EksZonDe - Magic Missiles Amazon

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Alright then. Some proper feedback on the guide huh? Alright then.

Gear section and introduction:

Well explained, including breakpoints etc and adding the survivability does help for players just starting to play bloodzon so credit for that. Good start specially with a video.
Linking your twitch is a good as you could add a command in the stream linking directly to the guide as well unless you havn't already. Nothing else really.

Skill section is good and I like that you took your time to explain TU's, crafts etc in the end of it including special mentions like the collector.

The uber section:

Adding stuff like "walk in and kill" looks very lazy and isn't really appliable for most of the stuff. Simply adding basic information like what to look out for really helps even if the uber itself is easy. The people reading guides needs all the help they can get.
Even on things like infernal machine you could add monsters to look out for etc, not 100% needed but good information for new players.

Special mentions:

LoB: Might be good to include a line or two that fire resistance is needed and that you need to avoid the death proc of the blood golems.

BPR: While he is easier now with the removal of 1show cowrush it's still not as braindead as you say for new players.

Heart of sin: Fire resistance is needed, people ask for help with azmo all the time on stronger builds.

Hell baal: It's really not just walk in and kill, end of story. Worth mentioning that he manadrains so getting manapots is a good idea and avoid summons.

Triune: Not an easy uber for starters, it gets easy once you learn how to control the AI of lucion. Add in this IX bow runeword on switch for dominate oskill (longer duration charm). No need to respec for this.

Yshari: It's really not anything useful in what you wrote in regards of helping out which is what a guide is for. It takes some time sure but is that vital information? Include what kind of damage the bosses/mini bosses do and include special mentions for each area and add a link to the map at least.

Uldyssian: While it isn't too hard but mostly tedious if you know what you are doing, this isn't the case for 90% of players. It should be in hard ubers.

Viz-jun: Stack dr, get as much life as possible and respecing to pounce simply for the passive and mobility (yes I said respecing, it's a part of median and optimizing for ubers is a must unless you got huge patience, if you don't that's fine but it does make it a lot easier.

The void: Really this piece of text is just unnecessary. Explain that you have to collect the scrolls from each monster and give a basic line or two what each boss does and maybe even include a link to the map.

Laz: Super hard uber and almost undoable for new players so it's hard to give advice, there is however videos of people killing him with amazon so it might be worth linking them at least and explain some goals that you might want to reach, such as maxblock or close to it and 110k ar for 94-95% chance to hit. And that you need 25% slow.

Generally not a bad guide regarding everything but the ubers as they could be explained so much more. Good start but could use improvement to help players that are new to class/build.
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Hey just wanna say awesome guide! It's really helped me out. Would you be able to provide the bases we should be using when we enchanted craft upgrade from TUs? Not sure if it's worth using sacred bases due to the high stat req. Thanks!
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Stygian Watcher
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Xipher wrote:Hey just wanna say awesome guide! It's really helped me out. Would you be able to provide the bases we should be using when we enchanted craft upgrade from TUs? Not sure if it's worth using sacred bases due to the high stat req. Thanks!

You can only use shrines on sacred items.
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No section on merc on a character that has massive merc synergy means you're dying every 2 minutes and can't farm dfauzt.

No mention of weapon switch.

No word on jewelcrafts on a character that uses full jewelcrafts.

demonshalo wrote:Second Variation (viable now in late game due to Sigma changes):

It wasn't just viable, it was always the main choice from the get go (paragon is not a bloodzon uberskill and recommending it as a baseline choice is chuck-awful). You're a character that gets like +200% life modifier with SoV. That means you're getting 6 life per base vitality.

800 extra points in vitality = +4.8k life
20x 40 life jewelcrafts instead of useless ptopaz = +2.4k life
= 7.2k life
= bacchanalia + vit = paragon with double damage

Thing is you could replace every single offensive mod in your itemization with mf and %DR (which results in higher effective life than your paragon setup) with SoV and deal the same damage. That's how bad it is. You could even go max block and get the same damage.

Being able to trigger bacchanalia manually was a buff to SoV and you're still recommending paragon... what?

Your entire mid-game setup has zero EF and you're going full energy with ptopaz out of all things on a character that already has very high EF damage... it's just horrible and pain to watch/read. You're literally missing half your dps/protection in mid game and for what? Extra mana?

demonshalo wrote:And the fact that there ever was OW requirement goes to show that all of it was poorly thought out from the start.

Open wounds & AR was never a problem for any caster ever (crafted guided arrow/arrow swarm bow with slow moed with AR and pames), and even less so for a bloodzon with 25k health, 1p war spirit, defensive harmony and ecstatic frenzy. I think the only reason it was removed was the removal of double MO from crafts + being an "obscure" mechanic.

Crying about everything you don't like is just making this guide a cringe to read, I even opened up your stream and the first thing I hear is baby tier cry about open wound purify "broken mechanics". I closed instantly. The problem was never the mechanic, it was your inability to adapt. Just like your build is horribly optimized.

RandomOnions wrote:can you even summon the void final fight? It's afterall not magic missiles, stretching beyond your skillbuild (1 point barrage) and a bow on switch is hardly a full respec

Why would you respec to anything from a bloodzon? What the fuck is "hardly a full respec"? Twitch chat is that way :coolstorybob:
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RandomOnions wrote:Alright then. Some proper feedback on the guide huh? Alright then.

Gear section and introduction:

Well explained, including breakpoints etc and adding the survivability does help for players just starting to play bloodzon so credit for that. Good start specially with a video.
Linking your twitch is a good as you could add a command in the stream linking directly to the guide as well unless you havn't already. Nothing else really.

