SSF Bowzon v2.2

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Nah, you mean the Void-Touched and Void-Infused Maple Bows respectively, while Newbking meant the Samael bow "Desolation" (Voidsworn Bow). got no experience with that one.
Cow Ninja
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metasequoia wrote:Nah, you mean the Void-Touched and Void-Infused Maple Bows respectively, while Newbking meant the Samael bow "Desolation" (Voidsworn Bow). got no experience with that one.

Meta is correct, I meant the bow Sam drops.
The magic dmg is huge, but i guess the worry is sustain/healing.
Rust Claw
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Newbking wrote:
metasequoia wrote:Nah, you mean the Void-Touched and Void-Infused Maple Bows respectively, while Newbking meant the Samael bow "Desolation" (Voidsworn Bow). got no experience with that one.

Meta is correct, I meant the bow Sam drops.
The magic dmg is huge, but i guess the worry is sustain/healing.

Maenad can give 4k-5k magic dmg too. I'm thinking of:

1. Wyrd +
Voidsworn Bow
Two-Hand Damage: 70 to 79
Required Level: 125
Item Level: 110
Adds 4000 - 5000 Magic Damage
5% Chance to cast level 60 Dark Power on Kill
1% Chance to cast level 21 Lifeblood on Striking
+1 to Ultimate Chaos
Lightning Resist -100%
Physical Resist (15 to 25)%
100% Magic Find

Amazon Helms

Runeword Level: 115
Ecstatic Frenzy: +300% Total Damage
Fire, Cold, and Lightning Pierce Reduced by 100
+(3 to 4) to All Skills
(40 to 45)% Cast Speed
(25 to 30)% Movement Speed
20% Block Speed
Adds 20-30 Damage
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
10% Magic Find

2. Rapid Wyrmshot: Bloodzon devotion +
Athulua's Blessing
Athulua's Blessing
Heavy Gloves (Sacred)

Defense: (1328 - 1476) to (1409 - 1566)
(Amazon Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 525
Item Level: 130
30% Attack Speed
+(10 to 15) to Rapid Wyrmshot
+(170 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
(12 to 15)% to Strength
(12 to 15)% to Dexterity
+(75 to 113) Life Regenerated per Second
5% Chance to Avoid Damage
Socketed (4)
Voidsworn Bow
Two-Hand Damage: 70 to 79
Required Level: 125
Item Level: 110
Adds 4000 - 5000 Magic Damage
5% Chance to cast level 60 Dark Power on Kill
1% Chance to cast level 21 Lifeblood on Striking
+1 to Ultimate Chaos
Lightning Resist -100%
Physical Resist (15 to 25)%
100% Magic Find

Amazon Helms

Runeword Level: 115
Ecstatic Frenzy: +300% Total Damage
Fire, Cold, and Lightning Pierce Reduced by 100
+(3 to 4) to All Skills
(40 to 45)% Cast Speed
(25 to 30)% Movement Speed
20% Block Speed
Adds 20-30 Damage
Maximum Elemental Resists +1%
10% Magic Find
+ Wyrmshot relic (as base for Rapid Wyrmshot).

Edit: it has Lifeblood on striking so maybe the blood devotion is not necessary. Anyway i'm just a pleb, never seen the bow before lol.
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Newbking wrote:I notice voidsworn bow isnt on here for bows. Is it no good?

The build guide is physical bowzon, also somewhat based around a SSF playthough.

That bow is cool and has some other items that could help build around, but I personally haven't ever used it.
Cow Ninja
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After extensive testing/playing, I think the physical bowzon is a really weak build. Your guide is fantastic, but even with the premium gear and charms a level 145 bowzon felt really underwhelming. The investment did not result in a proportionally strong final product. Hopefully the devs will buff wyrmshot from 60% to 80%, or make other changes to increase offensive power.

The other major drawback to the build is that Phalanx is not good. You are 100% right, trinity arrow is the way to go. The problem is, you need a serious gear commitment just to get -enemy res over 100, which isnt really high enough at later game content. Most of your gear needs to concentrate on physical buffs, (EWD,DS, etc).

I think bowzon is great for first time median beginners as they learn the game. For intermediate and advanced players, stay away. Bowzon is just outclassed by other builds. My last two seasons were tri-ele javazon and searing glow pally and both were way more fun, more powerful and the investment equated to outcome much better.

Just a few thoughts. I really appreciated your guide, Berry. You did an excellent job. I just dont share your love of the bowzon and its struggles.
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Hell yeah no worries, I personally think bowzone is the strongest and fastest farmer for shit like scos, fauzt, dunc, teganze, viziun, any farming zone.

She has gained a lot of power from what she used to be and can do most bosses pretty easily as well.

The changes to wyrmshot because of whatever "bug" was effecting it are a gift and a curse.
Wyrmshot double hits still iirc but with far less damage.

