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Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni

Ugh, i need another non-mediocre anime to watch i guess. What is the term should i say..... too much cliche? I mean the 1st episode alone is all about some random guy get randomly died and random reincarnated into another random world with some random weird circumstances OP and become chick magnet.

Tbh, I dont mind if the series explain a bit more about the fantasy world either the politic, magic or monsters but instead all feel bland as the story jump from one episode to next episode without proper cohesive story-flow. So it pretty much just meh with random fan service stuff. The characters are not memorable either with less emphasize on character development or motivation.

At the end, this series is just bland and i cant say that I hate the series but it just feel ..... meh throughout the series. Not recommend this unless you really have a lot of free time

Another recommendation would be:
1. No game no life
2. Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
3. Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo?

*Yes i could just easily suggest all "trap in mmo" type anime, but i think better to suggest series that emphasize on OP character with proper world and characters development in fantasy setting.
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im not happy about these kind of beserk chapters, they are short and disappointing
thats what it must feel like being an asian woman
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Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!

Main character dies a stupid death and ends up in game like fantasy world.
Before he enters the world he can chose any partner he decides...

Its not a serious anime, its comedy/troll.

Similar/Kombination of:
Gate and Re:Zero
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I've been watching Naruto Kai. It's not official, but some fans have really gone out of their way to make it seamless and get rid of that bs filler!

Original thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Naruto/comment ... h=d60b9007

Better thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Naruto/comment ... on_post_5/

The "better" thread has a much, much better edit, although it's all subbed in case you were looking for English.
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Jaedong wrote:im not happy about these kind of beserk chapters, they are short and disappointing
thats what it must feel like being an asian woman

I stopped reading that manga years ago unfortunately. Last I read, they had just gotten to the fairy island and were being led inside by a fairy.

EDIT: Did a minor catch up by reading a synopsis. Here's where I've thought this manga was headed for years now, and what I still believe; Once Griffith starts eliminating enough people, Guts will unite the kingdoms, but during this time Caska will loathe everything Guts has done to get them where they are and blame him before killing herself, but while this is going on, the city they are in is being sacked and everyone is going to die anyway. Guts realizes he's all alone an everything he has ever done has been in vain so to finally kill Griffith, he will use his egg to summon the Godhand in one final act of revenge sacrificing all of his people in the process (since they were going to die anyway) and instead of wishing for immortality or to become some super demon, Guts desire is to go back in time and stop Griffith. This pushes him back to the time of King Gaiseric, of which Guts becomes that person, and perhaps the little witch follows him and helps guts don the Skull Knight armor so his soul is not destroyed during the time travel. Hence... the repeating loop of destiny and causality, never ending with the little witch becoming the older witch (who cares for herself ironically), and Guts destined to repeat history forever. Just my theory.

My other theory was that Guts lost his mind and imagined the whole eclipse, and Caska getting raped repeatedly in front of him and him getting his arm and eye chopped off made Guts insane and in reality, Guts is completely insane and imagining everything starting since the eclipse, and when he fought the butterfly creatures, he actually went into the nearest random village and just slaughtered a bunch of innocent children because he couldn't handle that Caska had a miscarriage from being rapped so brutally and imagined the whole monster angle. Hell, maybe he was surrounded by the cities inhabitants who were beating the shit out of him and he was seeing this butterfly thing hitting him, who knows. Point is, in this theory, everytime Guts fought someone more powerful than him, his mind fabricated something, such as with Zodd the first time, then slowly, Guts became more and more schizophrenic over time.
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Lost+Brain (Manga)

It's a bit like Death Note, just with hypnosis as a tool to get to world-domination. It's not as good as Death Note though, but the similarities are obvious. The explanations on how that hypnosis works is actually really well researched as well as other background information as the CIA things and so on. Still some characters just seem useless and you start wondering why they were introduced to begin with. For example the protagonist invites the 2nd best on his project. But for most of the time, that new character is just there to ask questions so the reader/viewer can understand what's going on. Aside from that he has basically no impact on the story as a whole.


Akira (Manga)

Started it today. So far it's quite interesting. Basically a motor bike - military story set in a post-apocalyptic world. The pacing is quite unique. Somewhere between Kill la Kill and any normal manga. But a lot of brutal shit is happening. There are enough things to keep the interest of the reader. I'm interested to see where this is going.

so far: 9/10

Highschool DxD Season 4 (Anime)

Gosh, I saw the first episode (episode 0) of that anime and thought to myself: What the fuck is with that animation. It's horrible! The characters are so static now. It seems like they cut the budget for the characters (main focus) just to increase their budget for the surroundings. Seriously. The characters don't fit to the surroundings anymore and it all just looks so weird compared to the first 3 seasons. Especially those ugly shots of those 2 main devils in the group of the protagonist. Luckily, those ugly characters disappeared after the 2nd episode (episode 1) so I guess the guys learned to draw now. Still doesn't keep them from implementing some weird scenes (like the pinocchio nose of Issei in the latest episode (episode 3)).
Still gonna watch it to the end, but up to this point I'm fairly disappointed in the 4th season. Why did they change the animation studio?

so far: 4/10
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Is rick and morty comsidered a anime? Or does it have to incluse japanese school girl to be so?
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Kraken Guard
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har har har youre so funnaaaaaaaay.
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Azure Drake
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I am being serious, might sound funny to you but i rly dont know.
It kinda looks like dragon ball but with a different story.

Is it a anime?
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Liquid wrote:I am being serious, might sound funny to you but i rly dont know.
It kinda looks like dragon ball but with a different story.

Is it a anime?

Well, the term anime generally describes and contains all animations made in Japan (though, lately there are also korean and chinese anime, so I think it strives more and more to describe animation from asia in general).
Rick & Morty rather is a cartoon since it's made in the USA. I'd probably classify it as an adult cartoon (I know that kinda sounds like porn cartoon but w/e).