The MedianXL 2017 v1.3 SP Miniguides Compilation

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Dark Huntress
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Hello , I need help. I'm following your lazysin guide . but I'm caught in the act 4 terror. I can not get in diablo portals .
I'm playing like a melee player . Attacking with shadow refuge . what should I do?

My skills:
1 BLink
22 WSpider
16 Qob
20 WPhoenix
19 PBeing
22 SRefuge
8 VIcon
8 WGhyphon

9 skills left

Charms: Butcher Tooth, Class Charm(+ennead, -Black road), Harkon Crystal, Optical Detector, Sunstone of Ele.
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Flying Polar Buffalo
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well first of all i don't know why did you waste that double MO'ed weapon like that , when it was supposed to have 600-650 % ED and you only got 347% ; you got much les damage than you should . second , you say you have trouble on act 4 terror and you carry destruction charms ....

third : i don't think you play it as it is supposed to (melee player you say ) . here's what you must do :

1. get the buffs activated
2. kill a few weak opponents and raise the 5 Stormeye Totems
3. run arround packs and let the QoB spread damage that will result in a chain reaction of procs after procs.
4. the essence of the build is not fighting (in melee as you said) . you just hit and run and wait for stuff to die . don''t stop to fight in other ways . the totems will obliterate any strong single target(such as act bosses) . only use Shadow Reffuge to get the buff . it is not your main attack
5. when the Hades Gate procs you will get teleported to corpses you may not want to go back to because they are still swarmed by strong opponents . in this situation you need to use blink . either to jump away from danger , either to stun the pack you landed on , spread some more ways damage with QoB then run . The 100 teleport when struck may also teleport you into dangerous spots too .
6. re-roll that amulet untill you get one of those suggested in the miniguide . Lightning Arena will also make an important difference for crowd controll

i'm sure that if you make a proper double mo'ed weapon and you keep the 5 totems on all the time , you will have nothing to worry about .

start eating extra signets to invest into dexterity for a high chance to block . it should be your main goal at this moment after you reach destruction and aquire a few more charms . your attack rating is a bit low too and needs more boosting ; extra hard points into dexterity will fix that along with a few more charms and some jewels that provide more % of that . Mo all your gear to 120 and get more -%enemy resists to boost your damage

the build is quite overpowered , if played as i've described .
7 | 0
Hello, any build ideea based on ATMG cotw ? Excluding sin ofcourse wich is already known as best .Thx in advance.
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Flying Polar Buffalo
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Razvan wrote:Hello, any build ideea based on ATMG cotw ? Excluding sin ofcourse wich is already known as best .Thx in advance.
a barbarian with smaxed wolves for doom , mo'ed gear to reach 100%CB + stances that deal heavy damage (Lion and Kraken) , smaxed Nephalem Weapons + lots of procs on striking and after kill . it should be stronger than a 'sin

something like this :
Edited by ChuckNoRis 7 years.
7 | 0
Yeah thats even better than everything i planed for it. Thx for fast answer .
8 | 0
Hi Chuck, could you make guid for totem/summoner necro, I found one,but its for an old version
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Flying Polar Buffalo
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Croven wrote:Hi Chuck, could you make guid for totem/summoner necro, I found one,but its for an old version
:D your answer is here at the bottom of the page : viewtopic.php?f=5&t=124&start=5170 and on the other page of that thread about the offensive totem build . support totems+summons were never on my taste ; such a build is not in my plans .
Edited by ChuckNoRis 7 years.
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oh, thanks :D
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Thanx alot for mini guides Chuck!

Q. How does noob(in his 50s) buckshot necro supposed to stay alive? Life on hit?
Cause LL doesn't seem to work reliably for my necro.
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Flying Polar Buffalo
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First you have to make sure you have upgraded your gear to the highest tier you can wear at your level , so you may gain higher defence (smaller chance to be hit) /damage (higher physical damage = more life gain from leech ) . socket perfect gems to max your resistances around 85% each (less damage taken from spells) . the points in Famine and a few heal pots will keep you safe in hatred . MO the weapon with some more leech if you find that necessary ; re-roll your Lightning Arena amulet to provide some life after kill .

once you get to level 65 and can access
, that 1 LoS (+ 20 Lak ) will make it all easier and you won't be needing heal pots any more .

That is the way to fix your issue.

Good luck !