momope wrote:Is there a way to lower the volume on some skills or remove/change the sound entirely?
Started a necro summoner and with just skeletons hitting things the audio is incredible, you can hear all the enemies and what's going on.
Then you get an Abyss Knight and the cast sound is loud and full of treble, even with just a single knight casting. It's the loudest thing you hear. Enemy grunts and their skills are like half the volume compared to the knight.
This highlights a lot of problems with the audio for skills, which are too loud and with too much treble and high frequencies, like in the cymbals range. Pounce zon, wyrmshot, magic missile all are horribly loud and very unsatisfying listening to for extended periods of time.
I feel like most people turn (off) the in-game music, and turn (down) the in-game sound-fx, and put (on) some music they desire to listen to. Maybe this will also work for you?