Poison Sorceress

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Jitan, Come On
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How do one apply damage gameplay wise? Since poison doesnt stack and whatnot, should i cast spell once and wait for its full duration before another cast? Should i be casting constantly to apply higher dmg proc?
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Jitan, Come On wrote:How do one apply damage gameplay wise? Since poison doesnt stack and whatnot, should i cast spell once and wait for its full duration before another cast? Should i be casting constantly to apply higher dmg proc?

You can cast multiple lorenado but the poison tick damage wont change. You will be doing base damage of lorenado with no extra poison skill duration attached to it. It doesnt stack. Its best to just use 1 lorenado and run away and increase your damage. To increase your damage. There are probably four or five ways.
1) raise spell focus
2) raise poison spell damage %
3) raise energy
4) raise poison skill duration % (this plays a big part of your damage)
5) raise your pierce
Edited by Dru 2 years.
Cow Ninja
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Lorenado has 0 ND, and poison always hits on the first frame even if there's already a poison on the enemy (then the higher DPS roll sticks around even if it's got less total damage over the duration left).

Which means it's situation-dependent. If you can get right up in an enemy's face and shotgun it with 6 lorenadoes, that's an extra 24% of your single-nado DPS applied per frame. If you can't, you probably already got a high damage roll just by virtue of every lorenado hitting for 2-4 frames or so.

edit: also, worth noting in the guide that poison pierce applies to both enemy poison resistance and enemy poison length reduced (which IIRC starts at 75% in Hell) so it is absolutely critical that that's the first stat you prioritize.
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kurs_x5 wrote:Pros and cons of this sorc?

What about poison sorc vs cold sorc? which is better?

completely wrong, all you had to do to test was bloodlust and check d2 stats.
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loreth2021 wrote:
Azenoth wrote:Has any sorcs killed sam yet? I'm a poison sorc with a similar build and it takes me around 10 min to kill sam. I'm missing 10 pierce and have a few suboptimal pieces, so I feel like it could be done in about 6-7 min with a near perfect build but the single target damage feels lacking to other classes I've played. Also, has anyone found a build that can clear labs 8+ comfortably? Whenever I make 1 mistake in a high lab I die but if I go for a tanky build my clear speed is too slow.

any link to your armory/spec?

I play sp, so I don't have a link. My build is similar to the guide. I use angel of death, crown of black rose, Natasha's, Helgrotha, vaetia's wall (the collector with poison runes for sam), honorific gloves (because I havn't found anything good yet), dementia, witchcraft, and a rare +1 skill, +poison dmg, -enemy poison res ring. I max living flame instead of warp armor and have 1 point into firedance. My sheet dmg is 200k-238k over 1.6s.
Thunder Beetle
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Azenoth wrote:
loreth2021 wrote:
Azenoth wrote:Has any sorcs killed sam yet? I'm a poison sorc with a similar build and it takes me around 10 min to kill sam. I'm missing 10 pierce and have a few suboptimal pieces, so I feel like it could be done in about 6-7 min with a near perfect build but the single target damage feels lacking to other classes I've played. Also, has anyone found a build that can clear labs 8+ comfortably? Whenever I make 1 mistake in a high lab I die but if I go for a tanky build my clear speed is too slow.

any link to your armory/spec?

I play sp, so I don't have a link. My build is similar to the guide. I use angel of death, crown of black rose, Natasha's, Helgrotha, vaetia's wall (the collector with poison runes for sam), honorific gloves (because I havn't found anything good yet), dementia, witchcraft, and a rare +1 skill, +poison dmg, -enemy poison res ring. I max living flame instead of warp armor and have 1 point into firedance. My sheet dmg is 200k-238k over 1.6s.


any advice on starting to farm scosglen? is it possible with set too?
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Scosglen, why go in there at all? Zero experience, green spiders that resurrect forever and a mass treant of eggs.
Thunder Beetle
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Immortal2563 wrote:Scosglen, why go in there at all? Zero experience, green spiders that resurrect forever and a mass treant of eggs.

ok then different question: i have a sorc lvl 139 farming fauzt with ~220% mf and currently cold spec with the set. got also a few ssu's for sorc caster spec in general (lunar eclipse, witchmoon, black dwarf) and some spec specific stuff (poison amu, ghostmoon, ..)

as fauzt is counting as area 130, therefore also sssu can drop there and every rune.

so there is no really "need" in progressing to the next area/scosglen a135, right?

nevertheless i want to have at least some kind of "progress" - e.g. doing 125+ ubers (cold sorc with melee boss killing skill is just not really my playstyle) and going onwards til lvl 150.

what would be the better play here? i can also respec to poison, it's not the problem (or even xp another sorc).

also, the guy who killed Sam with poison spec- just out of interest, did he skip also scosglen, and farmed fauzt until endgame gear?
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What's the deal with getting there if you get 4-5% of the experience needed to get to the next level after you run through the entire map? A joke what?

Endless waves of self-reviving bugs for which you also do not get exp.

Maze 5-6 has the same level 134/135 and it's a lot easier and nicer. Sometimes there will be some stupid boss in the form of Malthael, who even after death has two barbs that chase you all over the map. And how many TU, SU and Sets you will collect. And there was poverty. A few rounes you have a whole mass or 2/5 of the crystal anyway. It's better to beat a boss over and over again and you have the same.