The Uber's Bible [1.3] W.I.P

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by Somnus


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Hatred Terror Destruction Credits


Ladies and gentleman, Ubers Bible for [MXL 1.3.1]. We are gonna cover ALL the Ubers and challenges for this patch.

What does this bible has to offer?
  • A comprehensive/straight to the point Ubers guide.
  • A simple/easy way for new players to understand all the Ubers in this game.


Since MXL17 patch, LC1(LevelChallenge1) is now the first challenge (rip Volrath). Fear do not!
What do I need for this uber?

  • Level 50 or lower, don't surpass it or you wont be able to cube the charm.
  • Some basic TU's/Stats like 6k-8k defense (depending if you are ranged or melee), some meatshields, or some way to stun-lock the amazons (spamming skills as a caster works, they have really bad fhr).
  • You need to know ''where'' [A2 → Dry hills → Halls of the dead → Island of Skartara
  • You need a MAP
  • It's useful to have Blink (or any teleport source) to jump over the walls or just to blink away from danger/big packs. By using a ''Pax Mystica'' runeword on your 2nd weapon you can achieve this easily. You can do this uber without blinks/teleports.
How does this uber work?
  • TA(Tran Athulua) is filled with Amazon archers (they deal decent damage) and some snakes.
  • There is a ''boss'' on the entrance, a ''Pirate of the Twin seas''. He drops a charm called ''Elemental Prism'', you'll need it to complete the challenges. And as always, you don't need to identify to transmute stuff.
    ► Show Spoiler
  • These 3 bosses are surrounded by armies of Amazon archers, so dont jump into big packs.
  • Each boss drops an unique Sunstone and gives you an unique swirl(you cant use fire priestess swirl to cube the ice sunstone with the Elemental Prism and so on) cube it with the Elemental Prism. Be careful, you have 30 seconds to cube it or the swirl will go off. Dying will also turn it off, as always.
  • Although all three Priestesses give you the same looking red whirls, you need to kill the right Priestess to cube the right charm.
    ► Show Spoiler
  • Each boss (priestess) is immune to its named element. Priestess of fire(fire immune), priestess of ice(cold immune) and priestess of thunder(lightning immune). They use Phalanx skill(Avoid at all cost or R.I.P), tremor(lowering your hp by %) and ice, fire or thunder nova on death.
You dont get experience in Tran Athulua, so, dont worry leveling up over 50 in here.

Last challenge on Hatred difficulty. This one its easy if you know how it works, so, let's go.
Where is this uber located?
  • This uber is located in the Torajan Jungles. A new map which contains the entrance to some of the ubers in game.
What do I need for this uber?
  • Maximum level 80.
  • All map variations: MAP1, MAP2, MAP3, MAP4. Make sure to check it out to know where are the totems and the necromancers.
  • Gear check, fhr, defenses etc.
How does this uber work?
  • There are totems across the map, they give full immunity to all enemies in a radius. Destroy them so you can kill the mobs.
  • The map is full of skeletons archers, skeletons warriors.
  • There are 3 Bosses(Ennead Necromancers), one necromancer per corner but the one you appear on. They use Miasma(poison skill that reduces movement speed)
  • Each Boss will randomly drop one class charm, sometimes it's a bit frustrating. Just keep trying till you get yours. Once you have your ClassCharm, cube it with a jewel (maximum level 80). This time you dont need swirls or have a timer.

► Show Spoiler


As you could read, unlike LC1(LevelChallenge1), there's not much into this challenge. Just make sure you don't get swarmed by immune skeletons(you will need %faster hit recovery, so cube your gear with some Mystic Orbs)


First challenge on Terror difficulty, worry not, you can do it!
What do I need for this uber?
  • Maximum level 90.
  • Terror Act3 → Flayer Jungle → Swampy Pit Level 3 → The Proving Grounds
  • Once you get there, you can use this MAP, I recommend opening a portal on the safe blue circle zone.
  • Any perfect gem ready to cube with your class charm.
How does this uber work?
  • Death Projector shots a spinning Mind Flay (yes, the paladin skill) in a clockwise direction. It will kill the player or any summon.
  • Lure most of the mechanics away from the Projector (keep one around to remove its immunities), after this, you can proceed to kill it without being bothered by untargetable mobs.
  • If any of your minions are killed around it, death projector regens hp.
  • Once you killed it you'll get a swirl, as always, you have a timer to upgrade the charm (30 seconds), and if you die you'll lose it. Cube the CC with the Perfect Gem and voilà! Now it's upgraded :)

You gain no experience on Terror difficulty from Death Projector itself. Keep trying until you succeed!


They can be found at the end of each act on Terror and Destruction, kill them and recollect the Tokens.
Where can I found them?

