!!!2.8+ DISCLAIMER!!!The introduction of Angelic items actually allows for the armor, gloves and boots to be changed. I'll be farming some and posting what you can expect to have once I'm done. This is yet another improvement for this build.
!!!2.7 DISCLAIMER!!!The 2.7 update gave Psicrown 100% extra damage. This makes it far better than before at doing bosses. It also can now officially do scosglen, though you may still struggle with the big tree guys, but that's more the fault of an auto-targetting skill hitting only the wrong stuff.
- Vindicate now lasts longer.
- Both neutral din buffs can be cast with 1 button!
!!!WARNING!!!This build requires a fairly extreme amount of investment to feel good. It will not lab. It will however obliterate:
- Fauzt
- Teganze
- Dunc
- Vizjun
- Triune
PROS:- Can get going fairly early on a budget if you want to just farm dunc.
- Has a fairly high ceiling.
- Farms incredibly fast and safe.
- Hipster as hell. No one else is doing it.
CONS:- High cost if you wanna push hard.
- Can't lab.
- Psicrown is absolutely awful at targeting a singular thing.
- Psicrown is wonky. You deal more damage by VERY rapidly stutter stepping + casting vs just standing there and casting for some reason. Great recipe for carpel tunnel.
TSWhttps://tsw.vn.cz/char/Shockolate/8e71VIDEO SHOWCASECONCEPTI only like playing oskills or things people consider weak, but are mechanically interesting. I then try to push those skills to their limit and it usually culminates in an overgeared character that would otherwise be weak if it wasn't for relic stacking. But we can't do that anymore :'(
This time around, I decided to go full meme and push Holy Shock.
Holy shock scales exclusively with energy and lightning pierce. Psicrown scales exclusively with energy and + skill levels. This makes gearing for these 2 skills fairly straight forward and synergistic.
Both skills are quite terrible on their own, but put together they carry each other's dead weight.
However, unlike Psicrown, it's important to understand that all you care about with holy shock is reaching the energy thresholds to reduce the amount of overall ticks necessary to kill mobs in the zones you'll be farming. Here is a rough breakdown of the total energy required to reach specific thresholds per zone:
► Show Spoiler
2 ticks:
Non lightning: 7k Energy
Lightning: 13k+ energy
1 tick:
Non lightning: 13k+ energy
Lightning: Not happening
2 ticks:
non-champion & non-lightning: 8-9K energy
4 ticks:
non-champion & lightning: 12k energy
1 tick:
Harpies: 15k+ energy
Blights: 15k + energy
2 ticks:
Necrobots: 10k energy
Harpies: 7-8k energy
Blights: 7-8K energy
4 ticks:
Concealed: 13k+ energy
2 ticks:
Vorpal: 9k+ energy
Demonflesh: 10k energy
Magineer: 10k energy
Augmented: 9k+ energy
3 ticks:
Accursed: 13k+ energy
2 ticks:
Golems: 9k energy
Kraken: 6k+ energy
1 tick:
Kraken: 13k energy
4 ticks:
Impaler Archon: 13k energy
Paying attention to these thresholds will help make the build feel quite a bit smoother.
GEAR► Show Spoiler
Helmet: Arcane Protection
Arcane Protection
Runeword Level: 100
Psicrown Now Explodes Upon Impact
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
+(5 to 10)% Bonus to Spell Focus
+(15 to 20)% to Spell Damage
+(6 to 9) to Psicrown
+(400 to 600) Defense
Regenerate Mana +(20 to 25)%
Physical Resist (5 to 10)%
Elemental/Magic Damage Reduced by (15 to 25)
+(20 to 30) Life after each Kill
+(20 to 30) Mana after each Kill
(20 to 30)% Magic Find
(Flat energy MOs + Zayl's Soul Orb)
This is mandatory to make psicrown feel good. You can use farsight globes to make this in order to help with pierce capping.
Amulet: Vizjerei's Necklace
Vizjerei's Necklace
Required Level: 100
Item Level: 105
+(1 to 3) to All Skills
+(20 to 30)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
(10 to 20)% to Energy
Maximum Mana +10%
+(25 to 50) Life after each Kill
(Whatever MO you need. Res/MF/etc)
This is the BiS amulet, but you can use
Black Dwarf
Black Dwarf
Required Level: 110
Item Level: 105
+2 to All Skills
20% Cast Speed
20% Hit Recovery
+(15 to 25)% to Lightning Spell Damage
-(5 to 20)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+(15 to 25)% to Cold Spell Damage
-(5 to 20)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+(21 to 29) to Supernova
(30 to 40)% Bonus to Defense
-5 to Light Radius
until you can pierce cap without it.
