Σ 2.5 Bugs & Feedback

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Since repair dosent work anymore on vendors the throwing knives sill have low quantity symbol in corner. Just distracting.
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Thunder Beetle
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1. Walking a few (2-4?) screens away from Izuals ghost made it despawn. Talking to Tyrael in town later still completed the quest even though I never talked to Izuals ghost.

Happened on normal diff.

2. Vendors are still showing 'Trade/repair' when you talk to them.
9 | 0
Diaco wrote:I don't know if this is a specific bug with Sorceress, but the lvl120 class challenge dungeon did not spawn the Nemesis, and instead I found him randomly walking around the Island of Skartara map. Killing him did yield the corresponding rewards

I have the same problem with my amazon the Nemesis never appears in dungeon
Dark Huntress
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Paladin Incarnation skill Servants of Valor bugged
the extra +max minions added by Conclave cannot be summoned
says max 9 on the skill, can only summon 5
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The new passive "Cold Blooded" from melee sorceress doesn't work with Warp Blades, only Crystal Sword.

If it is a bug, ok
If it is intended, its really confusing because Warp Blade is classified as "Sorceress Crystal Sword" and does work for the Requirement of Bladestorm "Can only be used with staff, orb and Crystal Sword"
1 | 0
Have a suggestion regarding the trade center.

Price checking has been an experience for a new player like myself. I've played a few seasons just messing around. Kind of starting to explore the trading side. I think the simpler change would be to add the option for the seller to add their own comment on the item, even add an optional screenshot. Allowing a descriptor for the items that have important variance. In turn making price checking easier, because from what I see a lot of the times comments are ty or whatever or just the item name. Which is what that is, a comment.

The more complicated way would make a trade procedure via site. Now idk if the devs are against something like this or if there's just limitations. To me it seems like the groundwork is there. I don't understand web development at all so if it's not that easy excuse my ignorance. Players are already receiving their trade gold, confirming they got it and then just giving the item to the person. There's even automation via the auction house. Now you can even look up players accounts and characters, inventory even.

Seems like all the data is already being sorted. What if you could sign into your account, flag an item in your inventory/stash as for trade. Put in your BIN/OBO/ONO + comments. The buyer can go in the trade center, look up an item, filter the stats, see sellers item stat for stat, create an offer within the parameters, seller can see offer, accept or deny, schedule delivery. Think of each transaction like a ticket, the buyer offering to buy the item creates this log, there's no actual discussion happening just comments on the offers and accepting/rejecting, it's just offer (accept or reject), once accepted it moves on to communication and scheduling via discord or however they wanna do it.

This will make trading more streamlined and more transparent for all skill levels. There's probably some better ways to do some parts of the system. Maybe if possible a message notification when an offer is made in-game? Idk the limitations, but just feel like the trading aspect could be better. Could always keep the current system as well for those that want to make a quick trade for basic stuff.

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Barbs Stampede bonus phys damage does not add damage to character sheet nor his attacks as far as I can tell
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Dunkbrother wrote:The new passive "Cold Blooded" from melee sorceress doesn't work with Warp Blades, only Crystal Sword.

If it is a bug, ok
If it is intended, its really confusing because Warp Blade is classified as "Sorceress Crystal Sword" and does work for the Requirement of Bladestorm "Can only be used with staff, orb and Crystal Sword"

Most likely because Warp blade is not an elemental base and the passive is for elemental builds, not phys. It's even stated on the skill tooltip that it needs a Crystal Sword.
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Killed Lilith and got no charm or anything- she just dropped nothing . Greetz
Jungle Hunter
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gunnzan wrote:
Dunkbrother wrote:The new passive "Cold Blooded" from melee sorceress doesn't work with Warp Blades, only Crystal Sword.

If it is a bug, ok
If it is intended, its really confusing because Warp Blade is classified as "Sorceress Crystal Sword" and does work for the Requirement of Bladestorm "Can only be used with staff, orb and Crystal Sword"

Most likely because Warp blade is not an elemental base and the passive is for elemental builds, not phys. It's even stated on the skill tooltip that it needs a Crystal Sword.

Starhawk is a very popular choice of weapon for elemental sorceresses and its an IED weapon. I think an exception should be made, this limitation punishes elemental builds for no reason