S33 Melee Sorceress vs Nithogur

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Stygian Watcher
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Not the cleanest fight. I just want to show how it can be done.

Had to use DJ for phase 2 for maximum uptime, fight can be done w/o it but will be much slower since bladestorm kills off the molochs really fast and then you have to wait for Nitho to summon them again.

NotArmory: https://median-xl.com/char/coco/0d68
Gears are optimized for lab tho, can use crystal of tears instead of defensive UMOs and switch ias jewels for flat dmg & dex to maximize dmg output for this fight

Some notes on the arena debuff:
-2% max elemental resist
-20% max block chance
-20% to evade and avoid
-10% to all absorb

Bonus clip: short footage from my first T10 lab this season, decided to test the build's tankyness by face tanking Phoboss.
Edited by sonneko 1 year.
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it's not a simple -2% mr, you get more penalty when you have higher hp
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Stygian Watcher
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snowbird wrote:it's not a simple -2% mr, you get more penalty when you have higher hp

ye haven't checked out this mech this patch, I guess the further penalty kick in at ~16 17k HP?

The initial -2 res was added this patch I think, last patch at ~14k HP I didn't receive any -res penalty at all.

e: nvm my brain is broken, did have to use alt gear with res gem last patch and I think it's further -1 max ele res for every 1k5 HP after 15k.
Bone Archer
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Great build! I like that it's not the standard Mirage build. Thanks for sharing.
Son of Lucion
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In your explanation you mention
Crystal of Tears
Crystal of Tears
Mystic Orb

Right-Click to Apply
Adds 3-6 Damage
+10 Required Level
to boost dmg, but isn’t most of your damage elemental? Would adding physical dmg matter much?
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Stygian Watcher
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rugby_1 wrote:In your explanation you mention
Crystal of Tears
Crystal of Tears
Mystic Orb

Right-Click to Apply
Adds 3-6 Damage
+10 Required Level
to boost dmg, but isn’t most of your damage elemental? Would adding physical dmg matter much?

Since Starhawk is not a pure ied base, you still benefits from dex EWD (~900%), fully buffed it's ~1300% EWD plus 33% DS from skills as seen in the Nitho clip. At this point the raw phys dmg from Crystal of Tears will give you slightly more damage than raw dex from dex MO or Idol of Stars. Also the more ideal but expensive choice here is Marksman since it gives the build everything it needs.

Anyway it really doesn't matter much unless you really want to crank up the numbers since the damage output is already enough for all contents except maybe 100% Deimoss (for better comparison in the Nitho clip I had 50% more weapon dmg than the Phoboss one).