MXL2017 v1.3 errors/solutions (OUTDATED)

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Bone Archer
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I went through various methods on getting the game to work online and with or without plugY, and the same problem still persists; randomly getting C#00005 error while playing. Yeah this sucks, I am gonna have to wait for a patch that fixes this, or just wait and hope that I don't have this issue with Sigma when it comes out. :-(
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Quirinus wrote:
jimbojen wrote:Whenever I try to load the launcher after it is installed it brings up an error "the procedure entry point SHGetPropertyStoreForWindow could not be located in the dynamic link library SHELL32.dll. I have it installed in diabloii/medianXL like it should be, so not sure what the fix is for this....

Are you using windows?

I have the same issue on my laptop

Windows Vista
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Azure Drake
174 | 8
Facing a different kind of problem here. Everything works fine for me, except of a Windows process called csrss.exe That is loading my CPU usage and causes overheating etc.. whenever I'm playing mxl 2017. Anyone has any clue of what's going on? ? How to fix it??
Already checked in Google about it, but didn't understand much, except of that it's an essential process for my laptop to work..
It's the first time this is happening, and its only occuring when playing MXL 2017. Previous version of MXL runs smooth without any problems.
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Sand Maggot
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potapo_gourouni wrote:Facing a different kind of problem here. Everything works fine for me, except of a Windows process called csrss.exe That is loading my CPU usage and causes overheating etc.. whenever I'm playing mxl 2017. Anyone has any clue of what's going on? ? How to fix it??
Already checked in Google about it, but didn't understand much, except of that it's an essential process for my laptop to work..
It's the first time this is happening, and its only occuring when playing MXL 2017. Previous version of MXL runs smooth without any problems.

Open the task manager and right click on the csrss.exe process, then select "go to services" and see what's going on with them while MXL is active and when it isn't.
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Azure Drake
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Already checked it RequiemLux, but there is not any service linked to it.
It starts suddenly loading while im playing the game and when i Alt Tab to Task Manager, im catching it for a second at 20-25% CPU usage and then it drops to zero... till i start playing MXL again...
Im on Windows 7 if this helps at all..
323 | 0
I installed d2se, downloaded m2017 mods folder and put into d2se mods folder, start d2se, choose median 2017, click run plugin, but it starts LOD not median, wtf?
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chicken which version of windows?
323 | 0
notforkeeps wrote:chicken which version of windows?

nvm i didn't put the d2_patch.mpq into mods, it runs m2017 now, lets see if it still crashs or not
Stone Warrior
30 | 0
Thx alot for you intro. and the link's. i just follow the tourial , include watch the video and it work 100% no fail or bad message error ect. even sin war for the first time it work for me. about plugY i did like the tourial 11.02 , but it seems it run version plugY 10.00.
it took me many install try before i read this, but seems like i did the same as allways with older mods.
So think ½ of time it's our diablo 2 install, there got a issus, so when install mod it will fail.
So keep try new install to it work. Just remember delete d2se-diablo 2 then check harddriv for any d2 folders. and delete or it will remember fail to. re-start pc after uninstall. to be sure no memory in ram
1 | 0
I don't know if this will help anyone else but I had got the game working earlier by disabling DEP. after a few days it had stopped working again I tried everything except DEP cause i had turned it off and even when i checked on it it said it was off but i still could not connect to sin war. after an hour or so of doing things over and over again i went back into cmd and turned off DEP again and median xl started working again. I don't know if it is my computer or this is a common issue but try turning off DEP from cmd (even if it already says it is off) and restarting your computer.
