2.10 Bugs and Feedback

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Cow Ninja
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fakefresh wrote:I'm playing cold sorc and putting a point into vengeful power says that I should be getting +8% max life, however my character is gaining 0 life from allocating this.

U get it the moment u select veng power u just didnt see the hp change. When u lv up check ur full hp and then put a point in it.
Jungle Hunter
29 | 13
2% chance to cast level 3 Cascade on kill on rare quivers causes your character to be unable to use any skill while cascade is casting.
I am playing bowzon holding left click wyrmshot and tapping control to shoot, if I use a quiver w/ this proc, i will occasionally run even with ctrl held, it makes any quiver with this affix unusable.

Also, while the show items key is held if you are moving around with your mouse and you release the click while hovering an item, your mouse gets stuck held down until you click again, very annoying - I am using D2GL, no hd text.
4 | 0
smartasss wrote:
fakefresh wrote:I'm playing cold sorc and putting a point into vengeful power says that I should be getting +8% max life, however my character is gaining 0 life from allocating this.

U get it the moment u select veng power u just didnt see the hp change. When u lv up check ur full hp and then put a point in it.

I used a belladonna to respec my character and when going from 0 points to 10 points my characters hp never changed.
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Shadowgate Totem
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fakefresh wrote:I used a belladonna to respec my character and when going from 0 points to 10 points my characters hp never changed.

Just tested it. 791 hp with 0 points in Vengeful Power, put a single point to it and 850 hp.
4 | 0
Jampula wrote:
fakefresh wrote:I used a belladonna to respec my character and when going from 0 points to 10 points my characters hp never changed.

Just tested it. 791 hp with 0 points in Vengeful Power, put a single point to it and 850 hp.

Ok I'll have to check it again, maybe I made a mistake
4 | 0
Jampula wrote:
fakefresh wrote:I used a belladonna to respec my character and when going from 0 points to 10 points my characters hp never changed.

Just tested it. 791 hp with 0 points in Vengeful Power, put a single point to it and 850 hp.

Yeah it turns out it was just a visual bug with the life updating.
Azure Drake
171 | 4
I really love the enchant scrolls! I hope that you guys keep them. They add another layer of customizability and min/maxing in the end game that I really enjoy. You could rotate the scrolls to power up different skills each season and keep things fresh. Or you could add an occult effigy that allows you to double enchant an item with a 2nd scroll. Please please keep them in going forward!

Also, I like the halloween event a lot, although half the time i end up crashing or disconnecting. What i like about it is - it's a benchmark for my character that costs nothing. Rather than put in a t10 riftstone after a respec, i can pop into the halloween event for 10 minutes quickly and see how things feel. I like that a lot. I would love to see you guys keep the event around, even if you have to change the rewards or nerf the charm.

Although the halloween charm with +4 max res seems overpowered, I do think it opens up more possibilities and makes things more viable which I like. It lowers the bar for people to get into lab and makes more builds possible in the end game, and I really like that.

Lastly, some general feedback on Azurewrath. I found one this season and was already playing throw barb. So I rebuilt my character to use azurewrath with conflux / primordial strike. When I first found the item, I was so excited to make a really great build. But I gotta be honest, I was a bit disappointed. Builds that are just using a budget Dawn RW in a crystal sword were doing considerably more damage than me because they get to take nephalem spirit. And they had really great sustain as well because they would run Hellfire plate with the life spark on striking, while i was using Arkaine's valor. I must have respecced 15+ times this season trying to min max the Azurewrath barbarian build, trying out different setups etc. Ultimately the build is tanky, but the damage is not great in the ultra end game content compared to many others. I felt like I should have been stronger. Talking with other top barbs and asking for advice, one person told me "azurewrath is for noobs", lol. It seems like a trap, it has been nerfed too many times. And yea I cant imagine playing it without the new occult effigy that gives life spark on the weapon, and the enchant scroll that gives life spark on striking on gloves - it would have been considerably worse. I would love to see some azurewrath buffs. For an item that is this rare and iconic, i felt like i should have been much stronger. My final snapshot with tons of umos pretty much maxed out https://median-xl.com/char/bladebeam/db55. I will say, it was pretty cool to be able to facetank t10 phoboss on players 3 and not really have to worry. The kill time was slower though compared to assassin or sorc or many other people who could do it as well that I ran with.

And one more thing regarding rift progression late game. Most seasons I do not finish all of my star charts and dream fragments, even after reaching 150. I feel that if I grind out 150, I should definitely be able to finish my key by the end. I would love to see maybe a drop chance increase for those pieces perhaps in t9/t10 rifts. I must have killed phoboss 20+ times this season and never got his fragment which is really disappointing. If I hit 150, I should have a finished key at that point - that's my opinion at least.

Overall it was a super fun season. One of the best ever, and getting to play with azurewrath was really fun!
Stone Warrior
34 | 0
I wanted to play as a necromancer, but this error pops up when I reached level 29. And the game crashes. Although it shows up fine with other characters. I tried from different computers, but the result is the same. How can this problem be solved? This is the second necromancer I wanted to play. I deleted the first one.
I think this is due to the overflow of memory for this character.
2 | 0
I have D2+LOD in polish translation. I do have PL dubbing, but all the dialogue option beside introduction and gossip are gone. I don't need translation for Median things, only to original D2 dialogues working as they should.

Same with quest menu. You should have dialogue tab in which you can listen to quest dialogue.

What's happening? Please, just fix it! I'm sure it's not that big of a deal, cuz I've played Median in non-Resurrected times and all the dialogues were not a problem...
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Another played mentioned this to me, but I was dumb enough try it out myself. Apparently grey text of
Field Plate (Sacred)

Defense: 2699 to 3206
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 120
Guard Tower: +1 Arrow
Cherubim: +(50-75) Magic Damage per Skill Level
If you have at least 30 Levels in any of the following Skills:
ATMG, Charged Strike, Cherubim, Guard Tower, Lex Talionis, Rock Shock, Time Wave
+20% Slow Target
+100 Life after each Kill
+20% Chance of Crushing Blow
Physical Damage Reduced by 150
5% Chance to cast level 10 Thunder Hammer on Striking
Weapon Physical Damage +(200 to 250)%
Elemental Resists +50%
Physical Resist (15 to 20)%
Socketed (6)
does not work with Cherubim.