Zerchys show case

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Dark Huntress
13 | 0
I'll edit this post to look super sexy later on

here is my first showcase video

The Woman Beatin' Barb (500+ MF)
Utilizing the new Xis Runeword "Thunderbird" This barb specializes in Beatin' them hoes.
Girlfriend making you mad? need to beat bitches endlessly? try a Woman Beatin' Barb
Note: This is a Beta build to be worked on.
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19 | 2
Nice video mate, but a lot of Sacred Ụnique for a build would not be a good idea imo, and your kill speed was so slow even with those stuffs too.

I still don't know what exactly the goal of your build is, if you said that all your stuffs revolve arround Thunderbird RW, then stormblast should never be nice, due to low weapon damage, no CB/Leech/Slow and very high lightning spell bonus. In that case, a melee lightning proc barbabrian should be far better, just try Hellbourne Disciple, Hellmaw, crafted glove with ctc StormBlast/Glacial nova, crafted belt with ctc Disintegrate on attack and 2 Thunderbird RW or a custom shield,, then see the difference :mrgreen:
Dark Huntress
13 | 0
The gear isnt optimized I just got the Rw so i tried it out with what i had.
500+ MF and 1.3m defense the killspeed would be faster but my fps drops from 25 to 4 when procs start going off.
I'm using windows 10 and glide and ddraw both didn't fix the issue i'm wondering if i should switch to windows 8.1
I know it isnt my computer as i can run WoW LoL etc with higher fps on higher graphics...
I'd do anything to fix this fps drop
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Lack of shaads is disturbing. Why you removed video about your paladin ?
Dark Huntress
13 | 0
Anonymous: wrote:Lack of shaads is disturbing. Why you removed video about your paladin ?

that video was just for heathen. trying to fix my fps drops
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Astral Guardian
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You should really use snake stance only to spread slow and switch to wolf stance to maximaze to use of the proc(s). 2x rare rings + nova on kill + light spell damage and -%elr would be better imo.
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how do u see ur fps?
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^ /fps ?

btw video is removed???
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n it just says so