Cold Werewolf Druid

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MetalMusicMan wrote:Well this really stinks :(

I get that it was janky, but dang. Nerfed damage by 5x in best case scenarios and only an 8% buff to compensate, ouch. :(

Twisting Claw:
- Small tornadoes no longer pierce
-This change was made to prevent an interaction whereby standing just outside of melee range at certain angles could cause the skill to do 4-5x the intended damage per each use

Blame mana wolf
Dark Huntress
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So the build is nerfed into oblivion for farming?
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Meanymode wrote:So the build is nerfed into oblivion for farming?

Don't think it will cause issues with farming but it will make us do a lot less Boss damage in certain situations :(
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Things aren't looking good post 2.5 Twisted Claw nerf... actually might be far worse than I expected :(

From discord today:

FelixRyker — Today at 11:44 AM
Uldy is actually impossible now for wolf after they removed tornado pierce
you can have the best gear in existence and you probably still won't be able to do it in less than 10 minutes

siosilvar ⭐ — Today at 11:45 AM
less than 10 minutes
two different statements

FelixRyker — Today at 11:45 AM
and btw I farmed uldy trophy last league with wolf.

MetalMusicMan — Today at 11:45 AM
Oh I had forgotten that all the small nados just don't pierce -- but won't the big one still pierce minions easily?

FelixRyker — Today at 11:45 AM
impossible with gear most anyone is going to have

siosilvar ⭐ — Today at 11:45 AM
the big tornado does no damage

MetalMusicMan — Today at 11:45 AM
I really do not like that change but I would be surprised if it was THAT bad haha

siosilvar ⭐ — Today at 11:45 AM
only spawns little ones

FelixRyker — Today at 11:46 AM
it is. Boss damage got cut in less than half. Spawns are impossible to deal with while hitting the boss

MetalMusicMan — Today at 11:46 AM
I was worried about that, but didn't think it would be that bad :(
So sad

FelixRyker — Today at 11:46 AM
only way I was even able to damage uldy was by harbinging the edyrems down separately

MetalMusicMan — Today at 11:46 AM

zxy — Today at 11:46 AM
but do the little nados not pierce?

MetalMusicMan — Today at 11:46 AM

siosilvar ⭐ — Today at 11:47 AM
no, because they were doing ridiculous amounts of damage for an unintuitive reason
guess testing wasn't enough

MetalMusicMan — Today at 11:47 AM
I can see that scenario being goofy, but completely removing pierce and then only buffing the damage by like 8% is a crazy nerf no?

FelixRyker — Today at 11:47 AM
but now they do practically no damage. My damage to riftwalker increased like 5 times when I switched to bear with nearly the same gear.

siosilvar ⭐ — Today at 11:47 AM
wasn't a nerf to namelock as tested
but like i said, wasn't much testing

FelixRyker — Today at 11:48 AM
Should have at least buffed the scaling to 125 or 135 or so.
Would probably still be too weak

Sm0cker — Today at 11:48 AM
from what i could gather, the bug was that little tornadoes dealt damage every frame they was in the model of the target

siosilvar ⭐ — Today at 11:48 AM
bear is just op,

Sm0cker — Today at 11:48 AM
so it deleted stuff

siosilvar ⭐ — Today at 11:49 AM
so that's not exactly a surprise

Sm0cker — Today at 11:49 AM
start bear next season
i dare you :oilup:

siosilvar ⭐ — Today at 11:50 AM
start bear and geared bear are like 2 completely different worlds

FelixRyker — Today at 11:50 AM
Oh great you're probably gutting that next league. My furry aspirations are in shambles right now :pepeHands:

Sm0cker — Today at 11:50 AM

Elementling — Today at 11:50 AM
Surely it can't be that bad :pepegaS:

FelixRyker — Today at 11:50 AM
the red 13 inches are limp

themarinus — Today at 12:08 PM
I noticed the same, harbinger seemed to do more than twisted claw.


siosilvar ⭐ — Today at 12:13 PM
iirc this should be true only on large bosses
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Azure Drake
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Twisted Claw:
Mini tornados now ignore terrain collision
Mini tornados are no longer destroyed when they hit an enemy

What about this change on the new patch?

I have another question too (I posted on short questions thread, but I thought would be better to ask here.)