    Act1 - Clawstorm Terror: From The Barracks to Jail 3.
    Act 2 - Fairy Witch: Canyon of the Mages.
    Act 3 - Glowing Blob: From Travincal to Durance of Hate Level 2.
    Act 4 - Landmass: City of the Damned to River of Flame.
    Act 5 - Bane Hunter: Worldstone Keep Level 1-3.
Monsters look like this:
► Show Spoiler

The five tokens look exactly the same ImageImageImageImageImage
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This is the last challenge on Terror, 2 of the 5 stages are a bit difficult depending on the class you are playing. I'm gonna list the stages ordered by difficulty:

► Show Spoiler


If you are reading this, congratulations, you've made it! :) Here's where MedianXL shines, DESTRUCTION. Tons of ubers and content.

How are they listed?
  • Ubers will be listed by documentation order: Kehjistan, Western Kingdoms and Wastelands.
  • Colors from green to red for difficulty levels.

What information will I find inside the spoilers?
  • Uber names linking to the official docs (for more information)
  • Location of the uber.
  • A picture of the uber.
  • Basic stats like: immunity, skills...etc.
  • Basic info and how the uber works.
  • A map of the area.

  • To get these charms you must be in Destruction difficulty.
  • You'll need the ''Dark Tome'' (dropped by the summoner, in the arcane sanctuary, act 2, on destruction difficulty) to open a Dark Portal to some ubers.

► Death Projector
► Creature of Flame
► Torajan Jungles
► Kurast 3000 BA
► Akarat
► Rathma Square
► Azmodan
► Legacy of Blood
► Lord Aldric Jitan
► Teganze
► Quov Tsin
► Vizjun
► Kingdom of Shadow
► The Triune
► Toraja
► Yshari Sanctum
► Astrogha


What do I need for these ubers?
  • To get these charms you must be in Destruction difficulty.
  • You'll need the ''Dark Tome'' (dropped by the summoner, in the arcane sanctuary, act 2, on destruction difficulty) to open a Dark Portal to some ubers-
  • Some of this ubers will require Purify skill from
    Assur's Bane
    (can be found in Duncraig Uberlevel, combining the 5 seals from the mini-bosses with the ring) or from Uldyssian's Sword (Uldyssian's charm).

► The Butcher
► Infernal Machine
► The Binding of Baal
► Assault on Mount Arreat
► Island of the Sunless Sea
► Cathedral of Vanity
► Tran Athulua
► Bull Prince Rodeo
► Ghosts of Old Bremmtown
► Judgment Day
► Athulua
► Fauztinville
► Wretched Hive
► Duncraig
► Nephalems Sacrifice


  • To get these charms you must be in Destruction difficulty.
  • Some of this ubers will require Purify skill from
    Assur's Bane
    (can be found in Duncraig Uberlevel, combining the 5 seals from the mini-bosses with the ring) or from Uldyssian's Sword (Uldyssian's charm).
► Khalimgrad
► Belial
► Kabraxis
► Zorun Tzin
► Startled Witch
► The Void

Marco for the mod, forum, community and guides.
Obi One Quirinus who helped me develop myself into a higher enlightened being.
Aahz for recovering some stuff from the void.

Edited by Somnus 5 years.
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Rust Claw
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Somnus, you depressing son of a biscuit!

This is epic. Thank you for your dedication to making my life easier.
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Sir Legar
Bone Archer
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This is looking good, good job!
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Nice, should be useful, but keep in mind that It's = it is / it has, I see many errors there.
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Finally, I completed it and it didnt broke! Fuck bb code :C

Jakkt wrote:Somnus, you depressing son of a biscuit!

This is epic. Thank you for your dedication to making my life easier.

I'm just trying to help ><!

Sir Legar wrote:This is looking good, good job!

Thanks! I'm glad you like it :)

arcology wrote:Nice, should be useful, but keep in mind that It's = it is / it has, I see many errors there.

I haven't corrected any grammar/typos yet, finished guide will be polished, as always. Thanks for your time/feedback <3

Thanks guys, really appreciate it! Going to eat now, need soup :D
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In the Kingdom of Shadow section it recommends getting 95% poison resist. Wasn't the maximum resist lowered in MXL 2017?

Great write up by the way!
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KalodecoiaTV wrote:In the Kingdom of Shadow section it recommends getting 95% poison resist. Wasn't the maximum resist lowered in MXL 2017?

Great write up by the way!

As stated on top of the guide:
''W.I.P. Before starting to read, from the introduction up until destruction, its up to date. BUT. From Destruction forward, most ubers are not updated (will do ASAP), some ubers still unchanged since XVI, so you will be able to apply the same strategies to defeat them. KEEP THAT IN MIND. STILL WIP.''

I still have to change a lot of stuff, don't worry ^^
Thanks for your time and feedback, really appreciate it !
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@somnus when you get to it, don't forget priestess in TA can cast tremor and phalanx 8-) Looks like the guide is coming together nicely. Good work!
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dprazak wrote:@somnus when you get to it, don't forget priestess in TA can cast tremor and phalanx 8-) Looks like the guide is coming together nicely. Good work!

Don't worry, everything is under control! :D

Thanks for feedback and your time, glad you like it :)
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Khalimgrad has butcher's text, check that out.
Overall, really like the guide and the ammout of detail.