How to get all charms with T6 gear [1.3]

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Cow Ninja
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Gotta use some brains because gaze converted, so sometimes it worked vs phys immune, sor wont :) You basically have to adjust what attack you use to immunity your enemy currently has.

Honestly I think this version might even have some advantage, sor has this velocity/defense debuff, high WDM, it is really not bad skill. It is pretty bad for speedfarming, like with decked char I wouldn't use it over sword spiral for example. But with entry gear, if your goal is to get charms it might be even better.
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Bone Archer
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I was having some minor struggles with the provided AHK script for Fortress toggle, so I made some changes. This is working great for me right now. Switch to fortress, cast it, switch back. Using E (stance) + Spacebar (fortress) in this ::\

Send {space}
Send {Shift down}{LButton down}
KeyWait, space
Send {Shift up}{LButton up}
Send {e}
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Cow Ninja
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Yeah, I ended up using something like this (v fortress, c bear stance):

#IfWinActive ahk_class Diablo II


send v
while GetKeyState("Space","P")
Click right
sleep 25
send c


This is realm lagproof, basically tries to spam fortress as long as you hold spacebar, when you release it, switches back to stance. You see when fortress is cast and then you release the button, so you can reliably cast it no matter what your latancy is, in case it changes.
ifwinactive makes sure script runs only in d2 window and nowhere else, it isn't annoying when you try to type outside d2.
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Bone Archer
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Ah beautiful, yes I ended with IfWinActive as well. Good stuff. ^^
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Cow Ninja
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Since in messing around with this again, I ran some calcs regarding chest choice.
Found sacred ancient armor early. Now when you compare defense of ancient armor and kra rw in it, it can give you about 16500 defense (vs less than 11k from t6 golem or shroud royal with jahs in it).
Now with rw chest you lose 5 runes (5x 20% defense from runemaster), but you gain extra base defense. According to calcs your final defense should be roughly the same with both choices. Will be lower when you switch to shield since then that -5 runes +massive invictus defense will affect it, but your defense then is way more than needed to begin with.
Kra chest has really nice stats (500 life, 2 skills, 50 ias), and fact that you can put 5 jewels in it (vs just jahs in unique chests that only contribute towards defense which will be the same). On such limited gear, 5 jewels is massive stat spike, can have tons of speed, ar, 250 life.
I think KRA rw chest, even in other base than ancient armor could be very competitive to TU variant.
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Ty so much for the effort and time you put into this Aerial. To me, the point of a guide is to help new players gaining access to gameplay, and this is exactly what you're doing. The fact that anyone can do this (because of common items) really bumps up this guide to the best ever written in my book.

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Cow Ninja
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Added leveling miniguide section.
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there's no Kra scepter rw, I guess you mean Kur
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Cow Ninja
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correct, it was a mistake
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I think Im doing something wrong, I have the exact setup in the guide, with 282k def, t6 gear (got class charm and level 1/2), and its impossible to me to kill butcher in 1min, my damage is so low, even griswold takes forever (I cant facetank him), my fortress tooltip is 732-1777, I dont know what I could do.

I ketp running around him for 10min spamming fortress+guardian, and he lost just 5% life, please help me

Edit: Just to add up, Its the first time I am playing Median, and the first char to get to 120, so I am probably forgeting something :P