Oskill Index

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Most of the procs are irrelevant so it's not a problem.
Son of Lucion
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Funeral pyre is at angelic daggers too
Cow Ninja
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It would be very helpful if someone could list all the Oskills that can be relevant endgame builds that perform well.
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How endgame do you need to be? THE endgame, aka labs, puts too much pressure on gear to waste it on meme oskill boni.
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Dark Huntress
14 | 6
120, Duncraig. Fun oskill to farm SUs?
120, Teganze. Fun oskill to farm elemental runes?
125, Fauztinville. Fun oskill to farm great runes?
125, Triune. Fun oskill to farm cycles?
135, Scosglen ???
Bone Archer
77 | 9
I need a post for all buff and debuff skills with images. The images are needed, because when I see a game screenshot, I can't figure which is which in the lower left corner except some popular skills (Mark of the wild, bloodlust…
Can OP or someone add the images? Thank you so much.
Edited by imngocson 2 months.
Onyx Knight
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itsmars wrote:120, Duncraig. Fun oskill to farm SUs?
120, Teganze. Fun oskill to farm elemental runes?
125, Fauztinville. Fun oskill to farm great runes?
125, Triune. Fun oskill to farm cycles?
135, Scosglen ???

OoA be doin all this for me rn, except scos. Just bcuz I'm not there yet, but I think it can.
Edited by Semigloss 2 months.
5 | 0
Not memebuild

Ive been having great success with ice lance on druid. It can roll on mastercrafted gloves, boots and belts so its easy to get ice lance lv100+ and druid has many other skills that boost the build. Easy 200 cold pen, free +phys and +cold dmg. Use hellreach bow + kingsport for most dps. I have points in 6 skill trees.
Stuck right now @ sam and getting T10 riftstones. I call it skill issues and lack of final optimizations. DPS is there for anything its mainly surviving in higher rifts, can make some swaps to make it better I guess but few big gains there mostly familiarity with rifts.

After this season the extra needed max res might lower dps though, but there is place for it in sockets and fire res is free anyways with bow and kingsport.


Wyrd oskill is quick and fun to farm with, only tried up to dunc so far with melee wyrd necro. I bet its fine up until scosglen, then it might become too slow. Needs bitter harvest, maybe not ssf
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Here link to vid with uldy trophy and build at the end.

Any other players with oskill builds, especially now with mastercrafted gloves are live?
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Jacko wrote:Here link to vid with uldy trophy and build at the end.

Any other players with oskill builds, especially now with mastercrafted gloves are live?

Well done! Ice lance is a great skill
I'm still messing around with all of the new possibilities. Poe2 tho :shock: