Median XL Offline Tools v0.6.4

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187 | 19
Update when?
187 | 19
If you don't have time to keep the data up-to-date with new versions can you at least write a step-by-step guide on how to create it?
Also how does it behave when different languages are supported unevenly? I see a `ru` folder in the data files of 2.6, what happens when only an `en` folder gets updated for 2.7 and then the program refers to a value absent from `ru` folder? Because it's C++ I assume it just crashes with a cryptic error.
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BearBearderBarb wrote:If you don't have time to keep the data up-to-date with new versions can you at least write a step-by-step guide on how to create it?

you need source txt files for that which of course are not available. Plan to do during the week.
BearBearderBarb wrote:Also how does it behave when different languages are supported unevenly? I see a `ru` folder in the data files of 2.6, what happens when only an `en` folder gets updated for 2.7 and then the program refers to a value absent from `ru` folder? Because it's C++ I assume it just crashes with a cryptic error.

yes, usually it simply crashes when trying to access a null pointer
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Jitan, Come On
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Where can i get numbers for sets? Talking about sorting/sets.txt file. Druid's nature set is missing and in order to add it i would need set number.
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Hi, is the tool safe to use on current MXL?
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Jitan, Come On wrote:Where can i get numbers for sets? Talking about sorting/sets.txt file. Druid's nature set is missing and in order to add it i would need set number.

first column ... titems.tsv

please also post your change that others could use (and I'll also add it)
Darkeclipsee wrote:Hi, is the tool safe to use on current MXL?

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Jitan, Come On
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kambala wrote:please also post your change that others could use (and I'll also add it)

# dudu
326-329 # Nature (Kale Monath)
187-190 # Werewolf (Marchosias' Essence)

Added highlighted line to ../MXL Offline Tools/Resources/data/sets.txt

Also attaching said file.
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Jungle Hunter
26 | 0
Can this tool add any items to the inventory? I play offline and want to test the class and of course I don't want to waste time looking for items.
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Jitan, Come On
123 | 7
No, its not that kind of tool.