SHURIKENSIN - How to be a Hokage

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Muilpeer wrote:Honestly, people should learn the abbrev's. I remember back in the days even before the old forums there was a guide on D2maniacs that had a whole list of abbrev explanations that had helped me a lot. Would be nice to write a separate guide on abbrevs, maybe I'll do it. Then when someone writes a guide, they can link to my abbrev guide in a small intro portion of their guide?

It saves the pain of having to explain them and we use abbrevs for a reason. I'm pretty okay with using Laek, LoS, ttad, CtC, etc etc etc.

freeman20 wrote:Looks nice. Notice me when you wrote your abbrev's topic

Oh guys, there is no need to write a guide of abbreviations :)
Everything is here: Median & Diablo II Abbreviations
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Stone Warrior
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HechtHeftig wrote:Please put in some Arkona :D maybe Yarilo or something.

Check duncraig. Perhaps you'll appreciate this
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I paid 10$ for this.
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freeman20 wrote:
HechtHeftig wrote:Please put in some Arkona :D maybe Yarilo or something.

Check duncraig. Perhaps you'll appreciate this

I approve.

Btw: you got my props for adding a video for every uber. Now you finally deserve my upvote
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Stone Warrior
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HechtHeftig wrote:I approve.

Btw: you got my props for adding a video for every uber. Now you finally deserve my upvote

Not for every tho. Some of them is canserous as hell, some of them is just impossible for me or for this char. Anyway i try my best and only around 5-8 ubers will not having any explan's. Maybe in next updates, when yshari and bremm will be less canserous.

And someone steal my cookie due to my rap-music tastes. Sadly :c
Thunder Beetle
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This looks fun. Will try this soon. Nice guide :)
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iamq1803 wrote:
Muilpeer wrote:Honestly, people should learn the abbrev's. I remember back in the days even before the old forums there was a guide on D2maniacs that had a whole list of abbrev explanations that had helped me a lot. Would be nice to write a separate guide on abbrevs, maybe I'll do it. Then when someone writes a guide, they can link to my abbrev guide in a small intro portion of their guide?

It saves the pain of having to explain them and we use abbrevs for a reason. I'm pretty okay with using Laek, LoS, ttad, CtC, etc etc etc.

freeman20 wrote:Looks nice. Notice me when you wrote your abbrev's topic

Oh guys, there is no need to write a guide of abbreviations :)
Everything is here: Median & Diablo II Abbreviations

Awesome! Cookie for you!
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Stone Warrior
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Somnus wrote:''guide'' :facepalm:

I seem to be ahead of you in the idea of ​​doing a guide on shuriken flurry? Or is there any other reason for disliking my guide? Sure, i'm pretty bad at BB, but i tried my best. So what's wrong?
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Can u give the link to the tool that shows ressistance on mobs health and the info on your health and mana and the play time? Please :D
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Core Lord
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This guide would be so much better in english.

Seriously, there are so many grammatical errors.
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Whats the best merc to use with this build? Just curious. Thanks in advance!