. AoE fire nukes chained almost incessantly, with constantly happening at once, so one of them WILL instakill you. On top of spears everywhere all the time. If you somehow survive for like a whopping ten seconds, here, enjoy an instant 10k nuke by literally nothing whatsoever????? And even better, enjoy that multiple times right in a row. And screw surviving; good luck squeaking in any real damage whatsoever when it's physically impossible to play fast enough to do so.

Why is my Sammy so drugged up? Am I missing something extremely fundamental? Did Marco and Laz personally curse me? What the hell is going on? :/
Grouchy Smurf
26 | 9
The game is warped, if you have good gear this boss should be entirely possible on any build, if you have amazing gear this boss (and all others) should fall over in seconds, that is what arpgs are all about. Sadly the mark has been missed by a huge margin in this mod, your character just isn't powerful.
Pit Knight
102 | 3
I don't think it's about relative power of his character. The battle with Sam can be either relatively easy or bonkers hard.
In succesfull kill videos, you usually see the "easy" version.
So, just replay, replay....replay...replay...:)
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I think Samael casts more stuff the more you hit him. So if you use a skill that multihits a lot, you'll see him cast more as well. Worms are just random spawn though.
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Core Lord
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Don't look at showcase videos for references, as someone (I think it was morphed) said, most videos show most successful runs, which includes really good rng. Just try him a couple more times, you'll eventually get it. And be sure you are not using multihitting skills, that makes him go insane.
Grouchy Smurf
26 | 9
Doesn't mana sorc's main single target skill multihit? Also I wasn't talking about his character specifically. Honestly you should be able to kill Samael in tus, it should just take forever. The way this mod handles bosses and the complete lack of defenses you have to most of their abilities is bonkers, not to mention how straight up cancer any purify fight is. When you get good gear you should be able to roll everything, wiping to laz millions of times before you give up is horrible design.
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The Samael completion attempts people post that have no worms and whatnot are probably after several attempts of good rng. They've been testing their luck. The fight is also very desync heavy so you also have to employ resync techniques like teleporting every now and then without sprinting too much. The fight is mechanically not suited for Diablo II so don't feel so bad if you can't kill him due to rng/desync/bullshit etc... it is what it is.
18 | 1
Marrt wrote:I think Samael casts more stuff the more you hit him. So if you use a skill that multihits a lot, you'll see him cast more as well. Worms are just random spawn though.

masochista wrote:And be sure you are not using multihitting skills, that makes him go insane.

This would be the fundamental mechanic I was missing, since I believe Immersion multi hits quite a bit, then ofc doubles during with Arcane Fury up.
I mean, there goes all my damage, but now I see how he's totally possible.

Thanks everyone.
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You are a few thousands tgs away from that fight.
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Unless a dev pops in to say otherwise, I DON’T think that multihitting attacks make Samael behave any differently, aside from proc’ing his chance to teleport.

I used to farm him with my War Cry barb in 1.8, which is a very low rate of attack…
And I’ve tried him about 2 dozen times this season with Nagi Assassin using Broadside, striking him at least 20 times per second…

He doesn’t seem to attack any differently to me. Just as insane both ways I’ve experienced him. Lots of variables at play of course, every fight feels different to an extent