I played this build with Astral Blade few leagues ago. DPS was quite good, these proc spells synergize well with this build's general direction, this unique weapon looks like as it was built for UHM. High IAS, cold and fire damage, cold and fire spell procs (especially hunting banshee with a bonus proj). Some people used Dux Infernum instead but idk about that, UHM has so much pierce anyway, why would you use this solely for jinns?
You can add 3-piece set for ritualist for another two strong proc'ced spells (Hailstorm and Flamestrike). This makes it 4 spell procs already. So blood thorns being bad at bossing doesn't really matter if you have procs like that.
I agree about this build being propably the best build to simply level a paladin early league. It is strong and tanky without any good gear.