suchbalance wrote:Awesome thread, thanks for sharing with the community

High_Elf wrote:Nice Showcase, Man
what do you think, about optimal or BiS gear for end? or maybe its already BiS? and how about the option for relic?
p.s. i have seen your armory, how did you get +2 life of striking in your
Black Void
Black Void
Heavy Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (3060 - 3442) to (3304 - 3717)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 120
20% Attack Speed
Adds 10-15 Damage
(10 to 15)% Life stolen per Hit
Slow Target 10%
+(140 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
10% to Strength
10% to Dexterity
Target Takes Additional Damage of (25 to 50)
30% Magic Find
Socketed (2)
Solitude UMO x2 on the Black Void, that's where the life on striking comes from. I also have x1 Solitude on my Eternal body armor.
My gear is pretty close to optimal, but my UMOs are not (I should literally have 2x Solitude on every piece, probably). But I kind of hate UMO optimization so I dunno if I will bother with the other slots, haha. I think UMOs are still way too required or maybe just too rare. Limiting to 2 UMOS per slot was a good step, but I would like to see further rebalancing of them as I still think they are too centralizing.
I want to get a Shadow Refuge relic, the 300 life per second would be really nice! In terms of offensive relics, I haven't workshopped that too much. I would guess there is one that might make my clear better, or just some generic +damage/deadly strike would be nice. Relics are in a similar boat to UMOs for me, though not as bad. But relics are so rare and there is so much discrepancy between bad relics and good relics, it's tough to optimize without a lot of trading or luck.
aaahughjass wrote:Cool showcase! I'm pretty much just following your build but using Sky Murder instead since the clear is much better with it. Definitely one of my favorite builds now that it's up and running.
Right on, glad it's working out! Sky Murder is definitely better for clear, it's probably worth having both in inventory and swapping based on more boss or farm focus, but I haven't found one and I am mostly bossing/labbing so I have just stuck with the Shadow Bite (plus it's Eth and that's neat haha).