Mystic Orb & Occult Effigy Documentation

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All Unique Mystic Orbs are now limited to 2 per item from 5

Now gives 1 Life on Striking instead of Life Spark proc
Reduced to 2% strength

Ten Pin Striker:
Added 5% strength

Zayl's Soul Orb:
Moved to armor only
Increased energy bonus to 2%
Reduced mana from 150 to 100

Farnham's Lost Marble:
Moved to jewelry only
Reduced move speed penalty from 4% to 2%

Vizjun's Ball Bearing:
Increased dexterity to 25

Eye of Malic:
No longer drops

Crystal of Tears:
Reduced level requirement from +20 to +10
Reduced damage from 5-8 to 3-6

Increased proc chance to 3%
Reduced maximum damage slightly and added minimum damage

Moon Crystal:
Increased regenerate mana stat slightly

(New Weapon UMO) Eye of the Storm:
+5% lightning spell damage
+12 energy
1% ctc level 50 Supernova on melee attack

(New Armor UMO) Invisible:
1% Chance to Avoid Damage
12% Faster Hit Recovery
12% Faster Block Recovery
Limit: 1

Arcane Hunger:
Can now be used with runewords once more
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Sorry it's a bit late, but here are the updates... fixed main post too


Farnham's Lost Marble: life on attack now 40, down from 60

Solitude: reworked for 2H physical weapons
Grants 1% Weapon Physical Damage bonus per 1% current mana
I.e. +100% Weapon Physical Damage at full mana
Also reduces attack speed by 25%
Required level +20
Only usable on Helms, limit 1

Eye of Malic: re-enabled and reworked for melee casters
Grants a 3% CtC level 60 Flash and 3% Lightning Pierce
Now Ring/Amulet only
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Life regen orb: increased life regen from 4 to 15
Life on Melee Attack orb: now 25 life, down from 30

Hand of Yaerius: increased life regen from 5 to 20
Periapt of Life: increased life regen from 10 to 40

Farnham's Lost Marble:
Movement speed now +1%, up from -2%
Life/Mana on melee now 30, down from 40

Sigil of Absolution: now lists that it cannot be used with Runewords
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Σ2.8-Σ2.9 UPDATE:

Vizjerei's Folly: Required level is now 80, down from 100 (more double Mystic Orb space)
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Elemental Dominion: Reworked, now applies to Melee elemental weapons, granting them 4% chance to cast level 10 life spark on melee attack and +5 level required. Can be applied 2 times

Elemental Ire: Reworked, now applies to ranged elemental weapons, granting them 1% chance to cast level 4 life spark on striking and +5 level required. Can be applied 2 times

Note- Elemental Dominion is now much more versatile than it's previous version. I've updated it's category on the main page as a result.
Bone Archer
77 | 9
Would you please update the tier of Occult Effigies? The official doc doesn't have it :D For the upgrade recipe of Deimoss quest.
This is the tier a friend of me gave to me:
    2x Celestial Wind -> Elemental Ire
    2x Elemental Ire -> Elemental Dominion
    2x Elemental Dominion -> Sigil of Absolution
    2x Sigil of Absolution -> Arcane Hunger
    2x Arcane Hunger -> Path of Brutality
    2x Path of Brutality -> Breath of Thaumaturgy
    2x Breath of Thaumaturgy -> Empyrean Touch.
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imngocson wrote:Would you please update the tier of Occult Effigies? The official doc doesn't have it :D For the upgrade recipe of Deimoss quest.
This is the tier a friend of me gave to me:
    2x Celestial Wind -> Elemental Ire
    2x Elemental Ire -> Elemental Dominion
    2x Elemental Dominion -> Sigil of Absolution
    2x Sigil of Absolution -> Arcane Hunger
    2x Arcane Hunger -> Path of Brutality
    2x Path of Brutality -> Breath of Thaumaturgy
    2x Breath of Thaumaturgy -> Empyrean Touch.

Excellent information! Thank you for this... I've updated the main post :thumb:

I've been away from MXL for a while now, so I appreciate any comments with details I may have missed... Don't worry, I'll continue to update the documentation as new information/changes arise
