what is crush

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what does crush do?
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Thunder Beetle
50 | 5
In case you mean "crushing blow", it deals enemy % current hp on weapon based dmg hits
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B10H4zarD wrote:In case you mean "crushing blow", it deals enemy % current hp on weapon based dmg hits

there is a sorceress coven passive that states it crushes attackers for 3% upon being struck "vengeful power" is this the same as crushing blow? something tells me no
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Thunder Beetle
50 | 5
Ah, now i see. Question wasn't too precise.
Regarding vengeful power, i don't know tbh. I can only assume, it means a chance to put attacking mobs into hit animation to "stagger" / interrupt them.
Not sure tho
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Rust Claw
87 | 8
As I read in a sorc guide, it's the same as crushing blow.