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Pacman, Megaman, Bayonetta and Ryu from Street Fighter confirmed as playable characters in the next Super Smash Bros. Hype

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Tales of Maj'Eyal aka TOME4. Been playing the balls off this one. I think any median player would like it as it's a very character build centric game.
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Octopath traveller

I downloaded the DEMO today. I heard it's a good game from many sources and had to see for myself. Aside from the water and the light effects in fights, you won't notice that this game was made with unreal engine.

Anyway, so I tried out 2 different characters. The first one was a happy, undecisive trader, who witnessed how some pirates robbed an old man in the local port town. So she goes ahead and gets that stuff back. After that I wasn't really impressed tbh. But that came from getting the wrong skill (instead of a multihit or summon ability I got a "rest" ability, which was overwhelmingly aweful.)

Anyway I started all over, this time with a dancer. Her story is a lot darker. Her father was killed when she was young and she made it her task to get revenge on the cult who did it. She ends up in slavery, is picked on all day long by the other slaves and the only other dancer slave who is kind to her gets killed half an hour into the game.

I have to mention though that each character has a specific ability to use on NPC's. For example, the trader can simply trade with any NPC and get specific items from them only. The dancer however has the ability to seduce someone else. So, as a female dancer I went ahead and seduced an old lady. She kept following me even to the places out of town where monsters are waiting. Then I got into my first fight, and suddenly saw the option to summon the person that follows me into my fight. This is when I chuckled the first time. But it got even better. The enemy tried attacking me, but instead of hittin me that old lady jumped in front of me and got hit. That old lesbian protected me well! xD

Then I continued to the first mini boss and I thought I was doomed. All of a sudden it was 1vs3 whereas before I only ever fought 1vs1 (with that old hag 2vs1 but still..) So I summoned that old lady again in high hopes she deems herself useful. Indeed she did. All of a sudden she throws some AoE multihitting ability and causes like 200 damage to every enemy (my usual attacks: ~40 damage) and I was like: What the fuck? What kind of old bull dyke did I seduce? And I chuckled aagin. Gotta buy this game. Fun stuff will happen.

EDIT: Just played Akinator today. I wanted to see if he can find out gheed. WHen he asked for the haircolor I had to search for a picture and found this:


I never knew gheed had a beard!
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small updates after steam summer sales

1. Teslagrad
small indie platformer about magnetism, it was cheap and super short. I dont recommend it, although it quite easy to 100% it.

2. Technomancer
bought from cheap bundle. it is a niche games, it got nice wow factor at the start but after doing like almost all the quests in the game, i feel like sloth walking through same giant map (about 12 maps i believe?) back and forth completing quest. combat is ... not perfect, but to teach your patience and fighting rhythm. as budget title, this game is fine.

3. Borderlands 2
was terrible to run through after i finished the final boss. this is kinda like my 3rd full playthrough of same game (which i rarely do). about 50 hours i believe with all 4 dlc included with GOTY version. i believe this game is good to play with friends, but i hate multiplayer so... But it is my first time to play a lot of hours in 2nd difficulty (true vault hunter mode) which is....hard unless you always upgrade your guns which thankfully i managed to snatch 200 golden keys from online for that treasure chest in sanctuary.

4. Layers of fear
best 1st person horror ever with lots of mind-fuckery. im not fan of horror, and closest is probably game from amnesia developer. This game doesnt rely much on darkness, but lots.... and lots of jumpscare. But still, to able to create that imagery with unity.... i curious how the developer managed to do that seamlessly without loading screen. got it for free, and i recommend you to try it.

5. Highway Blossoms
Yuri VN about traveling through desert (america, not sure where) while searching for hidden treasure. It focus between 2 characters that contrast from each other...and etc. Basically this is not Japan-made, so I kinda appreciate it when english VA came out. I guess the voices are quite ok (although I really thought that both girls are kinda much younger from game art though). havent finish it yet, but im aware of adult patch later once i finished it.

