DatDudeJay's Warcry Barbarian - Updated NEW VIDEOS!

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Summon barb ain't bad for leveling, but EQ->WW is superior, when i switched at 100+ from summon to ww for farming (was curious) it was quite ridiculous (farm the ww set...) ofc its easy to stack mf on summon barb, in the end whatever floats your boat is right for you
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wdzepplin111222 wrote:
wyrmax wrote:
wdzepplin111222 wrote:Image

I feel like I've pushed the build to near peak potential. I could add a few more relics instead of jewels or thal runes, but overall, I don't think it would change the fact that it's a very fast farmer but lacks damage for any boss with high hp (small bosses like Astro, Xazax, Azmodan, etc. dies pretty fast)

You are pretty much bound to run a 2 builds setup for this character. Basically War Cry for farming and Elemental for maps. Keep in mind that Elemental also has few downsides in maps vs certain mobs/small ubers (like the sin heroe, sucks to go against, but I'd say it's the same for WC)

I hope to see changes to WC in the future to make it viable vs higher hp targets. I suggested Ben to add a 2nd skill to WC that gives a smaller AOE but more concentrated damage. You'd still want bigger AOE for speed clear and swap to this skill vs bosses.

I will keep trying to make it stronger, hopefully I can reach like 130+ War Cry but that would only mean about 75K sheet dmg, still not enough to clear higher hp bosses. It would need at least 200K+ to be efficient

Also, at this point, considering how much energy I have, Meditation is completely useless unless I want to go for something like Baal who drains mana like crazy, but otherwise, your mana doesn't go down at all. I decided to go with Continuity for speed farming as it allows me to buff less often.

PS : I don't have a Umbaru still...I managed to roll 10 total stats after 20 rolls on my first one and haven't tried again.
I haven't had the "guts" to roll mana regen on all my gear and go eagle stance instead of bear although I have 5-6 Moon Crystal UMOs. I don't want to potentially ruin by going full Moon Crystal on gear if ever 1) it doens't work out well or 2) I want to use the gear for something else.

damn that damage - how much mf do u have with this setup

That's a very low MF setup, it's almost pure dmg so maybe 100 MF. Usually I'm sitting at around 45-47K dmg with 330 MF (no MF MO in gear so it could be 400+ pretty easily)

Do you mind sharing your 45-47k damage with 330mf gears and skills? I’m just starting up with this and go with the clear speed mf setup. My damage feels too low to even clear necrobot fast :(
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brovet wrote:
wdzepplin111222 wrote:
wyrmax wrote:
wdzepplin111222 wrote:Image

I feel like I've pushed the build to near peak potential. I could add a few more relics instead of jewels or thal runes, but overall, I don't think it would change the fact that it's a very fast farmer but lacks damage for any boss with high hp (small bosses like Astro, Xazax, Azmodan, etc. dies pretty fast)

You are pretty much bound to run a 2 builds setup for this character. Basically War Cry for farming and Elemental for maps. Keep in mind that Elemental also has few downsides in maps vs certain mobs/small ubers (like the sin heroe, sucks to go against, but I'd say it's the same for WC)

I hope to see changes to WC in the future to make it viable vs higher hp targets. I suggested Ben to add a 2nd skill to WC that gives a smaller AOE but more concentrated damage. You'd still want bigger AOE for speed clear and swap to this skill vs bosses.

I will keep trying to make it stronger, hopefully I can reach like 130+ War Cry but that would only mean about 75K sheet dmg, still not enough to clear higher hp bosses. It would need at least 200K+ to be efficient

Also, at this point, considering how much energy I have, Meditation is completely useless unless I want to go for something like Baal who drains mana like crazy, but otherwise, your mana doesn't go down at all. I decided to go with Continuity for speed farming as it allows me to buff less often.

PS : I don't have a Umbaru still...I managed to roll 10 total stats after 20 rolls on my first one and haven't tried again.
I haven't had the "guts" to roll mana regen on all my gear and go eagle stance instead of bear although I have 5-6 Moon Crystal UMOs. I don't want to potentially ruin by going full Moon Crystal on gear if ever 1) it doens't work out well or 2) I want to use the gear for something else.

damn that damage - how much mf do u have with this setup

That's a very low MF setup, it's almost pure dmg so maybe 100 MF. Usually I'm sitting at around 45-47K dmg with 330 MF (no MF MO in gear so it could be 400+ pretty easily)

Do you mind sharing your 45-47k damage with 330mf gears and skills? I’m just starting up with this and go with the clear speed mf setup. My damage feels too low to even clear necrobot fast :(

Feel free to lookup my armor, it should be in my profile or character name is Barbe. Char is missing an adrenaline rush ring that I used for another character but overall the stuff im using puts me at 45k (missing couple charms still so more dmg is possible but harder to reach)
Keep in mind I have 3 WC, 1 raven familiar and 1 blood fury relic to greatly increase my damage (armory would have shown it but it does boost dmg by like 40%)
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what skill is good for barbarian warcry leveling?
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lipa123 wrote:what skill is good for barbarian warcry leveling?

Just follow the 2LDR 2H Barb guide
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I just have one question, maybe I missed this in the guide (sorry if I did), but does this require constant right-clicking or does war cry auto recast? And can you also use warcry with shift+left click? I'm asking because I have two wrist injuries..
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Muilpeer wrote:I just have one question, maybe I missed this in the guide (sorry if I did), but does this require constant right-clicking or does war cry auto recast? And can you also use warcry with shift+left click? I'm asking because I have two wrist injuries..

Shift + Left Click is how I use it
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altoiddealer wrote:
Muilpeer wrote:I just have one question, maybe I missed this in the guide (sorry if I did), but does this require constant right-clicking or does war cry auto recast? And can you also use warcry with shift+left click? I'm asking because I have two wrist injuries..

Shift + Left Click is how I use it

Thanks, it works really well actually. Feels very smooth to use, especially on 60fps.

I noticed that the procs on the crafted swords don't proc. Also some procs from my gear never proc. I guess it's best to keep crafting items without a proc to maximize stat rolls?

Nvm, I just found that 'on death blow' procs are the only ones that actually do anything.
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After maxing out all the "required" skills, should I put the remaining points into Hunter's Mark or Spirit Guide?
Why one vs the other?