2h Melee Necro

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Monkey King
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just a small comment. i really don't get where you get the assumption of 147= runs only t7? that makes zero sense, unless you know that person. also the char's obviously inactive as its charms are ripped off of it, no relics etc. phys assa is not weak and i think people would strongly disagree that melee necro is stronger than her. looking at it i will assume she could rip up any t10 phob+prob deimoss easily. don't be so fast on your judgement.
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metasequoia wrote:just a small comment.

Ok, i will not be fast on judgement :) But if he can easily rip t10 phob, then why he stops at 147lvl? I think it around ~ten t8, and you become 148. Also I saw that he is trying to sell this char. If you can easily get 150, then what the point of selling 147 lvl char?
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felix0808 wrote:
metasequoia wrote:just a small comment.

Ok, i will not be fast on judgement :) But if he can easily rip t10 phob, then why he stops at 147lvl? I think it around ~ten t8, and you become 148. Also I saw that he is trying to sell this char. If you can easily get 150, then what the point of selling 147 lvl char?

Because people get bored and quit before doing that ?
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cnlnjzfjb wrote:
Giu wrote:The aoe proc added to parasite is full phys so idk what you mean leech being better on eq.

So area effect added by Reaper is full phys? Cool to know, but I still feel EQ leeches better for nearly 3 times the % weapon dmg (260% vs 100%).
And u dont get that many pts into DeathLord to boost def if go parasite since nec overall lacks pts.

It's pretty hard to compare total wdm applied since the proc on parasite is per hit and has a small area, i tried eq a couple patches back i think ? didnt really feel that much better on leech and clear speed felt lower for sure, this using a pretty maxed out character just missing arrogance.
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Newbking wrote:totally agree!
I started with melee necro years and years ago when I first got into the game. It felt underwhelming then, and I bet still does. Do you think using parasite with the runeword atlacamani could work? I mean you stack dex anyway and although the -enemy res gear would make the build time consuming/expensive to gear but since the tri-elemental would go with each attack, seems feasible? maybe not lol



Runeword Level: 68
Innate Tri-Elemental Damage: (52.0% of Dexterity)
75% Attack Speed
15% Cast Speed
Adds 250-350 Magic Damage
(11 to 15)% Mana stolen per Hit
+(138 to 154)% Enhanced Damage
+(7 to 9) to Medusa
(3 to 5)% Chance of Crushing Blow
+(41 to 60) to Strength
+(41 to 60) to Dexterity
Elemental Resists +10%
10% Magic Find
is cool and kinda similar to the idea of doing 1h melee nec with
Taming Sari

Taming Sari
Necromancer Daggers

Runeword Level: 110
Carnage Now Converts 100% Physical Damage to Fire
+(2 to 4) to Necromancer Skill Levels
50% Hit Recovery
Adds (90 to 110)-(160 to 180) Damage
-(30 to 35)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+(170 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
3% Deadly Strike
4% to All Attributes
Physical Resist 5%
+(200 to 250) Life on Melee Attack
. I didnt test them with scrolls this ladder, but from what I have learned and heard before, they are doable but not great in normal ladders without those op items. For me, they are just be like T1-T1.5 bds in terms of endgame content.
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Giu wrote:It's pretty hard to compare total wdm applied since the proc on parasite is per hit and has a small area, i tried eq a couple patches back i think ? didnt really feel that much better on leech and clear speed felt lower for sure, this using a pretty maxed out character just missing arrogance.

Ye. EQ can attack ground and run, even in labs. Parasite cant really do that. For this, I didnt feel eq much slower than parasite. It is normal to have different opinions since I think overall they r close, both T1 not T0 bds, which I would not do in late game.
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felix0808 wrote:
metasequoia wrote:just a small comment.

Ok, i will not be fast on judgement :) But if he can easily rip t10 phob, then why he stops at 147lvl? I think it around ~ten t8, and you become 148. Also I saw that he is trying to sell this char. If you can easily get 150, then what the point of selling 147 lvl char?

I never sell any char I played, or gears/charms on those chars. I just leave my chars stay still and complete until next ladder and delete them as soon as new ladder begins :)
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cnl are you playing much melee necro this season?

Considering coming back but i've lost my old templates for melee necro, how's it feeling at the moment?
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ManaLeech wrote:cnl are you playing much melee necro this season?

Considering coming back but i've lost my old templates for melee necro, how's it feeling at the moment?

Not really, I dont do T1-T1.5 builds. I did an xbow nec this season, ofc with path of flames scroll. I just did some tests on melee nec in sp after afk on ladder. Alrdy knowing it was not good, I just tried to find a way to make it good but again failed, like seasons before. Personally, I would not recommend doing melee nec in late/end game. Better do ww barb with amatoxin scroll, so braindead. Or psi sin, but ww barb is much cheaper.
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Eh thought as much.

Might roll something to try to do sammy (never bothered before). Any recommendations? (sorry to hijack thread a little)