OverSky wrote:Hey guys any tips for Antanna ? I'm nearly 200 power so dmg is decent, but with mere 11k hp it's quite tough to survive her magic spam.
I'm running 1H set-up (11k HP, 140 power, 1 million def) but I'll share my experience. Hope it's helpful for you.
If you're trying to do it as fresh 125-6-7lvl character better gather other charms and come back at lvl 130+ at least, it would be much easier.
I'll try to summarize the main threats in the fight:
Static witches - I would always search for a screen wide place without them because their knockback can be enough for her to burst me down. There are no witches where the portal is, but I didn't really like to fight her there so somewhere else around the map was better for me and this last my last option.
Her TP on you - This one hurts, but you can still use it in your favour (that's how I almost killed her as fresh 125lvl character). Wait for her to jump on you - cast SoR, attack couple of times, cast SoR again and run. Get back to max health and approach her again with the same tactic. A bit annoying and it would take time but definitely doable.
Green things that move sideways - Be careful to not stand in a place where 2 of them would meet as this does a lot of damage and she could possibly burst you.
Other damage sources of the fight were negligible.
Be careful when trying to run from her to refresh (get back to max health, re-buff and so-on). Start by running from her a bit and when she's at the end of your screen TP away. This way she won't TP on you.
Always have a potion on and stack up in the inventory as well.
I'm currently at lvl 133 and can kill her 8/10 times by simply namelocking her and drinking 1 belt of potions for around 1:30-2:00 minutes. I don't even bother to cast SoR on her to not interrupt the namelock. The other 2/10 times need a bit more time and running from her once or twice to refresh, mainly due to static withes being a pain in the ass.
If you still have troubles with her, I'll give you F/C/L charm. Just PM me.