ChuckNoRis wrote:you can farm for shrines and set parts with TU gear . there's ne need for emprovements in between TU'S and crafts/set parts
ChuckNoRis wrote:besides the Sangreal RW , there's nothing much you need that includes runes up to ON . a pair of Nephilim RW boots for boosting the vitality could be an upgrade from your TU boots up to a good pair of crafts if you are playing a Lemures build , but that's about it. For a blood thorns setup , the TU greaves is still the best you can get before crafts .
ChuckNoRis wrote:how are the cows any hard when you can perma-freeze them with a 3 sec coolldown Divine apparition ? use DA at cooldown and it should be enough to kill the cows almost naked
ChuckNoRis wrote:you must be playing a different game or something
damatt wrote:ChuckNoRis wrote:you must be playing a different game or something
If theres a group of cows and i DA right into them all or next to them only half may get frozen. I da'd 3 times next to this pack that was chasing me. None got frozen 3 times in a row..