Caster Sorceress

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Thunder Beetle
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A few tries later, i did not succed to kill him with poison build. He doesnt take as much damage as expected and Lilith (or me) ends up dying :(

Fortunately, i finally killed him with fire sorc build :
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Thx for the help and see u for Laz :roll:
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I can't seem to find the answer on this. But what's the "Innate Elemental % dmg" MO that you can get for weapons? Is that just adding %dmg to all elements? Should I be putting that on my weapon instead of Fire% dmg?
Azure Drake
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myfataltouch wrote:I can't seem to find the answer on this. But what's the "Innate Elemental % dmg" MO that you can get for weapons? Is that just adding %dmg to all elements? Should I be putting that on my weapon instead of Fire% dmg?

IED only boosts elemental base items (stag bows, crystal swords..). So it doesn't work on spell damage.
Generally, it's better to focus on a single element as you need to reach the pierce cap.
3 | 0
Hey y'all,

This is my first char and im currently lvl 105 in act 2 hell.. I'm hitting a bit of a gearing wall as I don't have enough str/dex for a lot of the items... should i respec and dump more points into str/dex?
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modeloprince wrote:Hey y'all,

This is my first char and im currently lvl 105 in act 2 hell.. I'm hitting a bit of a gearing wall as I don't have enough str/dex for a lot of the items... should i respec and dump more points into str/dex?

You can do that, and combine it with MOing your gear with str/dex.
You can find / craft jewels to get 10 or even 12 less requirements.
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modeloprince wrote:Hey y'all,

This is my first char and im currently lvl 105 in act 2 hell.. I'm hitting a bit of a gearing wall as I don't have enough str/dex for a lot of the items... should i respec and dump more points into str/dex?

At that point you should have a nice amount of gold. Honorific gloves and MO'ing other equipment with attributes should be enough, no respec necessary yet. I would wait until you get at least your 115 charms.

Might be a challenge as you are new to Median but that's the whole purprose of the mod.

Also would be nice to know what build are you playing?
2 | 0
Tengo dudas con el radio de luz.. con mucha suerte consegui el casco.. mi duda es de guanteles la guia recomienda crafear.. pero en las palabras runicas hay unos buenos guantes daño de fuego+radio luz.. por q no lo pusieron en la guia.. o si o si hay q tenes -defensa de fuego del enemigo ..
15 | 0
Hi I am following the Fire Sorc guide, I am 120 and really enjoying it, so thank you! I have a question though. I am working toward the midgame gear, and want to buy the set or shrines to craft with, but I am not sure which. Would you recommend just buying the set or buying a bunch of shrines? I'd like to do the set as its simple but I am worried about my peirce and bad rng

I would greatly appeciate any advice.
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StinkRot wrote:Hi I am following the Fire Sorc guide, I am 120 and really enjoying it, so thank you! I have a question though. I am working toward the midgame gear, and want to buy the set or shrines to craft with, but I am not sure which. Would you recommend just buying the set or buying a bunch of shrines? I'd like to do the set as its simple but I am worried about my peirce and bad rng

I would greatly appeciate any advice.

Fire set is ok, but it's nothing like the lightning and cold sets so don't worry about it. Only the fire helm is good on its own. Use fasc crafts for pierce. Start with the gambeson and gloves. Other than those 2 slots, I also like to use sacred honorifics in mid game when I'm starving for shrines. Bless them then MO full of ef and fsd and ene.
15 | 0
NotCube wrote:
StinkRot wrote:Hi I am following the Fire Sorc guide, I am 120 and really enjoying it, so thank you! I have a question though. I am working toward the midgame gear, and want to buy the set or shrines to craft with, but I am not sure which. Would you recommend just buying the set or buying a bunch of shrines? I'd like to do the set as its simple but I am worried about my peirce and bad rng

I would greatly appeciate any advice.

Fire set is ok, but it's nothing like the lightning and cold sets so don't worry about it. Only the fire helm is good on its own. Use fasc crafts for pierce. Start with the gambeson and gloves. Other than those 2 slots, I also like to use sacred honorifics in mid game when I'm starving for shrines. Bless them then MO full of ef and fsd and ene.

Thank you for the help. What am I trying to get with the crafts? What should I aim for? I havent really learned how to tell if one item is better than another yet.