Trap Rat Miniguide

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Good afternoon.
Let me to tell you about my additional miniguide for mid game druid trap rat.
Originally, I found trap rat build here and read many interesting tricks:
Trap Rat guide by Mike
I recommend you to read it at first, because I don't want to repeat the same thing you can find there. Also I will not write about early and end game gears. It was very good described there too.
I would like to tell you about my version of mid game gears, wich allows me complete some ubers. All related videos you can see below.

I decided to reach 3 things:

1) 500k+ defence
2) 50%+ damage reduction.
3) Мax life increased up to 85%


There also exists fourth way but I am only in process to reach it:
4) +10% to all maximum resistances (+5% from Azmodan's Heart charm and +5% (Unique Amulet + Moon of the Spider charm recipe))

Let's calculate what does it give us?
For example necrobot (one of the strongest ranged monster in the game (except bosses)) tries to hits us 100 times.
With such our defence he has only 11% chance to hit us and we get only 11 hits.
Also with these stats we have 10% chance to block. So, one hit will be blocked also.
So it remains only 10 hits.
And we have 50% damage reduction, so we get only 50% damage from each of 10 passed hits.
It's only 5% damage from 100 hits.

I think it is a very good result and you can reach it if you want it too.



Easy way to get charms from some easy/mid ubers
You don't need Sacred Uniques items or Grate/Elemental Runes - only runewords and normal (white or grey) sacred items for that build.


It's qiute difficult to wear these gears because they require much strength and dext (how to get it I will explain below)
You don't have much magic find
You can survive in some ubers and even farm it but it will not be so quickly as I saw in some Youtube videos
It is not so easy to find all required runes and sacred armours (runes I found at terror difficulty in Fauztinville)

Final Stats

Strength: Enougth to wear gears (350 strength without items/charms and 960 with it)
Dexterity: all rest (340 dex without items/charms and 640 with it)
Vitality: nothing (we have 20K+ life in this build)
Energy: nothing

Midgame Build
Trap rat form - our main source of total char def and extra life - supermax
Quill storm - our main fight skill - supermax
Egg trap - second fight skill - 1 point will be enougth (how to use bouth skills see uber videos below Lord Aldric Jitan or Akarat)
Thorn wall - I used it for many ubers, for excample Creature of flame
Elvensong - 16 points will be enougth for 4 elves at the same time. It is very handy skill to make your enemies fight to each other (Fauztinville)
Goodberry and Lifeshield for your life and defence - supermax
Force of nature for some extra damage - supermax
Elfin Weapon - for extra crushin blow (you must reach 100% in Trap Rat form )
Pagan Rites - allows us restore 100% of life from enemies corpses - 1 point will be enough. Very handy!
Summon Acid friends - sometimes we need meatshield for some ubers - 1 point will be enough. (The Butcher or Legacy of Blood)
See all stats here:
Skillplan (Druid, Ultimative XVc)

Midgame Gear

I recommend you to use for runewords rare Jewels like these:
You can get Rare (Yellow) Jewel from Magic (blue) by next recipe:
Magic (blue) Jewel + any Rune + oil of enchancement -> Rare (Yellow) Jewel
You can rerol Rare Jewels by using next recipe:
Rare Jewel + Oil of renewal -> Rare Jewel with new stats.
Repeat until you get something like in picrures above (+ resistances for two elements)
Don't forget cube each gewel with oil of luck!

Main weapon
I recommend you to use Sacred Dagger/Dirk/Kriss/Blade. Kriss or Blade a bit better - because they have 3 sockets each instead of two in Dagger or Dirk.
First of all we need to get lucky bonus for our weapon to get double effect from mystic orbs.
We must use next recipe for that:
a) Make Dagger as Gray type if it is Magic or Rare (any type of weapon + catalyst of destruction + any rune -> weapon as Gray or White type)
b) Cube Dagger twice with oil of enchancement (we will get superiour weapon)
c) Dagger + Oil of Renewal → reroll Dagger (try to get maximum sockets (gray) or without sockets (white))
b) Cube Luck mystic orb with our Dagger
c) If we didn't get double effect from mystic orbs (2% chance to get this bonus) repeat from step c.
If it sucsess we will see green note

Orb Effects Applied to this Item are Doubled

After that if Item is white (without sockets), you can add them by next recipe:
Dagger/Dirk + 2 any Jewels (+3 any Jewels for Kriss or Blade) - > the same weapon with added sockets (q-ty of sickets = q-ty of Jewels but not more than maximum possible for that type ot item)