Armor: Hide of the Basilisk
Hide of the Basilisk
Chain Mail (Sacred)
Defense: (5807 - 6817) to (6568 - 7711)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 600
Item Level: 120
+(1 to 2) to All Skills
30% Cast Speed
+(25 to 38)% to Lightning Spell Damage
-35% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+(13 to 16) to Thunderstone
+(130 to 170)% Enhanced Defense
+250 to Mana
Maximum Lightning Resist +4%
Physical Resist 15%
1% Reanimate as: Random Monster
Socketed (6)
(Flat energy MOs + Zayl's Soul Orb)
It's hard to argue against this armor. With the constant nerfs to UMOs, there's no point using a
Natalya's Deception
Natalya's Deception
Quilted Armor (Sacred)
Defense: 2263 to 2331
Required Level: 80
Required Strength: 500
Item Level: 120
Orb Effects Applied to this Item are Quadrupled
Socketed (6)
. 35 pierce, 15% PR and +2 skills is huge.
Belt: Yaerius' Alembic
Yaerius' Alembic
Light Belt (Sacred)
Defense: (2202 - 2752) to (2286 - 2857)
(Paladin Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 825
Item Level: 1
+(41 to 50) Spell Focus
+15% Damage to Vessel of Justice
+15% Damage to Vessel of Retribution
+(21 to 25)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
+(1 to 3) to Veneration of Justice (Paladin Only)
+(1 to 3) to Ward of Fate (Paladin Only)
+(100 to 150)% Enhanced Defense
(31 to 40)% to Energy
Requirements +50%
Socketed (2)
Yaerius' Grey Omen
(Paladin Neutral Set)
(-req MOs + Flat energy)
Easy to acquire. Most energy you'll get out of a belt. Unfortunately, the str req is incredibly high and it takes a very high amount of effort to wear this without -req jewels.
Rings: Ouroboros
Required Level: 110
Item Level: 120
+1 to All Skills
(-15 to 25)% to Strength
(-15 to 25)% to Dexterity
(-15 to 25)% to Vitality
(-15 to 25)% to Energy
(Whatever MO you need. Res/MF/etc)
All skills and lots of energy. Nothing better. Try to get high str rolls as well to help with stat requirements.
Weapon: Dream
Runeword Level: 100
Holy Shock
Nearby Enemies take 1200 Lightning Damage every 1.2 seconds
+1% damage per 7 Energy
16.6 Yard Radius
+(3 to 4) to All Skills
+(75 to 100) Spell Focus
75% Cast Speed
+(40 to 50)% to Lightning Spell Damage
-(20 to 25)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+(32 to 36) to Supernova
+500 to Mana
(20 to 25)% Weapon Damage Taken Restores Mana
(25 to 35)% Magic Find
(Orb of Annihilation MOs + whatever you need)
Only way to get holy shock. You can use farsight globes to make this in order to help with pierce capping.
Gloves: Eerie Craft (Flat energy MOs + Zayl's Soul Orb)
You're looking for 2 primary mods. Lightning pierce and all stats (rolls up to +40). Anything else is fluff.
Boots: Elemental Trance
Elemental Trance
Boots (Sacred)
Defense: (1113 - 1302) to (1147 - 1342)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 500
Item Level: 120
+1 to All Skills
(10 to 40)% Movement Speed
40% Hit Recovery
-(11 to 15)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+(71 to 100)% Enhanced Defense
(11 to 15)% to Energy
(30 to 50)% Gold Find
Socketed (4)
(Flat energy MOs + Zayl's Soul Orb)
Those boots are TECHNICALLY BiS, but by a very very very small margin. A solid
Eerie Craft with all stats will be just as good. You'll likely need a Kabraxis sleep rather than a Triune sleep which is also cheaper.
Pul runes everywhere you can to begin with. Transition to Phul runes as you get them.
SKILLS► Show Spoiler
Elemental Wisdom: MAX
Veneration of Justice: MAX
Ward of Fate: MAX
Valiance: MAX
Spark of Hope: Dump rest of points
1 skill point in every skill
Endurance: MAX
Continuity: MAX (if you want. Really not necessary, just nice quality of life. Can put points elsewhere)
Specialization: MAX
Divine Apparition: 1 point
Blessed Life: Enough to max phys resist
CHARMSPrioritize strength and energy on everything.
CONCLUSIONHoly Shock itself I believe is likely in a decent place. It can't do content on its own and that is probably intended by the devs. It lends itself well to Psicrown, but not much else. The Dream runeword's intention seems to imply Supernova should be the supporting skill, but that is ultimately a noob trap and performs SIGNIFICANTLY worse than Psicrown does at supporting Holy Shock.
If anything, I would like a shift in power on the Dream runeword to not mislead players but also to get the bit of power this build needs to get going without requiring outside help for charms and the mid game. Replacing Supernova levels with Psicrown and replacing lightning spell damage with % energy would make a big difference.