6. Batman Arkham Knight
Cheap bundle for deluxe edition, man i wish every AAA games is as cheap as this. So far, I havent encounter any performance issues / bugs like when it was released, so at least it is a positive. Compared to older games, some people might not like as it have more emphasize on the bat.. tank gameplay. Nothing much i can say other than now the game is kinda like ...more explosion and more power, rather than slow, stealth and tactical gameplay. Im probably plan to 100% all missions at least because it seem quite fun with their own cutscene and story. not sure it i wanted to collect all 200++ riddler trophy though.

7. Witcher 3
I have been waiting for 3 years for finally to play this game...legit copy ... on my personal own computer. There isnt much to say about the game, but thankful to ridiculous combat in technomancer, now I mastered the witcher 3 combat! yeah! I can play on hardest difficulty without issue (while i think that w3 was too random in the past because of randomness of animation). Again, like batman I probably will try to do all side quest in the game, together with both expansion. expected 100 hours easily sunk to this game.

Only negative part is... now my PC at home suddenly have problem with random restart (while i was playing witcher 3 for many hours before that). I probably need to send it to repair shop since i dont have time to trouble shoot it. Sigh, so sad considering all parts are only around 6 months old (1 month old for gpu and psu)
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I bought a ps4 pro with a bunch of games and I bought Bloodborne GOTY a bit later.

I played through Bloodborne once, but I didn't realize that you need to finish the DLC stuff before the final boss(Gehrman/Moon presence). So I ended up going into NG+ accidentally. Now I'm going through the game again just to play through the DLC.

This game is fucking amazing. 2nd playthrough is as fun as the first one. I love it.
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Welcome home good hunter.

Yea Bloodborne is amazing. The DLC bosses are the hardest content in the game for sure. I mustve dumped at least 1000 hours in that game just theorycrafting builds around runes and weapons using Waste of Skin trait. And the fact that FromSoft doesnt announce a Bloodborne 2 is downright criminal.

I have a few Messengers tattooed around my forearm and a couple of Caryll runes over my right wrist, that's how much of an impact that game had on me. Good to see someone else has converted to its charm as well.
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Paladins. Basically overwatch but with different champions. It actually is quite fun. I really like lots of those characters. It‘s also interesting to see that even supporters are so well-managed that you can potentially dish out more damage then a DD. (in Low-level ranked games there are always at least 2 players playing support per team(!))

Things that make this game definitely better than overwatch:
-a huge amount of customization (you have up to 5 from 20 cards to chose from which grant you different buffs. For example when you hit with ability x the cd of ability Y is reduced) you can save up to 6 decks for different enemy compositions. You also can buy up to 4 from 16 items to choose from in each game depending on your progress in the game. And there‘s also the strongest changes: at the beginning of each game you can choose 1 of 4 abilities.
This all results in such a variety that you can play a tank as DD or a DD as flanker, or a flanker as DD. Something like that.
-supporters are incredibly fun in this game. They can kill flankers coming from behind if you use your skills well.
- In general the characters may not have as much character as the ones in OW, but they are a lot more fun to play.

Why the game is worse than overwatch:
-the preprogrammed messages you can send to your mates are bullshit. There‘s no „gg“ there‘s no „focus character X“ there‘s nothing of use. And even if there was, the output is for ants, so everybody will just ignore it. I‘d definitely advice playing this on pc, unlike me on switch.
- Some champs are completely ridiculous. Want to get a pentakill? Use the ult of Viktor. 3 instant-death nukes with a range as far as he can see? Sure why not lol.
-some maps are way too big for this fast- paced game, and some are too small.
-matchmaking im normal game mode seems unfair at times. It‘s good in ranked though.

So all in all, I know I'll have some good, decent fun with the game, even if my team occasionally ignores the enemy supporters and/or run into them 1vs5. I'll try reaching Gold in ranked for now (I still have to play 4 of 6 ranking games) and afterwards platin. Gotta see how that turns out.

Edit: I was promoted to gold 4 after winning all games in silver 5. I guess Platin isn‘t just a dream.
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On my smurf account.

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Cave story - amazing stuff + good sounds.

And HOMM 3 small maps on randoms.