I play a werewolf with Crystal Sword as you propose and have tons of fun.
I understand that Dexterity , Cold pierce and probably Cold Spell damage are helping to increase my damage. Right? What about other attributes? Does %Spell damage help too? Does Spell focus help at all since it has to do with spell damage? Anything else?
These attributes boost my Normal Attack damage? my Twisted claw skill? Harbinger? My procs?
What about flat cold damage on equipment? What about other elements like fire or lighting? Would
Jitan's Kamon
Jitan's Kamon
Splint Mail (4)

Defense: (184 - 208) to (370 - 418)
Required Level: 6
Required Strength: 30
Item Level: 19
2% Chance to cast level 1 Guard Tower on Kill
Adds 2-4 Fire Damage
Adds 2-4 Lightning Damage
Adds 2-4 Cold Damage
+(24 to 40)% Enhanced Defense
Physical Resist 2%
Socketed (2)
Defense: (592 - 656) to (1106 - 1225)
Required Level: 23
Required Strength: 60
Item Level: 36
4% Chance to cast level 1 Guard Tower on Kill
Adds (4 to 8)-(8 to 15) Fire Damage
Adds (4 to 8)-(8 to 15) Lightning Damage
Adds (4 to 8)-(8 to 15) Cold Damage
+(58 to 75)% Enhanced Defense
Physical Resist 3%
Socketed (4)
Defense: (1466 - 1596) to (2663 - 2898)
Required Level: 41
Required Strength: 210
Item Level: 51
6% Chance to cast level 1 Guard Tower on Kill
Adds (16 to 30)-(31 to 45) Fire Damage
Adds (16 to 30)-(31 to 45) Lightning Damage
Adds (16 to 30)-(31 to 45) Cold Damage
+(92 to 109)% Enhanced Defense
Physical Resist 4%
Socketed (5)
Defense: (2175 - 2352) to (3925 - 4244)
Required Level: 49
Required Strength: 420
Item Level: 85
8% Chance to cast level 1 Guard Tower on Kill
Adds (31 to 60)-(81 to 120) Fire Damage
Adds (31 to 60)-(81 to 120) Lightning Damage
Adds (31 to 60)-(81 to 120) Cold Damage
+(109 to 126)% Enhanced Defense
Physical Resist 5%
Socketed (6)
Elemental Damage be added on my skills too? or shall I aim only for cold damage?
I've found
Crystal Sword (Sacred)

Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 510
Item Level: 105
Innate Cold Damage:
(45.0% of Dexterity)
Crucify: +30% Magic Damage per Base Level
50% Attack Speed
Adds 160-250 Cold Damage
-20% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
+15 to Way of the Raven (Assassin Only)
+15 to Way of the Gryphon (Assassin Only)
+15 to Way of the Phoenix (Assassin Only)
+(15 to 25) to Crucify (Assassin Only)
Fire Absorb 5%
Lightning Absorb 5%
Cold Absorb 5%
+4 Life on Striking
Socketed (6)
Bone Helm (Sacred)

Defense: (2323 - 2613) to (2517 - 2832)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength:
Item Level: 120
+2 to All Skills
Adds 75-100 Fire Damage
Adds 75-100 Lightning Damage
Adds 75-100 Cold Damage
-(14 to 15)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
Requirements -25%
Socketed (4)

Testament of the Apes
(Ape Set)
. Is it wise to use them?

I got a bit confused by the info I found till now.. Cannot understand what really works for my character as you can tell, so any info would be really appreciated!
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All u need is cold pierce and dex..u can use coldblood icetomb coldhunger for farm and earlier bosses..dawn hellfire plate svalinn is for late bosses..and ofc u want ied as high as possible
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potapo_gourouni wrote:WEREWOLF
Twisted Claw:
Mini tornados now ignore terrain collision
Mini tornados are no longer destroyed when they hit an enemy

What about this change on the new patch?

I am pretty sure this means Wolf is playable again, but I have not played/tested it myself to verify, but I think it should be good :)

potapo_gourouni wrote:I have another question too (I posted on short questions thread, but I thought would be better to ask here.)

