2.10 Bugs and Feedback

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My mule's
Mystic Orb

Right-Click to Apply
12% Block Speed
12% Hit Recovery
1% Chance to Avoid Damage
+10 Required Level
UMO had an interesting new mechanic. Might only be visual i didnt check. Mule only has invisible clothes equipped (fully naked).
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Hello, I'm not sure if this was already reported but, I'm playing a Crossbow Necro. When I have Widowmaker Skill selected on the left click I can't interact with zone entrances, have to switch to Normal Attack to enter the next zone and then switch back. Cheers! Thanks
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The summon Oskills from the assassin runeword shield Dar-Al-Harb (FalUm) do not summon anything. it does take the mana.
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Can't be the first one to bring this up, but I will try anyway:

The nicest thing that could happen to summon paladin is making spark of hope into an aura or an aoe buff. Casting it on each servant, merc, self and oskill summon individually is such a pain :(
Son of Lucion
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Splargh wrote:Can't be the first one to bring this up, but I will try anyway:

The nicest thing that could happen to summon paladin is making spark of hope into an aura or an aoe buff. Casting it on each servant, merc, self and oskill summon individually is such a pain :(

Monkey King
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well, i got an idea about trap assassin.

as the playstyle is, well, something, not many ppl play the build (which i like, because parts are cheap that way... wait. no, its a shame actually).

i think while it shines at bossing, farming is atrocious.

one solution that will not change her power level against bosses (which is very fine, if you use clockwork slippers for 10sec catalyst cooldown) would be this:
give catalyst trap a small chance (like 1% or even less) to recover the cooldown immediately if monsters in the trap area are killed (make it like a fast nova or smthg). this would enable the use of catalyst trap while farming, thus speeding up the process a lot, especially in the earlier game, when your combined lightning trap dmg is below 15k.

frankly i just hope the build doesn't get nuked in 3.0 :-|
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Blood Golem
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sistersanguine wrote:Bug

The summon Oskills from the assassin runeword shield Dar-Al-Harb (FalUm) do not summon anything. it does take the mana.

Smth disallow you to use summon skills. Read carefully your skills description. I very sure it's Melee devotion or Subterfuge.
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Update to my EQ bug.

After some testing, it appears the + damage is applied on the first hit, only if you actually slap the dummy. If you try to just hit with the AoE it is not applied.

Or it hits twice? Its hard to tell.
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The description of samael upgrade is wrong, spent few tries to figure it out

You don't need great rune and signets. You need to cube only unlocked charm. Also pls write in brackets, that you need to kill him between 1:00 and 1:59 on timer.
Pit Knight
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Is there a way to lower the volume on some skills or remove/change the sound entirely?

Started a necro summoner and with just skeletons hitting things the audio is incredible, you can hear all the enemies and what's going on.

Then you get an Abyss Knight and the cast sound is loud and full of treble, even with just a single knight casting. It's the loudest thing you hear. Enemy grunts and their skills are like half the volume compared to the knight.

This highlights a lot of problems with the audio for skills, which are too loud and with too much treble and high frequencies, like in the cymbals range. Pounce zon, wyrmshot, magic missile all are horribly loud and very unsatisfying listening to for extended periods of time.