Skill section is good and I like that you took your time to explain TU's, crafts etc in the end of it including special mentions like the collector.

The uber section:

Adding stuff like "walk in and kill" looks very lazy and isn't really appliable for most of the stuff. Simply adding basic information like what to look out for really helps even if the uber itself is easy. The people reading guides needs all the help they can get.
Even on things like infernal machine you could add monsters to look out for etc, not 100% needed but good information for new players.

Special mentions:

LoB: Might be good to include a line or two that fire resistance is needed and that you need to avoid the death proc of the blood golems.

BPR: While he is easier now with the removal of 1show cowrush it's still not as braindead as you say for new players.

Heart of sin: Fire resistance is needed, people ask for help with azmo all the time on stronger builds.

Hell baal: It's really not just walk in and kill, end of story. Worth mentioning that he manadrains so getting manapots is a good idea and avoid summons.

Triune: Not an easy uber for starters, it gets easy once you learn how to control the AI of lucion. Add in this IX bow runeword on switch for dominate oskill (longer duration charm). No need to respec for this.

Yshari: It's really not anything useful in what you wrote in regards of helping out which is what a guide is for. It takes some time sure but is that vital information? Include what kind of damage the bosses/mini bosses do and include special mentions for each area and add a link to the map at least.

Uldyssian: While it isn't too hard but mostly tedious if you know what you are doing, this isn't the case for 90% of players. It should be in hard ubers.

Viz-jun: Stack dr, get as much life as possible and respecing to pounce simply for the passive and mobility (yes I said respecing, it's a part of median and optimizing for ubers is a must unless you got huge patience, if you don't that's fine but it does make it a lot easier.

The void: Really this piece of text is just unnecessary. Explain that you have to collect the scrolls from each monster and give a basic line or two what each boss does and maybe even include a link to the map.

Laz: Super hard uber and almost undoable for new players so it's hard to give advice, there is however videos of people killing him with amazon so it might be worth linking them at least and explain some goals that you might want to reach, such as maxblock or close to it and 110k ar for 94-95% chance to hit. And that you need 25% slow.

Generally not a bad guide regarding everything but the ubers as they could be explained so much more. Good start but could use improvement to help players that are new to class/build.

See, this is what I wanted from the beginning. A fruitful (heh fruit) constructive feedback post to help me improve things.

This is very well put together so I will make sure to edit and fix it in line with some of your notes. In addition, I will make sure to add you to the special thanks column as this legitimately deserves it.

Thank you good sir!
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cowking wrote:...

So Cowking, how would you build a MM Zon, any pointers you would share please?
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cowking wrote: ...

Why dont you write your own guide then?
I mean, there are lots of new people comming to sigma, every single one of them is happy to see a guide that helps them to gear properly and place their points into the right skills.

Sigma is 1 week old, this guy is streaming / playing / entertaining and answering every single question on his stream. And he also is taking his time to write a guide for others. Ofc he can improve his guide, im sure he will. But after all its a very good basic and you dont need to shit talk it down.

cowking wrote:800 extra points in vitality = +4.8k life
20x 40 life jewelcrafts instead of useless ptopaz = +2.4k life
= 7.2k life
= bacchanalia + vit = paragon with double damage

And this shows us that you have no clue about playing this char.
How will you manage your mana with your 800 extra points in vitality?
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blenderr wrote:So Cowking, how would you build a MM Zon, any pointers you would share please?

Use SoV with jewelcrafts
Get energy to 500 with charms, rest vit, if you're having mana problems get mana regen(outside jewelry)/or mana after kill
EF damage from pure energy drops sharply after ~500 energy (+177% dmg @500 energy vs +210% damage @1k energy)
I don't know how badly level lockout affects your life progression due to belial/astro charms in sigma

Manu300000 wrote:Why dont you write your own guide then?

Because I haven't played a bloodzon in sigma?

Manu300000 wrote:Sigma is 1 week old, this guy is streaming / playing / entertaining and answering every single question on his stream. And he also is taking his time to write a guide for others. Ofc he can improve his guide, im sure he will. But after all its a very good basic and you dont need to shit talk it down.

This is not your personal safe space. This is the guide section in the internet for a mod for a 20 year old game where your postings will be criticized by anyone who wants to or sees fit, without repercussion.

Your understanding of "talking shit down" is utterly perverted by corrupted modern society, and you're probably raised in all the wrong ways by ignorant, weak low IQ parents and teachers.

I'm not accountable to you or your feelings in any way. You jiff?

Manu300000 wrote:And this shows us that you have no clue about playing this char.
How will you manage your mana with your 800 extra points in vitality?

Because you first always make sure you have at least 500 energy and mana regen? Last I checked magic missiles was the cheapest mana cost in the tree and spamming it was nearly free. Even if you multiply nearly free with 1.2, it's still essentially free.
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cowking wrote:
This is not your personal safe space. This is the guide section in the internet for a mod for a 20 year old game where your postings will be critized by anyone who wants to or sees fit.

Your understanding of "talking shit down" is utterly perverted by corrupted modern society, and you're probably raised in all the wrong ways by ignorant, weak low IQ parents and teachers.

I'm not accountable to you or your feelings in any way. You jiff?

:roll: :lol:
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cowking wrote:No section on merc on a character that has massive merc synergy means you're dying every 2 minutes and can't farm dfauzt.

Would you have tips for merc synergy and a weapon switch? I was eager to find out how that would work out! :) I'll check the archived builds in the meantime.