Lite Server possibility?

Discuss Median XL!
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TL;DR: I would return this instant for a server with much higher drop rates overall for extremely rare stuff that would allow me to push endgame content.

I love MedianXL. I try very hard to convert D2:R players into this and often succeed to do so. I've been a Median player since about 2008-9. Seen it all. Loved almost all of it. But just like I've written in the "What would bring you back to MXL?", the grind is way, waaaaaaay, waaaaa(x1m)y too much for me.

My post there for context:

So giving this some thought, I figured there would be many dad boomers like me here in this lovely community. Got a job, wife, kid, side hustles and all that which leaves little to no time for actual gaming. But we're also hardcore gamers at heart - at least I am. I still played lots of the grind. Never made it past Scosglen but still, had my fun with the grind while I could.

But then again, it's too much.

Which brings me to a point where I would most definitely play a whole lot more, if I didn't have to commit a thousand hours into finding a shard that would only improve my gear by 30% chance, otherwise breaking it. So the point is,

Would the team be willing to think about a lite server here? With much higher drop rates for no-timers like me?

Upvote if you are like me so that they see the numbers.

P.S. I would be fine if it was only single player really...
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Would be cool to see non ladder always with Goblins
Lava Lord
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I'd go crazy for a server with high drop rate, unlimited respecs, and unlimited sprint.
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Ice Clan
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Trang Oul
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No, please.

First: do not split the community.

Second: such an "easy mode" server would kill the original one - first the majority of players would migrate, to the point that maintaining the original server for just a handful of hardcore players would be a waste of resources, then any nerf on the easy mode would be met with fierce opposition.
Just look how players react to proposals of nerfing Hammerdin, Enigma, Infinity and recently Mosaic - objectively broken OP stuff - on official and unofficial D2R fora.
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Trang Oul wrote:No, please.

First: do not split the community.

Second: such an "easy mode" server would kill the original one - first the majority of players would migrate, to the point that maintaining the original server for just a handful of hardcore players would be a waste of resources, then any nerf on the easy mode would be met with fierce opposition.
Just look how players react to proposals of nerfing Hammerdin, Enigma, Infinity and recently Mosaic - objectively broken OP stuff - on official and unofficial D2R fora.

Whats the difference online these days? Most ppl play for a month then quit.
Cow Ninja
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Berkabus1 wrote:Whats the difference online these days? Most ppl play for a month then quit.

If you don't understand by this point that that's how literally every seasonal game works, I don't know how to help you. In ARPGs with seasons, half the players quit each month. Hell, our player retention chart looks a little bit better than PoE's if you account for the fact that they have like 100x the players.

We're no Fortnite, they manage to keep like 2/3 of their audience around after patch week, but that's just the nature of the game.

That out of the way - patches after 2.7 are going to be a lot more like Goblin Season was as we start work in earnest on what 3.0's going to be. Maintaining three versions of the mod at the same time (2.x end of life, 3.0 new dev, and whatever "lite server" might be) I'd call quite unlikely, though we do have an Ultimative XVI server up for those who are interested in that. Not well advertised but it's there :D
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Trang Oul wrote:No, please.

First: do not split the community.

Second: such an "easy mode" server would kill the original one - first the majority of players would migrate, to the point that maintaining the original server for just a handful of hardcore players would be a waste of resources, then any nerf on the easy mode would be met with fierce opposition.
Just look how players react to proposals of nerfing Hammerdin, Enigma, Infinity and recently Mosaic - objectively broken OP stuff - on official and unofficial D2R fora.

Lol, if you are responding to my proposition of NL with constant Goblin season, then IF what you're saying were even remotely true, then nobody would even jump to Ladder because all the good shit would still be on non-ladder. Grow up. People play ladder for the challenge of it and those players would not drop to NL because there are goblins... makes zero sense what you said.
Trang Oul
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No, it was about a separate easy mode realm, proposed by flamacore.
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Pit Knight
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LoL xD because community is not separated at this point right? xD You got few hundret people who care about ladder, and i kinda bet a bit more than few hundret of those who never saw an end game here, and due to lack of skill or time or whatever other reason they wont see end game ever.

At this point ask yourself a question if easing leveling up and gathering eq wouldnt be actually a better idea for everyone ( especially those who cant spend xx hours farming shit would now actively try to hit end game content). The only problem i can see here is the TG currency, people wouldnt need it anymore so there would need to be different way to donate to server...

Keep updates, buff/nerfs, just add higher % of drops and everyone will be happy (maybe not those who already spent xxxx amount on currency but hey.. just give them other way to spend it or something)