Naginata Assassin

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Hmm I plan on playing assassian next ladder anyways. This looks so fun to play nagi, i am extremely tempted now not just black ice set up for endgame lab ect ect. Nagi always a favorite. Very nice guide. And those vita boots u have are sweet. Take whirlpool craft off helmets and put on boots. That would be nice.
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Just hit 150 today and, in the same rift, was able to defeat Deimoss with three difficulty mods active.
I plan on posting a showcase, but holding off for now to see if I can succeed with five.
In the beginning I swapped Locket of Dreams for Death Ward, and overcap Onyxes for others - for 92 all max ele res.
Also used Ape Set to buff Tainted Blood, a pretty decent HP regen.
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altoiddealer wrote:Just hit 150 today and, in the same rift, was able to defeat Deimoss with three difficulty mods active.
I plan on posting a showcase, but holding off for now to see if I can succeed with five.
In the beginning I swapped Locket of Dreams for Death Ward, and overcap Onyxes for others - for 92 all max ele res.
Also used Ape Set to buff Tainted Blood, a pretty decent HP regen.

gratz :) really nice kill. is tained blood + life spark from boots +pots all that keeps you alive?

Just a question, I would like to farm Scos in next league. Is any of nagi builds decent at it or should I make different toon for that farming?
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SyphX wrote:gratz :) really nice kill. is tained blood + life spark from boots +pots all that keeps you alive?

Just a question, I would like to farm Scos in next league. Is any of nagi builds decent at it or should I make different toon for that farming?

I had 15 Solitudes (5 /ea: Gloves, Helm, Belt) and I think 8 Periapt of Life (Armor, Boots). With correct resists, “big” HP (for Assassin), and 15% CTC Life Spark (Broadside shoots 25 knives per second), it’s pretty tanky and has good damage.

I’m closing in on 5 shrine, hoping to pull it off before season ends. What’s different in my setup now is I’m using Bad Mood + Adrenaline Rush, allowing Locket of Dreams instead of Death Ward amulet. This also helps a lot with the slow debuff, and lets me use better jewels (only need 3 x FHR jewels for max BP).

As for Scosglen, this build is great for that :)
In single player game, I use Shunpo relic to warp to Etherborns, Trees and Druids, skipping all the trash mobs.
In 3p+ games I kill mobs and everything… my tactic is to run past a big chunk of mobs, and lure in another chunk. Cast banish in both directions then slaughter everything with Broadside + Barrier Strike.

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Fair point, when I checked the char I almost forgot about all those broken UMOs :D It makes sense, that if you solve ele nagi biggest weakness(life recovery) you end up with a pretty strong build. Getting even those 15 solitudes is impossible for me since I play solo/ssf most of the league, but it's still nice to see it work.

That also makes me more inclined to start with UHM or elebarb, since those should be safer bets early league for farming purposes -.- What will u start league with? Any secret strats? :D

Wish u luck in 5 shrines attempts and will look at all your content next league ;)
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SyphX wrote:Snip

Well, I had actually cleared my first T9 with maybe 3 x Solitude. Same with all trophy farming, boss clears, etc - had 3 Solitudes at most. First Phoboss kill was in my first T6, and I may have had 1 Solitude then.
I think I had 5-5 Solitudes when I cleared T10 for first time.
It just gets wayy easier and more comfortable from there on.

I’m going to try the same build on HC next season. Probably nerfs so… doubt I’ll have as much success :P going for it anyway
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altoiddealer wrote:
SyphX wrote:Snip

Well, I had actually cleared my first T9 with maybe 3 x Solitude. Same with all trophy farming, boss clears, etc - had 3 Solitudes at most. First Phoboss kill was in my first T6, and I may have had 1 Solitude then.
I think I had 5-5 Solitudes when I cleared T10 for first time.
It just gets wayy easier and more comfortable from there on.

I’m going to try the same build on HC next season. Probably nerfs so… doubt I’ll have as much success :P going for it anyway

Well, if Rngeezus bless me with drops I will try to build this. When not, I will end up with classic phys nagi. I did clear Scos with crafted gear before druids were introduced, tho it was a bit slow.

Nerfs? Naah, I heard Marco loved his Assa. He would never nerf it :P Honestly, I think Assa is in a pretty decent place when it comes to balance. Let's hope patchnotes will be full of only positive changes. :mrgreen:

Damn, HC? What a madman! I admire challenging yourself, tho I wouldn't try it myself. Wish you all the luck you will surely need and will check any yt videos of possible rips/victories. 8-)
Dark Huntress
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If I use Blackjade gloves, I presume I have to max out Shadow Refuge? Instead of what? Should I go for Snowsquall/Stareyes instead? I have both options available.
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wizzybizzy87 wrote:If I use Blackjade gloves, I presume I have to max out Shadow Refuge? Instead of what? Should I go for Snowsquall/Stareyes instead? I have both options available.

Blackjades is a great choice if you are already dumping points into Shadow Refuge for the PR. If you have PR capped with 1 or few base pts, then go with Stareyes (or Snowsquall)
Dark Huntress
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What base stat do you use to craft jewels? I know I must prioritise AR but its not a base option. Go for resists until capped, then Life after Kill? What do you guys go for?