We will use next runeword for that weapon:
Dagger Sacred + 1 Jewel (2 Jewels for Kriss or Blade) + Xar rune
About this weapon:
Adds 750-1000 cold damage
Adds 1500-2000 poison damage over 5 seconds
-50% to Enemy Cold Resistance
-50% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+50% to Cold Spell Damage
+50% to Poison Spell Damage
Increase Maximum Life and Mana 25%

As you can se this weapon gives us huge damage, increases our life and weakens our enemies. Perfect.
Of course SU weapon can be much better but we don't have it yet ;)

I recommend you put here from mystic orbs bonus to attack rating (at least 250%) and some dext if you need for wearing gears.

Armours upgrage before inserting Jewels and runes
I recommend you to find sacred (not tiered) white/gray armours for runewords recipes:
* Falcon Mask (Sacred) or another one you can get Sacred druid helm.
* Light Plate (Sacred). If you find Sacred Gothic Plate or Full Plate Mail or Ancient Armour - it will be cool too!
* Gauntlets (Sacred)
* Plated Belt (Sacred)/Heavy Belt (Sacred)
* Greaves (Sacred)/Light Plated Boots (Sacred)
* Gothic Shield (Sacred)/Tower Shield (Sacred)/Kite Shield (Sacred)

First of all we will make +2% damage reduction for each from 6 armour (head, body armour, gloves, belt, boots, shield).
We will use next reciepe: Armour + Blessed Oil of Luck → returns item, may add bonuses (15% chance) +(40 to 60)% Enhanced Defense and/or Damage Reduced by (1 to 2)%

Our main goal - to get 2% DR for each.

Use sequence:
a) get many Blessed Oil of Luck (Special Box drops from Griswold in Tristram on Terror difficulty + Oil of Luck → Blessed Oil of Luck)
b) (Sacred helm, body armour...) + Oil of Renewal → reroll item (try to get gray with maximum qty of sockets or white (without sockets))
c) cube Blessed Oil of Luck with Item (helm, body armour...)
d) If we didn't get +2% DR (this recipe has only 15% chance to add bonus), repeat from step b.
So we can get +2% DR for each armour (helm, body armour...)
Add maximum qty of sockets by cubing them with Jewels (q-ty of sockets = qty of Jewels)

Helm Falcon Mask (Sacred) + 3 Jewels + Lo rune
It gives us 10% damage reduction (+2%DR we got earlier), 10% arrow on striking, and good defence. Rest 60 levels fill by mystic orbs: enhanced defence 15 pcs, faster block rate 15 pcs

Body Armor Light Plate (Sacred) + 5 Jewels + Nih rune
Cube this runeword until you get 17%DR (from 11 to 15 in runeword DR changes randomly + 2%DR we got earlier )
If we don't use next recipe: soketed body armour + Oil of Disjunction + perfect gem x3 → separate item and socket fillers
Insert again jewels and runes until you get sucsess
Perfect gems I also got from terror difficulty Fauztinville
Cube 17%DR body armour with mystic orbs: enhanced defence and 3-5% reanimate as skeleton/fallen one (don't forget about limit of 120 lvls)
We also get 25% Bonus to Strength in this runeword
You should get something like this:
As you can see +1% bonus to dex, + 8 to str, 4 to dex... I got from Jewels (small but very pleasant bonus)

Amulet: Teganze Pendant
Any amulet + Oil of Enhancement + Arcane Crystal x2 → reroll amulet as unique. There are 10 different mormal unique amulets. One of them is Teganze Pendant. Repeat this reciepe until you get it.
This amulet gives us next bonuses:
+1 to All Skills
+ some spell damage
Increase Maximum Life up to 15%
All Resists +10%
also you can put here +30 to str and +30 to dex from mystic orbs to wear gears at the begining until you get some charms from ubers. After that you can put here - 15% to enemy fire resistances and 15% Thunder hammer when you kill an enemy.
Totally I got such amulet:

Rings: Empyrean Band 2 pcs
You can get it from any ring by using the same reciepe as for amulet
Any ring + Oil of Enhancement + Arcane Crystal x2 → reroll ring as unique. There are 10 different mormal unique rings. One of them is Empyrean Band. Repeat this reciepe until you get it.
Each of two rings give us next bonuses:
1% CtC lvl 7 Singularity when you Kill an Enemy (good for killspeed)
Up to 5% bonus to All Attributes
Increase Maximum Life and Mana 10%
Also you can put here +30 to str and +30 to dex from mystic orbs to wear gears at the begining until you get some charms from ubers. After that you can put here - 15% to enemy fire and cold resistances and 10% Thunder hammer when you kill an enemy.
My rings:
As you can see there are +10% to spell damage in one of the rings. I used Lucky recipe:
Ring + Oil of Luck → returns item, may add bonus +10% to spell damage (20% chanse). You can try to get it too.

