The MedianXL 2017 v1.3 SP Miniguides Compilation

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Cool, I look forward to trying it out in a couple days when I return home from my vacation.

This guide list is quite extensive, good luck updating them all to 2017. That is no trivial task, but I'm sure a lot of people are more than grateful.

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it takes a lot of work for updating almost 50 miniguides , and right now the curent status is at about 33% finished , i hope that i'll be able to get the rest of 67% done untill the end of september .

Starting fresh slowed me down in the first 2 weeks after the release, untill i managed to get a few charcters to level 121 and some others to 120 for testings , along with geting all the charms + some minor farming . Lucky for me i have a bunch of friends at work that i have managed to get them into playing Median since last year, which have constantly supplied me with SU's in this new patch in order to get back my full complete shared stash of goodies , that is almost done at the moment , it's only missing about 20 or 21 SU's iirc, 4 set parts and 2 trophies . If it wasn't for their help , considering my time for farming is very small , i wouldn't have even bothered to get the compilation updated since it would have taken me a lot more time to get the job done . They farm the gear for me , i create , test and update . The job is done faster , everybody is happy . :)
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But what about all the early and mid game stages? Surely you do more testing than the endgame 121 item set with full trophied charms. Do you just keep save files of mid-level characters?
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ChuckNoRis wrote:you get it automaticaly if you go neutral , also , regardless of the uberskill you choose . all you got to do is not to invest any points in the holy/unholy trees .

One of the SSSU paladin shields give the holy passive, so you can spec unholy then and gain both along with the unholy skill set. Sometbing to consider for a gear option maybe.
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the early and mid game stages are tested separately (several times if needed) for each build before reaching the final version and updating the miniguide . that's what takes most of the testing time (as example , i'm testing the early/mid Rooftrellen since last week and the final version will come togather most probably today or tomorrow), as for the end game, it's mostly about using different gear (best in slot su's /xis rw's ) instead of the mid-game gear ,eating signets and geting most/all charms in inventory - that usualy takes less than a day of testing .

i do have save files for characters that finished hatred (act 1 terror) at levels between 66 and 72 , and saves for characters that finished terror at level 120 (act 1 destuction) , but most of the times i just power play the all builds from level 1 to 120 in order to check properly on how it all scales , if the builds suffered heavy changes compaired to XVI .
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The Rooftrellen treewarden has been updated to M2017 . Reworked arround Aegipan RW .
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1."Reanimator mana sorceress" can do most uber ? I thing is funny build ;)
On begin is a little low dmg ;/
2. Thunderman's Video Compilation on this forum, hes used pala for stormcall(what shrine need to use on pala shield to get this oskill, ornate)?
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any shrine will do, definitely use ornate for shine bless
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the Sagittarius has been updated to m2017
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Hi chuck, in the ranking system spoiler, under Fun, the 9=.. is missing. I know its rly nothing but i thought you wanted to know.