well, i got an idea about trap assassin.
as the playstyle is, well, something, not many ppl play the build (which i like, because parts are cheap that way... wait. no, its a shame actually).
i think while it shines at bossing, farming is atrocious.
one solution that will not change her power level against bosses (which is very fine, if you use clockwork slippers for 10sec catalyst cooldown) would be this:
give catalyst trap a small chance (like 1% or even less) to recover the cooldown immediately if monsters in the trap area are killed (make it like a fast nova or smthg). this would enable the use of catalyst trap while farming, thus speeding up the process a lot, especially in the earlier game, when your combined lightning trap dmg is below 15k.
frankly i just hope the build doesn't get nuked in 3.0