Phoebe, the Hammerzon

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Necroglycerin wrote:
Istaryu wrote:
Necroglycerin wrote:I tried this build as my first sigma build so take it with a grain of salt:

Killspeed actually is not terrible, tankyness is also somewhat there thanks to leech if you get your hammers going. I still die quite regurlarly in TA if to many zons rush me in a hallway or in Duncraig if getting rushed really hard after tp with multiple barrels, but I still feel like I am progressing decently.

Gear is mostly still TU's with the exception of Kabraxis SKin

SIngle target has so far only been a real issue in the azmodan encounter and surprisingly against Akarat, where I needed to kite him though half the jungle because I couldnt burst him before his healing kicked in

Next ubers I will try are legacy of blood, cathedral of vanity and bull prince rodeo, we will see how it goes

Make a honorific war scepter, make sure it gets lucky 20% ed, mo with ed, max dmg, ewd, fcr to hit 80% breakpoint. Rest is up to you: mf, leech, etc.

How compares this honorific scepter to Legion? Legion seems quite a cheap sacred scepter, and for farming I dont really have huge dmg issues anyway

@Boban: Yeah i forgot about that, Creature of flame was really a pain in the ass, but since I have no comparison I just thought that the fight is annoying in general after the rework

Legion is bad, because its on a bad base item, and it also doesnt have fcr, just stick to a honorific.
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Okay I will look out for a sacred base then, thanks for the tip
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Made a couple gear upgrades and the char feels pretty strong now, but is there a way this char can reliably farm Teganze and Fauzt? The level design feels pretty bad for this skillset
Bone Archer
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Yeah I have no idea how you are expect to do Teganze it's impossible and infuriating on this build for sure. Died probably 15x not even half a run done with all midgame gear or better.
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MrFunk wrote:Yeah I have no idea how you are expect to do Teganze it's impossible and infuriating on this build for sure. Died probably 15x not even half a run done with all midgame gear or better.

The only way i was able to farm Teganze on this setup was to throw out Edrym Summons from the Judgment Day Charm to block most of the Projectiles and use "Thundercrack". This was of course only after acquiring Battlemaiden since that mace gives Thundercrack enough damage to work. Also teleporting is important as well as overall positioning move in quick throw out hammers move quick. Even with all this it was tough not gonna lie. But, careful use of the summons for meat shields, Thundercrack, and positioning for Hammers made it atleast doable.
Edited by Demonlord 4 years.
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Crash wrote:thundercrack

Corrected my bad been a bit since i played her. \m/
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Crash wrote:thundercrack

+1 xD
Bone Archer
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1 question wen i reached resist i go gems p rubys ore p amys? i skilled dex only so dex would be beter becaus more bonus to % right?
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Eternaldragon10 wrote:1 question wen i reached resist i go gems p rubys ore p amys? i skilled dex only so dex would be beter becaus more bonus to % right?

once your resist are capped, whether from charms or mystic orbs, start switching out for all amethyst. you'll get more block chance and ewd to your s cepter.