Wdm procs like arrow and knife throw etc heavily carry the build. The wdm procs change from 50-100 a few seasons ago really help it be competitive.
In dense areas with correct gear wdm procs will literally destroy everything around.
With nice clumping around a druid in scos for example bowzone can literally pop them in an instant.

I've still yet to see any video evidence of any other builds clearing as efficiently and as consistently as a well built bowzone.

It's definitely not for everyone but for me I can't play anything besides bowzone because everything else feels like shit.

Ps I also want more offensive power for bowzone, and actively I guess speak against it with how much I enjoy her and speak on her power. There's a very thin line between where she's kind of shit for a long time and then really powerful.

You either destroy everything on screen somewhat instantly or you're struggling and think she's ass.
Cow Ninja
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berry117 wrote:Hell yeah no worries, I personally think bowzone is the strongest and fastest farmer for shit like scos, fauzt, dunc, teganze, viziun, any farming zone.

She has gained a lot of power from what she used to be and can do most bosses pretty easily as well.

The changes to wyrmshot because of whatever "bug" was effecting it are a gift and a curse.
Wyrmshot double hits still iirc but with far less damage.

Wdm procs like arrow and knife throw etc heavily carry the build. The wdm procs change from 50-100 a few seasons ago really help it be competitive.
In dense areas with correct gear wdm procs will literally destroy everything around.
With nice clumping around a druid in scos for example bowzone can literally pop them in an instant.

I've still yet to see any video evidence of any other builds clearing as efficiently and as consistently as a well built bowzone.

It's definitely not for everyone but for me I can't play anything besides bowzone because everything else feels like shit.

Ps I also want more offensive power for bowzone, and actively I guess speak against it with how much I enjoy her and speak on her power. There's a very thin line between where she's kind of shit for a long time and then really powerful.

You either destroy everything on screen somewhat instantly or you're struggling and think she's ass.

I appreciate your response, and I get why people love bowzon. Its a fun play style, just under powered in my opinion. Your guide made testing it fun and enjoyable, so thank you! :)
Sadly, I lack the know-how or software to make you a video, but trust me.. my searing glow pally clears scosglen faster and far more efficiently. Its AOE attack does 3k physical and about 23k fire EACH shot, and unloads about 2-3 shots/second. Granted, the strange movement issue is annoying, but you get used to it. Its like a super op artillery... when firing you are stuck in place... but 3 clicks around a semi-circle in front of you melts everything usually in one shot (except for the damned trees).

Also, bossing with searing glow is a dream. Uldy is so easy and fast I farmed a few trophies lol You can hit enemies off screen while out of danger, because the firing lock remains on them even if they move/telelport. I really recommend you try it.
Azure Drake
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berry117 wrote:You either destroy everything on screen somewhat instantly or you're struggling and think she's ass.

The latter is majority of the game, especially since you physically can't instakill corrupted druids in scos. She is just annoying to gear because of all the changes to nerf but not outright kill her. The single target skill having 100% non-magic conversion means bye-bye boss sustain (and also a big hit to physical damage on targets requiring high damage output in the first place). Wyrmshot having 25% non-magic conversion for no reason (which is also the source of the bug) is such a passive-aggressive way to nerf physical without benefitting IED.
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BearBearderBarb wrote:
berry117 wrote:You either destroy everything on screen somewhat instantly or you're struggling and think she's ass.

The latter is majority of the game, especially since you physically can't instakill corrupted druids in scos. She is just annoying to gear because of all the changes to nerf but not outright kill her. The single target skill having 100% non-magic conversion means bye-bye boss sustain (and also a big hit to physical damage on targets requiring high damage output in the first place). Wyrmshot having 25% non-magic conversion for no reason (which is also the source of the bug) is such a passive-aggressive way to nerf physical without benefitting IED.

yeah but if the wyrmshit is double hitting, double chance for wdm procs, so assuming it work like that, whatever shoot more arrow fuck whole screen.
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BearBearderBarb wrote:The latter is majority of the game, especially since you physically can't instakill corrupted druids in scos. She is just annoying to gear because of all the changes to nerf but not outright kill her. The single target skill having 100% non-magic conversion means bye-bye boss sustain (and also a big hit to physical damage on targets requiring high damage output in the first place). Wyrmshot having 25% non-magic conversion for no reason (which is also the source of the bug) is such a passive-aggressive way to nerf physical without benefitting IED.

You dont really need boss sustain when you have decoy and a pretty decent hp pool. if you had high sustain with decoy it would be pretty busted.

Wyrmshot is still probably one of the best farming skills in the game. The irony though was aftering nerfing wyrmshot's, they brought out warmonger which basically leeches through the whole game and has a significantly better package than bowazon and makes bowazon look like a dogshit build. :cry: