D2Stats 4.0.0

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"Scepter \(Angelic\)" {5-6 to All Skills} rare purple sound3
"Shield \(Angelic\)" {[4-5] to All Skills} rare magic purple sound3
"(Shield) \(Sacred\)" {[9-15] Physical Resist|[2-5]to All Skills} magic purple sound3
"Full Helm \(Angelic\)" {[4] to All Skills} rare purple sound3
"Gauntlets \(Angelic\)" {[2-4] to All Skills} rare purple sound3
"(Belt|Boots) \(Angelic\)" {[2-3] to All Skills} rare purple sound3
"(Belt|Gauntlets) \(Angelic\)" {(3[1-9]|40) to Maximum Damage|(4[1-9]|50) to all Attributes|[20|25]% Combat Speeds} {(3[1-9]|40) to Maximum Damage|(4[1-9]|50) to all Attributes|[20|25]% Combat Speeds} rare purple
"Light Plate \(Angelic\)" {[5-6] to All Skills} rare purple sound3
"Long Staff \(Angelic\)" {10-12 to All Skills} rare purple sound3
"(War Sword|Morning Star|Military Pick|Dagger) \(Angelic\)" {(1[3-9][0-9] to Minimum|2[2-9][0-9] to Maximum)} purple sound3
"(Crossbow|Trident) \(Angelic\)" {((1[8-9][0-9]|2[0-9][0-9]) to Minimum|[3-4][0-9][0-9] to Maximum|7-9 to All Skills)} purple sound3
"Giant Sword \(Angelic\)" {((1[8-9][0-9]|2[0-9][0-9]) to Minimum|3[0-9][0-9] to Maximum)} purple sound3
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Bone Archer
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Now I want to filter cossbow with add damage from min more than 200 to max more than 400, how do I write it guys?
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Vanngancabg wrote:Now I want to filter cossbow with add damage from min more than 200 to max more than 400, how do I write it guys?

"crossbow" angelic rare {(1[89]\d|2\d\d)-[34]\d\d damage} purple
match with crossbow min 180-299, max 300-499. Even with such numbers it's extremely rare.
\d matches with any number. Numbers in brackets matches with any bracket number, like [89] matches with 8 and with 9.
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Bone Archer
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felix0808 wrote:
Vanngancabg wrote:Now I want to filter cossbow with add damage from min more than 200 to max more than 400, how do I write it guys?

"crossbow" angelic rare {(1[89]\d|2\d\d)-[34]\d\d damage} purple
match with crossbow min 180-299, max 300-499. Even with such numbers it's extremely rare.
\d matches with any number. Numbers in brackets matches with any bracket number, like [89] matches with 8 and with 9.

It also reports fire, light, and cold damage. Is there a way to just use the damage? Thank you.
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Vanngancabg wrote:It also reports fire, light, and cold damage. Is there a way to just use the damage? Thank you.

Are you sure you copied my string? because it shouldn't react on fcl damage. Maybe you have another lines that reacts on fcl damage. Also my string should be purple color. If it not purple, then it triggers because of another line.
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Bone Archer
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felix0808 wrote:
Vanngancabg wrote:It also reports fire, light, and cold damage. Is there a way to just use the damage? Thank you.

Are you sure you copied my string? because it shouldn't react on fcl damage. Maybe you have another lines that reacts on fcl damage. Also my string should be purple color. If it not purple, then it triggers because of another line.

Thank you very much. Can you explain each command component {(1[89]\d|2\d\d)-[34]\d\d damage} in detail? I have never seen this type of structure before. Thanks
Edited by Vanngancabg 2 months.
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in quotation marks "" and curly {} brackets you can write any regular expression.

[sgz]word - matches with words sword, gword and zword
[1-5] skills - matches with 1 skills, 2 skills... 5 skills
[15y] skills - matches with 1 skills, 5 skills, y skills

. - matches with any character
\d - matches with any number
\d\d c..d - matches with words 25 cold, 32 casd, 05 c 2d...

^ - means the line should start from this symbol
^axe - matches with words axe, axe cool, but not with double axe
$ - means the line should end with this symbol
axe$ - matches with words axe, double axe, but not with axe cool

if you want logical OR operation, like you want to match with either `large` or `broad`, you need to wrap expression in round () brackets and put | between
(large|broad) axe - matches with words large axe, broad axe
I used it because we need to cover 18x and 2xx range - (1[89]\d|2\d\d)

You can try this syntax here - https://regexr.com/8a7ls
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Bone Archer
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felix0808 wrote:in quotation marks "" and curly {} brackets you can write any regular expression.

[sgz]word - matches with words sword, gword and zword
[1-5] skills - matches with 1 skills, 2 skills... 5 skills
[15y] skills - matches with 1 skills, 5 skills, y skills

. - matches with any character
\d - matches with any number
\d\d c..d - matches with words 25 cold, 32 casd, 05 c 2d...

^ - means the line should start from this symbol
^axe - matches with words axe, axe cool, but not with double axe
$ - means the line should end with this symbol
axe$ - matches with words axe, double axe, but not with axe cool

if you want logical OR operation, like you want to match with either `large` or `broad`, you need to wrap expression in round () brackets and put | between
(large|broad) axe - matches with words large axe, broad axe
I used it because we need to cover 18x and 2xx range - (1[89]\d|2\d\d)

You can try this syntax here - https://regexr.com/8a7ls

Thank You
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Azadi wrote:

4.1.6 Changelog:


-Removed show/hide flags
You need to change old filters so no "show" or "hide" tags are used, since 2.10 will probably break how items are filtered by D2Stats

-Added ability to filter on "Socketed" stat (socket display for items without sockets still shows up when using 'stat' with some items eg. runes or shrines)
-Added "Ctrl + S" hotkey for saving notifier
-Updated notifier help page
-Removed toggle show items on ground (added to base game)
-Removed DropFilter.dll and all associated code (added to base game)
-Removed "Continue attacking when monster under cursor dies" (added to base game)
-Minor code cleanup


is it now no longer possible to hide certain items on d2stats?
158 | 16
Is it possible to somehow hide the type of item displayed, and on some items the name? I would like to see something similar to the 3rd and 4th screenshots