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Thunder Beetle
51 | 1
Aby1 update? Its seems very nice build on this patch

We still need 1 h weapons witch fast atak speed ? low move speed?
When i put 2x same weapons they dont stack ( atak speed etc.)
Onyx Knight
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You probably want to go 2h weapon for gale force. the scaling with strength is INSANE, easy 2k flat damage.

1h attack speed is not as necessary IMO with the area multi hitting this patch brings. One whirlwind absolutely destroyes entire packs of enemies.
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My buddy has a 135 phys ww. Get the barb blood of creation for then100% deadly strike. Eth Yaggai's is grrat for a wep, but even the t4 swords with the relic one shot every trash mob.

Never go above 10% movespeed or the build doesn't have enough damage. Yaggai's with 3 gul runes puts you at 4fpa attack speed... that's 12.5 hits with ww PER SECOND. 25 hits in 2 seconds.

Low movespeed is absolutely mandatory for this build. You want under 10 if possible
314 | 10
Robeezy91 wrote:My buddy has a 135 phys ww. Get the barb blood of creation for then100% deadly strike. Eth Yaggai's is grrat for a wep, but even the t4 swords with the relic one shot every trash mob.

Never go above 10% movespeed or the build doesn't have enough damage. Yaggai's with 3 gul runes puts you at 4fpa attack speed... that's 12.5 hits with ww PER SECOND. 25 hits in 2 seconds.

Low movespeed is absolutely mandatory for this build. You want under 10 if possible

Low movespeed slows down alot when farming, killing fast mobs that run away, i hate that.
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I understand that. What im trying to say is that anything over 10% movrspeed breaks the build. Your tooltip willl stay the same but your actual damage will suffer.
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You literally get over 3 to 4k health on hit per second. It's insane. Not a bad bosser either. Making one myself soon.
Onyx Knight
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For bossing you can supplement with Shower of Rocks. If you have really high strength it will hit like a train due to new str scaling.
Onyx Knight
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And I know everyone has their own opinion on the movement speed. But I hate being slow. I'm in favor of fast movement speed. With the new AoE changes to ww, being fast is only a problem for single target. I use maxed wolf stance and have zero issues clearing packs of enemies because I only have to hit a handful of times for everyone to take like 20 hits. Then I just switch to SoR for single target. Being fast helps mitigate damage too.

Again, no right/wrong answer here, just my personal preference.
Dark Huntress
13 | 0
will any one good pro player maybe update this nice guide ? i use it atm but manny things now outdatet and im not sure if items ect. still the same.

And a question wehre best place to farm this items: Wolverine Skin / Warmonger (unique helm) / Black Void / Yagai`s Sagaris ?

dunc or fauz? or other place ?
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"Farming" is a strong word there, outside of Yagai's they are all SSUs and therefore the best way to "farm" is to kill as many enemies per second in lvl120+ areas.
