by Somnus

► Content

Hello, I'm Somnus, I decided to post my guide ''How to stream like Prof.Glasses'' because there's so much information over the internet but some guides are too simple or just incomplete. So let's get started, shall we?
What do we need?
- A computer. If you want to stream D2 and MedianXL you dont need a 1000$ one, just make sure that u have at least 2 to 4 gigabytes of ram, a dual-core and a 2gb graphic card.
- Internet, again, you don't need 1tb upload/download, I used to stream with 8mb/2.5mb speed (download/upload)
- Some basic knowledge. Knowing how to set everything up it's a must.
- Streaming software. I always use OBS because it's free, open source and easy to learn.
- A Twitch Account.
- Patience, this guide will cover everything, from opening your twitch account to streaming like a pro. Meaning: Brace yourselves, wall of text is coming.

Your Twitch account it's what you'll be calling ''home'', if you already have one and know how to personalize/set it up, skip this step.
So, How do we create one? Simple:
- Open http://www.twitch.tv and click on ''Sign Up''.
- Once you have your account, just go to your profile and edit your channel settings.
- Remember to check the ''Archive broadcasts'' box so you'll get them saved in your profile. ► Show Spoiler
- Put a Profile Banner, an Avatar, edit your biography, make it attractive and entertaining for your viewers.
How to personalize my channel?
- First things first, change the tittle and the game you're playing. ''Untittled'' it's never a good option guys. ► Show Spoiler
- Now you need to edit your panels. ► Show Spoiler
- In the end it should look like this: ► Show Spoiler

How do we stream? Again, simple!
- First you need to download OBS Classic for your operating system from the official page. The first one is ''studio'', that has the new UserInterface and it's garbage. Scroll down that page and download ''OBS Classic'', because it's a classic and should not be modified.
- When you download the OBS Classic file, just install it.
- Meanwhile go to your channel dashboard ''http://www.twitch.tv/NAME OF YOUR STREAM/dashboard/streamkey'' and copy paste your stream-key ► Show Spoiler
- Once it's installed, just click on settings: ► Show Spoiler
- In ''General'' just read and change the language or whatever you need/want.
- In ''Encoding'' there are two things to keep in mind, disable use CBR and your MaxBitrate(Kb/s) which depends on your upload speed and people's download speed. For example, I have 10mb of upload speed, I could put 9000kb/s but people will need a HUGE download speed. So, unless you get the Twitch partnership (500 viewers daily) and get the ''change quality'', keep it on 1000-1500~ so people don't get ''buffering'' or the famous ''froggen''. ► Show Spoiler
- In ''Broadcast Settings'' we have five things to know:► Show Spoiler
- In ''Video'' just downscale it to 480p or 720p (depending on your Computer) and use the filter ''Lanczos (best detail, 36 samples) this will improve the image quality. A LOT. Fps minimum go for 30, up to you/your computer. ► Show Spoiler
- Avdanced: Change this from veryfast to superfast if you are having low fps's (check your own stream to know or ask someone to do give you feedback). Lower quality, better performance. ► Show Spoiler
► Ultra HD Quality

Let's get started.
- Make a Scene, name it whatever you want. And right click on the blank box under ''Source''.
- It will appear a list of options like this one ► Show Spoiler
- Window Capture: Allows you to record ANY window, it's often used for the twitch chat when you dont have KapChat ► Show Spoiler
- Monitor Capture: Selects the monitor you want to record, often used for dual monitors. One for personal stuff and the other one for the stream. ► Show Spoiler
- Image: Put images on your stream, even gifs. Remember that you can play with the transparency, something like the ''green screen'' in the movies.
- Text: Allows you to write whatever you want in your stream, something like a message scrolling from right to left on your screen.
- CLR Browser: This is used for plugins such as TwitchAlerts and KapChat.
- Video Capture Device: Record your webcam or any source of video like a PS4 VideoRecorder.
- Game Capture: Self explanatory, sometimes it gets buggy when game is in fullscreen so be careful.
Okay, so, what can you do with it? You can use the Edit Scene to move the sources around, change their order, change their position/size, you can put an overlay on top, images, gifs, your cam, the twitch chat. Tons of stuff!
Just make your stream unique!

I won't go in deep with this, first because it's a matter of preferences (not everyone likes nightbot or twitchalerts) and second, because it's easy and they have pretty good official guides.
Twitch Alerts!
Twitch Alerts it's a must. Everyone loves to see their names in their favourite stream when they follow, subscribe or donate. You can even personalize it with your own sounds/gifs.
Nightbot it's easy to install and to use, it/she can simplify your life so much, kicking bots out of your chat, play songs automatically, custom commands, custom trivial games and so much more!

- Your stream, your rules.
- Insulting it's not cool, keep away the drama queens.
- A fun and entertaining stream will always beat a boring stream, even if it's from a professional player.
- Always interact with the viewers, this makes the stream more funnier.
- Songrequests are a nice way to get to know your viewers, remember, music is part of each person's soul.
- Have fun doing what you do.
- Always keep your stream open, paused so you dont lag. Keep an eye on it so you know what it's going on, maybe u are streaming a black screen or streaming with no sound at all.
Last thing, hope you enjoyed this guide. I had fun writing it and I hope that more people will stream now.
Best regards, Somnus.

Here I'll keep the updates/changes to the guide as well as the progress I'm doing.
► Changelog

Laz and Marco for this mod and this shitty amazing forum.
Myself, for making this wall of text in only 4 hours and 16 minutes.
Qik1, for helping me figure out the HD settings from Xsplit into OBS! for an amazing HD Quality!
YOU! for reading this wall of text and for wanting to stream this awesome mod.