The Sumodin

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TheMoui wrote:Thanx for the guide ! But I have hit a wall on Baal Nightmare :s . My minion are killed instantly and he kills me in two hits :/
I'm progressivly increasing minion life and resist but it doesn't seem to change anything for now... Any ideas ?

Been there and had the same problems. I just died 10 times and killed him, after that just lvl to 100 and get some gear and craft some items and you wont have that kind of problems again.
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I died more than 10 times and am lvl 106 ... What items should I craft ?
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Hello everyone! Enjoying this build my 1st time playing Median.... it's amazing!.

Right now I'm lvl 118 and I just respecced to spec out Plague (seems quite useless later on? maybe I'm wrong) and I'm putting points to fully max scourges (with also life&death) and the rest on Dragonheart to boost juicy tankiness, seems much better! I'll keep testing as I made the switch only yesterday.

Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to the guide creator!
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TheMoui wrote:I died more than 10 times and am lvl 106 ... What items should I craft ?

Check out my gear I posted earlier in this thread:
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Since first time I posted this, I made some small improvement to gems, runes and jewels, but nothing major. This will give you an idea. Shield is Magical shrine crafted, not Tainted.

Use gold on orbs to improve your gear if you haven't done so already.

My current ingame stats with buffs:
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TheMoui wrote:I died more than 10 times and am lvl 106 ... What items should I craft ?

It's okay, you're supposed to leave and come back over and over. Basically, open a portal, tele to baal. Your minions will die very quickly, but will still get damage off. Then port back to town and use Malah's full heal to quickly summon your minions again and head back. Do that over and over again. Took me about 15 minutes using that method with all of the early game items specified in the guide.
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What about the Paladin Shield runeword Amaymon (Taha rune)? The howling totems are pretty insane in my experience. Also a huge boost to @res.
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HechtHeftig wrote:
Grasshopper wrote:
HechtHeftig wrote:EDIT: Congrats Darkstorm. Aside from Grasshopper you're the 2nd person I blocked on this forum.

Why woud you do that? Asking questions is a crime now?

Oh by no means asking questions is forbidden. I always feel good when I can abswer a question and help somebody else. The reason I blocked you was because of this „debate“ a couple of months ago. I just don‘t want to see such things anymore.


Show me where I did anything more than ask about a feature and ask if it could be put in the game since I wasn't comfortable running an unknown person's code on my computer to get a multi-craft button feature.
I was told to get the source code and read it to make myself comfortable!!! So I pointed out that it didn't seem the right solution for people to have to do that, even if they had the skills to do it.

When I said such a tool is 'dangerous', it simply means that running code external to a game, written by an author whom I don't know has the potential to backfire horribly. Not only that the author could be anyone, with any intention, but more importantly I don't know what bugs his code may have that could accidentally damage my machine. That is not saying "this is a virus" or anything, just that in principle, doing thngs like that is risky.

I am shocked that anyone would argue with that.

I was reasonable throughout, expressed genuine concerns and received a lot of ridiculous anger for it. If you think there's anything wrong with that then you're living in a parallel universe to me.
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Alright I finally have some time to answer all your questions. You may need to scroll down a little bit to see the answer to your question.

Zertan wrote:What would a DJ/scourge hybrid look like? I'm looking for a tanky melee paladin build to play.

If you want a tanky melee paladin, the sumodin is not something you should play. A melee paladin uses mainly Divine Judgement, Plaque, and Dragonheart. Items are of course completely different. I think you'd be better off sending Aerial a message, since I have never played the new holy melee paladin and thus can't give you any advice. I just know one thing: the Holy melee paladin set cynadide is really good for the build.

Grasshopper wrote:The other option is to go Unholy caster and use Hoplites? I realise they don't have crucify chance but they will be very tanky and get +5% damage from every point in the unholy tree same as Scourges do from the Holy tree.

Unholy caster doesn't need to pre-casrt anything and some of the skills used to be quite strong (not sure how they are now?). Gain the benefit of bering a caster is to pump mana and be able to re-cast the summons 'on the go'.