I play a werewolf with Crystal Sword as you propose and have tons of fun.
I understand that Dexterity , Cold pierce and probably Cold Spell damage are helping to increase my damage. Right? What about other attributes? Does %Spell damage help too? Does Spell focus help at all since it has to do with spell damage? Anything else?
These attributes boost my Normal Attack damage? my Twisted claw skill? Harbinger? My procs?
What about flat cold damage on equipment? What about other elements like fire or lighting? Would
Jitan's Kamon
Jitan's Kamon
Splint Mail (4)

Defense: (184 - 208) to (370 - 418)
Required Level: 6
Required Strength: 30
Item Level: 19
2% Chance to cast level 1 Guard Tower on Kill
Adds 2-4 Fire Damage
Adds 2-4 Lightning Damage
Adds 2-4 Cold Damage
+(24 to 40)% Enhanced Defense
Physical Resist 2%
Socketed (2)
Defense: (592 - 656) to (1106 - 1225)
Required Level: 23
Required Strength: 60
Item Level: 36
4% Chance to cast level 1 Guard Tower on Kill
Adds (4 to 8)-(8 to 15) Fire Damage
Adds (4 to 8)-(8 to 15) Lightning Damage
Adds (4 to 8)-(8 to 15) Cold Damage
+(58 to 75)% Enhanced Defense
Physical Resist 3%
Socketed (4)
Defense: (1466 - 1596) to (2663 - 2898)
Required Level: 41
Required Strength: 210
Item Level: 51
6% Chance to cast level 1 Guard Tower on Kill
Adds (16 to 30)-(31 to 45) Fire Damage
Adds (16 to 30)-(31 to 45) Lightning Damage
Adds (16 to 30)-(31 to 45) Cold Damage
+(92 to 109)% Enhanced Defense
Physical Resist 4%
Socketed (5)
Defense: (2175 - 2352) to (3925 - 4244)
Required Level: 49
Required Strength: 420
Item Level: 85
8% Chance to cast level 1 Guard Tower on Kill
Adds (31 to 60)-(81 to 120) Fire Damage
Adds (31 to 60)-(81 to 120) Lightning Damage
Adds (31 to 60)-(81 to 120) Cold Damage
+(109 to 126)% Enhanced Defense
Physical Resist 5%
Socketed (6)
Elemental Damage be added on my skills too? or shall I aim only for cold damage?
I've found
Crystal Sword (Sacred)

Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 510
Item Level: 105
Innate Cold Damage:
(45.0% of Dexterity)
Crucify: +30% Magic Damage per Base Level
50% Attack Speed
Adds 160-250 Cold Damage
-20% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
+15 to Way of the Raven (Assassin Only)
+15 to Way of the Gryphon (Assassin Only)
+15 to Way of the Phoenix (Assassin Only)
+(15 to 25) to Crucify (Assassin Only)
Fire Absorb 5%
Lightning Absorb 5%
Cold Absorb 5%
+4 Life on Striking
Socketed (6)
Bone Helm (Sacred)

Defense: (2323 - 2613) to (2517 - 2832)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength:
Item Level: 120
+2 to All Skills
Adds 75-100 Fire Damage
Adds 75-100 Lightning Damage
Adds 75-100 Cold Damage
-(14 to 15)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
Requirements -25%
Socketed (4)

Testament of the Apes
(Ape Set)
. Is it wise to use them?

I got a bit confused by the info I found till now.. Cannot understand what really works for my character as you can tell, so any info would be really appreciated!

Cold Spell Damage and Spell Damage both help your proc spells, but not your direct damage from hits and not any of your damage from Twisted Claw or the Tornados it spawns. Since you proc spells a lot, they are good stats, but are secondary to Dex, Cold Pen, Flat Damage/Flat Cold Damage, etc.

All sources of flat damage, whether physical or element, are nice. Cold is obviously the best because you have lots of Cold Pen, but any source of flat damage really ads up so none of them are bad. None of the flat damage sources add to your spells, only to your hits.

Apeskull is a really great helmet for any elemental build, but it's quite rare and not as good for Cold Wolf as Cold Hunger, which isn't all that rare.
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Azure Drake
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In your Scosglen video, you have toooo much attack speed on your gear. What for?? Isn;t it meaningless to go past the 125% when using crystal sword?
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potapo_gourouni wrote:In your Scosglen video, you have toooo much attack speed on your gear. What for?? Isn;t it meaningless to go past the 125% when using crystal sword?

old video, wolf used to be different
Pit Knight
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Why +%cold spell damage not increase damage of harbringer?