Totemancer (Necromancer Totem)

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fuppy wrote:It does not directly, but with
The Sentinel's Sorrow
The Sentinel's Sorrow
Gargoyle Head (Sacred)

Defense: (3333 - 3750) to (3957 - 4452)
Chance to Block: 2%
(Necromancer Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 443
Item Level: 120
-1 to Maximum Totems
Minion Damage Also Increases Your Spell Damage at 50% Efficiency
+(3 to 4) to Necromancer Skill Levels
-15% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
+(75 to 150) Life Regenerated per Second
Regenerate Mana +15%
Elemental Resists -30%
Socketed (4)
it does at 66% efficiency.

I see make sense. Though isn't it 33% efficiency?
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Was changed in 1.7.3 hotfix to get it to previous power, since the minion damage stat was halved and this SU got hit as collateral.
Jungle Hunter
25 | 1
Howdy folks.
I am fairly new to the Totemancer but I have been playing Sigma for a while now. Previous season I had a dedicated Warcry Barb for my Duncraig runs and I thought it would be time to change it up a little.
My problem is that I am still trying to figure out the most efficient way to run Dunc with a Totemancer. Currently level 125 with 13k Frostclaw damage.
As of now I am precasting my Totems along with some cannon fodder and use a "bait" Totem to gather up a few mobs then BtS there and retreat a bit to not get clobbered to death (2 hits and I am dead)
While this works in the more open areas it is a) slow and b)still not all that safe.
Currently I run Dunc backwards from Bonehexer on because teleporting into the other areas just lead to frustration on my part.
True enough, eventually the room gets cleared but I do not think that this kind of suicide mission is the intended playstyle, hence me running it backwards.
I am wondering how you guys deal with Dunc (random barrels aside..sometimes there is so much stuff going on that i just totally miss those things and to make things worse I am using an Act3 Bloodmage for its firedance and when he casts his bolder thing it sometimes looks like a burning fuse or it hides the actual burning ones.)
Sooo any hints,tips and tricks would be appreciated..
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I would spawn #1 totem, BtS to it with all my totems, then spawn totems #2 and #3 to tank enemies. This helps with what I mentioned in specifics about frostclaw totem, about them not targeting the same enemy that runs into their range and wasting a lot of damage by overkill.
Jungle Hunter
25 | 1
Thanks for the advice... All 3 are Frostclaw or one of each element (Otherwise Soulbond is not working ..from what I understood)
Not quite sure what "needs to be placed close to each other" actually translates into, yard wise or screen wise rather.
While in open areas this works well, the first teleport is always a gamble it seems.(Unlike a high def/life character)
Would be awesome if they would implement a standard pattern one can set like diamond,star, cross or whatever and it keeps this when you BtS.
Clearing Dunc is like a 45 minute affair at the moment but with practice i am sure i can bring it down to 44:30 :mjump:
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Roughly the range Stormeye totem hits is where you want totems #2 and #3 to be in, while you are in the center. You get a feel for it pretty fast, because the moment you place something outside of Soulbond activation range, that totems life after kill also stops working.

Also I recommend taking the upper and far safer shortcut near Bonehexer, as seen in the image below

You need to put the cursor about half of mana orbs' height above it, as seen in this screenshot ... hot003.jpg
Jungle Hunter
25 | 1
Ah I did not know about the second spot. Looks quite a bit safer already.
Managed my first deathless run just now and I think it really comes down to practice and being able to make heads or tails out of the effect chaos that is going on.
Gotta admit that it is fun to play Necromorph ping pong with the right totem placement.
Also, as an interim solution I am using
Field Plate (Sacred)

Defense: (5937 - 7017) to (7053 - 8335)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 105
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
+50 Spell Focus
+(20 to 30)% to Cold Spell Damage
-(20 to 25)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+(120 to 160)% Enhanced Defense
+(31 to 40) to all Attributes
(11 to 15)% to Strength
Maximum Fire Resist -1%
Cannot Be Frozen
Socketed (6)
for now since i am still missing
Tower Defense
Tower Defense
Unraveller Head (Sacred)

Defense: (2662 - 3327) to (3066 - 3832)
Chance to Block: 2%
(Necromancer Only)
Required Level: 80
Required Dexterity:
Item Level: 1
-(14 to 20)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
-(14 to 20)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
-(14 to 20)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+(100 to 150)% Enhanced Defense
+100 Life Regenerated per Second
Requirements -50%
Socketed (4)

The Towerlord
(Necromancer Totem Set)
to complete the Set.
It is working out quite nicely for now. The additional chance to get an reanimate is nice....the more the merrier.
To recap.. I am using the method you indicated.. Three Totems...staggered so they overlap (while trying to keep a decent distance from each other) once the mob density falls off a litle i BtS to the second Totem in the bunch..rinse repeat. (Again..i am only casting Frostclaw hence my current mana issues..If i have to switch to each individual Totem it gets a bit messier due to skill switching way more)
Anyways... really appreciate the fast and comprehensive reply. keep it up buddy.
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Great build, i ran this as my first build in Median xl, I didn't die until act 1 in hell but that was mostly because i had next to no resists (no crafting). Still trying to wrap my head around crafting to improve resists and attributes.

I basically put my totems off a bit away from the boss and hide in a blind spot that is what kept me alive to hell basically, this build is incredibly useful as long as you position yourself well, def not made for tanking.

The build tells you to get minions after an item, but i really recommend getting them early on, I maxed totem mastery, soulbound, All 3 totems (frostclaw, fireheart, and stormeye)

I use nef staff's blink instead of the pet tp which is far better then swap to wand and head.

The only downside is the time it takes to resummon 6 totems or more which gets tedious later on.

getting 130 all res was impossible for me, i had 3 greens and rest uniques with sockets full of white gems or str i still could not get close to it, my pets constantly died because of it, when you get to nightmare respect capping your resists before act 4 and 5, i don't recommend going through them on sc/hc without the resists, it was a struggle for me.

I specced in everything listed in early game because i had so many points leftover, the build really picks up once you have 4-6 totems (2x of each element for the bonus) just melt bosses away.
Azure Drake
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I am currently also trying the totemnecro and it plays way better since a few patches ago. the high avoid on the totems and the changes on the frostclaw totem are very welcome. hit level 121 on hc and tried baal. was super easy and pretty safe. back in the days you could forget it as a totem necro. also an overall solid teganze farmer so far. used to be faster though, but since the totems are stationary and have a lot of avoid, you can easily adjust the direction the projectiles in teganze are heading to. Playing on HC i put levels in death ward as well. solid changes to that build
also good miniguide @fuppy
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Good guide. It's better to have a demo video :thumb: