2h Melee Necro

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Sand Maggot
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ManaLeech wrote:Eh thought as much.

Might roll something to try to do sammy (never bothered before). Any recommendations? (sorry to hijack thread a little)

All the possible ways I could think of for nec to do sam r not with cheap gear. For me, if I had to do sam by nec with not too heavy invest, I might give ATMG a try this season. But still, it wont be cheap or easy. However, if with good gear or heavy invest, ATMG/widowmaker/flameburst shot/dream eater, even night hawks.
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Sand Maggot
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ManaLeech wrote:Eh thought as much.

Might roll something to try to do sammy (never bothered before). Any recommendations? (sorry to hijack thread a little)

Oh, I just forgot 1, Ancients Hand for melee nec might work this season. Path of Flames scroll and stupid braindead Halloween stone improve its single dmg from T1.5 to T1~T0.6, I suppose. Same thought goes for 1h melee nec with
Taming Sari

Taming Sari
Necromancer Daggers

Runeword Level: 110
Carnage Now Converts 100% Physical Damage to Fire
+(2 to 4) to Necromancer Skill Levels
50% Hit Recovery
Adds (90 to 110)-(160 to 180) Damage
-(30 to 35)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+(170 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
3% Deadly Strike
4% to All Attributes
Physical Resist 5%
+(200 to 250) Life on Melee Attack
using Carnage. With the stupid stone and Path of Flames scroll this season, u can all in dmg gear, no worries about lacking max res and fire pierce. These 2 builds seem to be worth a try against sam, but only in this entertaining ladder. If in a regular season, I wont recommend these 2 builds.