Gloves Gauntlets (Sacred) + 3 Jewels + Lai rune
It gives you:
Faster Run/Walk
Good defecne (use mystic orbs of enhanced defence and total char defence) +2%DR we got earlier
I got this gloves:

Plated Belt (Sacred) + 1 Jewel + Vith rune
Good defence and 10% Damage Reducion (+2%DR we got earlier)
Also use mystic orbs of enhanced defense and total char defense here. I got this belt:

Boots Greaves (Sacred) + 3 Jewels + Ath rune
+1 to all skills, good defence and + 5%DR + 2%DR we got earlier

Gothic Shield (Sacred) + 3 Jewels + On rune
+1 to all skills, high defence and 2%DR we got earlier. Use mystic orbs: enhanced defence and total char defence

Weapon on switch
Use it only once before shifting to Trap rat form.
We need so much + to all skills as we can get.
For than we will use Yul staff (+(6 to 8) to All Skills - try to get 8) and Elixir of power (+15 to all skills for 60 seconds)

Our sequence before shifting to trap rat form:
a) Switch to Yul staff
b) Drink Elixir of power
b) Eat godberry (+ life and total char defence from challenges)
c) Switch to Sacred dirk/Dagger...
d) Shift to trap rat form

Recipe how to get Elixir of power:
a) wear 2 rings with 500 crafting points (get it from mystic orbs)
b) Cube Perfect Saphire (find it in terror Fauztinville) + scroll of town portal -> 3 Elixirs of power.

So we can get good life/defence bonus from godberry
For excample in normal shift you get 350k defence and 18k life
After that sequence you get 520k defence and 21 k life.

NOTE - not all ubers require Elixir of power for shifting. You can quite easy complete them even with 350k def and 18k life.

If you didn't completed Black road challenge yet you can do it qiute easy with this equipment.

The main problem to use our armour and weapon - they require too much stats (strength and dex). Our main goal - we must be able to wear all gears. So at the begining, we can use next ways to increse our stats:
1) As I told you before use mystic orbs with +2 to strength and +2 to dex for your rings and amulet. Totally you can get +90 to strength and +90 to dex from your 2 rings and amulet. Later you will get charms from ubers and you can use another mystic orbs for your rings and amu.
2) Your gears also give you some str and dex:
Body Armor: 25% Bonus to Strength
Rings up to 5% bonus to all attributes each
Shield up to 40% Bonus to Strength
3) If you don't enougth it you can temporary use honorific gloves
Magic gloves (blue) + Meditation Candle + Sacrifical Heart → return gloves as honorific
This type of item has very good bonus:

Orb Effects Applied to this Item are Doubled

After that you can put here mystic orbs with +2 to strength and +2 to dex. Totally you can get + 60 to strength and + 60 to dex. Also you can add + Faster run Walk.

4) If you use sacred honorific gloves, insert into it 4 Io runes (5% Bonus to Dexterity each) or Ko runes (5% Bonus to Strength each)

5) When you wear all gears you can start complete some ubers and get very useful charms for your stats:
Horazon's Focus (Creature of Flame) up to 25 to all attributes, Scroll of Kings (The Binding of Baal) up to +20% to all attibutes, Visions of Akarat up to 25 to all attributes, Optical Detector (Infernal Machine) up to 15 to all attrubutes, Sunstone of the Elements (Level challenge 1) +15% to all attributes, Harkon Crystal (Level Challenge 0) up to 10 to all attributes.
It will be quite enougth to rerol your rings and amulet again and put there "- to enemy res" and thundeг hummer on kill.
Also you will be able to switch your honorific gloves to Gauntlets Gloves (Sacred) with runeword.

