SSF Bowzon v2.2

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Go for documentation --> runeword --> boots .
For Valkyries prime ,we need emblem to craft this , i have 4/5 char 125+ i have only 2 emblem lol . My bowzon will be 150 , i will not have the emblem to craft this ... in Solo player ... so i need other solution . 2.9 will fix some bow , nice ^^
Stone Warrior
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btw guys, wheres the best place to farm for endgame gear? tnxxx
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Any 130+ level area, scos is the best one if you can farm it fast. But I've gotten
Gothic Plate (Sacred)

Defense: (8308 - 9198) to (10078 - 11157)
Required Level: 120
Required Strength:
Item Level: 130
(Based on Restore Percentage)
+50% Combat Speeds
Physical Resist +15%
Maximum Life +7%
Cube with Heavenly Soul: Restore +4%
25% Movement Speed
Adds 15-25 Damage
+(18 to 32) to Stormlord
5% Deadly Strike
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
+(40 to 50) to all Attributes
Requirements +100%
Socketed (6)
in 2.8 out of fauzt boss (so no goblin proc) while leveling a character (so no mf investment beyond charms), so it's also a complete RNGfest.
You should be more specific about what "endgame gear" you have in mind, because THE endgame gear, fully UMO'd honos, requires 24/7 lab farming and it's unlikely something you'd be willing to do.
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I am 137 now , i confirm all 130 ubers done except lazarus .
I can farm scosglen too .
Lab 1 - 2 clearing too .
I hope to find New bows from 2.9 ^^ .
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Massive wrote:
berry117 wrote:
Massive wrote:
berry117 wrote:
jicsou wrote:Hey , i'm 136 now .
Few changes on stuff , got Black void , Giant knucles and Ripstar , in amulet go for The Tesseract (for cap -100 enemy fire res and i have no better for now =) , change my bow for a reflex bow craft +200/300 with a proc on striking ( 9% Knife Throw LV 10) , for armor i really insist that WAR CLOAK T4 is a veryyyyyyyy good armor , i keep it for a long time and do the job until 130 i think. Now i have craft REBEL runeword for armor (i have no better ..) .
A good boot Wind Runner +1 sk , Hammerfist for gloves and Idol of Rygnar For helm .
2550 Dex unbuff , 300% enhanced weapon DMg , 8CB , 7DS , between 97 and 89 -enemy res elemental dmg .
Same skill on the guide .
I really enjoy farming ALL 125 uber and under, with decoy for tanking . Spellbind for debuff and Phalanx for bossing/helping aoe .
it is fast , just dodge a lot because we ve got no armor .
i can run to scolgen , slowly , but i can do it (im only 136).
I have 6 charm trophied .
i try uldyssian and done it ,with a +2sk on charm , so good . The void done too .
For Lazarus , i wait and up a special gear .
I will try Invasion 3 soon , i was stuck in this in last season .
Bow amazon is very amazing for farming fautz and cie , on bossing we need to up gear and focus spec (max trinity arrow) .

Good job, bowzon is very fun and rewarding

im level 128, need to reset stats and skills.
having hard time with Malthael and other one, just cant beat them :(
i have Aerin Orbiter belt, any thoughts on that one ?
also, for bow i have Flowerspring and arrows is Hanabigami, any thoughts ?
armor is Zeraes Redemption and helm is Zeraes Refinement, what you think ?
amulet is Scarab of Death (liking that one because of "reanimate as" enemies bonus, good meatshield i think, and rings are two Ripstars.
boots Titans Steps, any thoughts?
gloves are honorifics.
about the skills, i see u have phalanx, but in a guide nowhere says to put some points there...
so tell me please how much to add into phalanx ?


Go farm teganze for stone runes and make good boots.
There's a whole milestone section dedicated to literally holding your hand straight to success.

can you help me with the Wind Runner boots, how to craft them ?


Oil of renewal pairs of boots until you get a 40 movement speed 1 physical resist set, or find a superior pair of boots 4 open sockets.
farm teganze until you get two earth essences and two runestone, get an elq rune, earth elq earth gul in boots
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So. I endured the pain of playing bow ama long enough. My time with this build (I reached lvl110) was pure pain. I followed this guide 100% and I still got destroyed.
Thx for your effort in making this guide but I just can't continue playing this. I hope many people will try this and enjoy it. But its just not for me. :)
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detroit147 wrote:So. I endured the pain of playing bow ama long enough. My time with this build (I reached lvl110) was pure pain. I followed this guide 100% and I still got destroyed.
Thx for your effort in making this guide but I just can't continue playing this. I hope many people will try this and enjoy it. But its just not for me. :)

No worries, thanks for being honest.
She can be difficult, 0 def... very squishy.
She relies mostly on being fast, and killing everything before it kills her....and there's a lot of times where she can just be dead.
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Level 139, near 140 (Solo).
I have finished rift 1,2,3 pretty easily. 0 leech at level 3 pfiouuuu serious thing begun.
But mini boss like corrupted class ( warrior!) just destroy me so fast lol if i havent my tank summon , i probably cant Kill him , but, Hey 0 Def VS warrior ...
I have try Samael but with my 12k hp its impossible .
One feet on the ring , 3 sec , and i m dead lol . BuT the Dps is here , one try with 20/30sec alive and i see pretty much hp gone (maybe 10/15%) . Maybe i will Take paragon buff skill for more hp but less dps.Have time to do it.
Scoglen become more and more easy , have to use trinity arrow on some mobs , maybe use Ressurect (with the amazon helm) help a lot , mobs dont always focus my tank so i have to "flee" .
Jungle Hunter
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Akkarat's Trek boots are better option for endgame than windrunners, good rolled akkarats with 80+ wpd is more dmg just because 20% more dex from gems, hp too. Overall you shouldn't play runewords on amazon IMO. You can afford only to use runes on your bow, JAH, IAH, ELQ.

Also I don't see Etrayu, good rolled etrayu, albeit hard to find is the BIS farming bow atm, valk prime is good only for lab (max rez) but bowzon sucks in labs anyway.