Taem wrote: I feel in time, it will get closer to stats.
Its impossible. Simple Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V will never works ingame. And many-many other small things. It will never be as convenient as d2stats, the game itself is not designed for this. If they want, then let them make their own loot filter, but why break something that worked perfectly? And so it turns out that both are still needed and both work poorly.
It would be better to address the desynchronization problem. I'm not sure, but everything points to the fact that the problem is in the speed of the game, in thousands of mobs on the screen, in millions of hits per second by the player, billions of hits per second from mobs, in the reactive movement of the player and mobs. The problem is in the network code from Blizzard, it cannot be changed. But devs can slow down the game. Yes, it will not be as dynamic, but all the skills will work as they should. There will be no deaths off-screen, and every death from an unknown cause will not be annoying. Right now, two builds for the assassin simply don't work as they should because of this.
And wasting time on a loot filter, which has been around for a long time (d2stats), is more of a sabotage than something good. Sorry for my English, some words are taken from Google Translate.