Actually I've wondered the same at one point. My problem with Unholy is: Hoplites are not strong enough when it comes to offense, since they only push back enemies over and over again. And if you go with Scourge, and the Unholy tree, you'd only get more life and less damage, too. I think, yes it may be viable, but it would be focused more on your spell damage. And if that's already the case you might as well just play Unholy Caster. I might be wrong though, so you're free to try it out.

One more thing though: Crucify is such an awesome attack ability! It basically boosts the damage to 266 - 533% of the displayed minion damage depending on how many enemies are around. However, retaliate hits basically only once with 70% of the displayed minion damage. That's how big of a difference there is between those 2 summons.

As for why Colosseum is so great: The knockback helps a lot in many ubers, because that way your minions can get between you and the enemies, which menas that you won't get hit at all. However thanks to how teleport works (First you teleport somewhere, then a tiny bit later your minions teleport to your position) always makes you the target. That's why summon barbs usually still get some decent defense, since they are the first to appear and the first to be attacked. And honestly, that's the only essential reason to use Colosseum. (In some ubers like Teganze you really want to use Divine Apparition though since you don't want those enemies to run away, but instead have focused attacks on single enemies, which leads to smaller groups being annihilated in an instant.

TheMoui wrote:Thanx for the guide ! But I have hit a wall on Baal Nightmare :s . My minion are killed instantly and he kills me in two hits :/
I'm progressivly increasing minion life and resist but it doesn't seem to change anything for now... Any ideas ?

Yes Baal on Nightmare is a chore. I gave quite a good explanation on how to tackle him though:

The only thing that needs a special strategy is Baal. In hatred you can easily just go back to town once or twice and resummon your minions. But in Nightmare you actually have to hurry since the area is locked after 1200 seconds. Okay you probably won't take 20 minutes for this, but make sure to always keep a portal open, jump on Baal with your full minions and instantly retreat until you see most of your minions are dead. Go to Malah, summon your scourge, go back to Baal and repeat until Baal is done.

If you die, you probably aren't walking away from Baal as soon as you teleport on him. I didn't die a single time when I was up against him. I just made sure to let only my minions actually fight him and stay safe myself.

snjac wrote:Check out my gear I posted earlier in this thread:
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Since first time I posted this, I made some small improvement to gems, runes and jewels, but nothing major. This will give you an idea. Shield is Magical shrine crafted, not Tainted.

Use gold on orbs to improve your gear if you haven't done so already.

My current ingame stats with buffs:
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Oh boy you have a much better set of gear than I do. Jealousy much!

Ananochi wrote:What about the Paladin Shield runeword Amaymon (Taha rune)? The howling totems are pretty insane in my experience. Also a huge boost to @res.

Yes it looks like a really decent option! Honestly I didn't look much into it, since I was positive that the Demon Blood aura from
Paladin Shields

Runeword Level: 70
Demon Blood Aura
You and Undead Minions: Maximum Life +6%
26.6 Yard Radius
-10% Base Block Chance
25% Attack Speed
40% Hit Recovery
+(10 to 15)% to Summoned Minion Life
+33 Defense
also affects your minions, which is not the case, sadly, so this item actually really sucks for anything except boosting your own life. I'm currently using a Stone Guardian and as a mid game option that's really decent. I can imagine though that Howling Totem adds a lot to the damage!

And thank you everyone for actively playing this build. I'm really busy this week so I hope I can manage to update at least the level 120 ubers this week. Thank you very much for your patience.
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I started crafting jewels and got several Kamatari jewels.

I am curently chasing Alnair SU saber and Stone guardian SU shield (for 2 extra jewels as I currently hold only 4 in my shield).

Looked up for some gloves, didn't find any that would beat my crafted ones.

I might change Hivemind but I don't know when or with what exactly, Maybe with some great shrine roll but that's yet to be seen.
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i got almost everything from the Endgame gear but nothing changed for me... still get 1 hits in so much areas.
280k Defense, all res over 80 and phys 50 with buffs. Dont know what i am doing wrong.