2.10 Bugs and Feedback

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Stone Warrior
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Hey guys.

Just got done running update, so i know my stuff should be up to date.
Long time player here, enjoying the run once again. However, one thing is driving me bananas.

And that is the Sapphire. Amongst the original school of gems, it's the only one that adds (Cold) resist to armor slots. Which is redundant, because the Onyx is better (Max resists), and fits in-line with this school of gems.

I feel this is a programming error, and if i'm not mistaken, the sapphire should have mana regen or something if i remember the older version correctly.

~~~Me and my dad are enjoying the game immensely, but he showed me his gems and i was like "wtf" lol. It's not a massive thing, but it definitely caught my attention

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Afaik, Cherubim only gets 6 targets at a time, which limits this oskill to be not efficient in labs for already many ladders ever since 3 or 4 fpa was made not possible(or without op items like super relics/strong blood relics/scrolls). Hope it gets buffed to 8+ targets at a time in future patches, and this change will turn many existing builds from ordinary to good.

Btw, the efforts that were made to add some little magic dmg to Cherubim in 2.10 and patches before clearly did not work well. Just try to give it more targets from 6 to 8+! :)


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there's 2 things. 1 is bug report and 1 is qol.

incarnation paladin can get fake dragonbone armor effect which when casted it will make 1 out of 3 armor as fresh (it actually lowered from 2 by casting it). put the skill on cooldown.
later test seems to indicate it was not properly absorbing any damage while putting skill in 20 seconds cooldown. Tested at viz zin and I started to get damage before buff is off. I died with buff icon on. On same game against same enemy it took around 5 seconds for armor to be broken and then I started to get damage (normal function I presume).

The other thing I wanna talk about is access to heroic library of fate. since it is small area and which takes around 1.5 minutes to full clear for optimized character, it is unreasonable to make scroll every time, it gets really annoying really fast. Either expand the place by 5 or so times or make it like fauzt access, when I farm for angelic I don't think 2 angelic item costs is any meaningful.
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The orange lines on
Bastard Sword (Sacred)

One-Hand Damage: 44 to 47
Two-Hand Damage: 70 to 72
(Necromancer Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 535
Item Level: 120
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.16 per Strength)%
Pestilence: duration reduced by 50%
Pestilence: regenerates 4% of Maximum Life per Second
25% Chance to cast level 50 Veil King Plague Grasp on Melee Attack
200% Bonus to Attack Rating
+100% to Poison Spell Damage
+60 to Stormlord
Slow Target 25%
+200 Life after each Kill
2% Reanimate as: Veil Terror
Socketed (4)
doesn't work. It's neither reduce pestilence duration nor increase hp regeneration :cry:
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Stone Warrior
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Xazax trophy description doesnt match actual trophy benefits


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Suggestion: All Sacred rare items receive max sockets.

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Suggestion: Filtering for Corruption Outcomes

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Edited by altoiddealer 1 month.
Son of Lucion
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Make "eaten" star charts and dream frags at dimensionaL key marked as done. Right now I do not remember at my key whether char chart 5 or dream frag 5 is missing, one of these is .
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Ice Clan
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Suggestion: Rift Inspectors for uber Library of Fate rift
Monkey King
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for next patch, please double check all trophy challenge descriptions in game as well as on the docs. there are some inconsistencies that might create confusion (missing class locked line in vizjun challenge desc, xazax charm stated slow target bonus still,..., wp reqirements for dunc and vizjun...).
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Maybe this is a bug . I'm not sure . At 30 sec . My buff Laz challenge was removed . But i don't get any damage from Black Hand Totem ( my bad english )