Tricks and note
If you need reset all mystic orbs in runeword, just use next recipe: soketed item (armour/weapon) + Oil of Disjunction + perfect gem x3 → separate item and socket fillers. Gray item (armour/weapon) will stay without mystic orbs effects but it will keep all bonuses as you get before (+2%DR for armour and Orb Effects Applied to this Item are Doubled for weapon). You can insert Jewels and rune into item again and add another required mystic orbs.

I found all runes at terror difficulty in Fauztinville.

To reduce rune lvl (if you need it) use reciepe in cube: rune->rune previous lvl.


For more details you can see video in spoilers below

Tran Athulua Farming - easy
Target: This is the good place to find tired unique (for arcane crystalls) and Sacred unique items.
Strategy: Use qiulls, keep mooving and use pagan rates if you life reduced too much. Everybody dies fast.
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Fauztinville - medium
Target: Here we will seek Great runes Taha, Ghal and Qor
Strategy: Regularly cast Elvensong (it makes your enemies fight to each other), after that everything common: use qiulls, keep mooving and cast pagan rates if you life reduced too much. Necrobots will not dye so fast as all othes enemies anyway they will be eliminated.
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Lord Aldric Jitan - easy
Target: Moon of the Spider charm
a) Before summoning Lord Aldric Jitan and his minions cast approx 20 Egg traps.
b) Summon monsters and quickly change your position.
c) Cast Quill storm to kill rest minions. So Lord Aldric Jitan will loose his invulnerability.
d) He has very good life restore so you may not able to kill him only with Quill storm. So at first cast 20 agg traps again (let him hit you and use life potions if need), after that cast Quill storm. It should be enough for success.
e) If you didn't get Moon of the Spider charm (1/6 chance) repeat from step a
Don't forget that you can use Moon of the Spider charm for power cube recipe
Any Unique Amulet (I am going to use Teganze Pendant) + Moon of the Spider -> Unique Amulet +5% to All Maximum Resistances (It has only 5% chance to be added). You can collect many charms in your stash (not Inventory) for that recipe.
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Assault on Mount Arreat - easy
Target: Sacred Worldstone Key charm
Strategy: Nothing special. Cast 20 trap eggs, cast summon and quickly change your position. Kill all rest minions and King Koth by quills.
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Island of the Sunless Sea - easy
Target: Six Angel Bag charm (cubed with Sunless Crystal Bird)
Strategy: Enter and kill them all by quills. Don't forgrt that some type of monsters are invisible. Avoid punishers from Mage Malic and lure all monsters from Lucion (he gives them invulnerability when they are near to him)
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Creature of Flame - easy
Target: Horazon's Focus charm
Strategy: Let Astral Guardians round you. Their aura will protect you so Creature of Flame will not able to kill you. Use Thorn wall skill to kill Creature of Flame from the distance.
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The Binding of Baal - easy
Target: Scroll of Kings charm
Strategy: Keep mooving, avoid their elemental attacks and cast quill storm. Kill all minions and Tal Rasha.
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Akarat - easy
Target: Visions of Akarat charm
Strategy: The same strategy as for Lord Aldric Jitan's uber.
a) Cast 20 Eggs trap
b) Summon Akarat and his minions and run fast to another point.
c) Cast quill storm and kill rest minions and Akarat.
Don't forget that Akkarat vulnerable for a short period when his minion dies near to him.
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Infernal Machine - easy
Target: Optical Detector charm
a) Before entering summon max acid friends for meatshield (also it increases your speed) - it is not necessary but handy
b) Quickly run in right bottom corner of the map and kill all monsters on your way.
c) TP to the town, heal your life, summon meatshield again
d) Enter to the map, keep moving (to avoid deathstrike), as soon as possible kill infernal machine.
e) Kill rest monsters
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Death projector - easy
Target: Laser Focus Crystal charm
Strategy: Avoid Death projector's lazer and Mechanics, use quills.
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The Butcher - easy
Target: The Butcher's Tooth charm
Strategy: Let him to hit you. When pentagram appears go there and kill butcher inside the circle of pentagram.
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For next ubers I recommend you to use honorific gloves (tier 6 or Sacred). Cube it with mystic orbs to get:
30% Reanimate As: Skeleton/Fallen One
30% Chance to cast Level 1 Teleport when Struck
150% Faster Run/Walk
Free sockets fill by Perfect Amethysts (bonus to dex) or Perfect Diamond (bonus to str)
You may die several times in next ubers.

Rathma Square - medium
Target: Spirit Trance Herb charm
Strategy: Regularly use Elvensong. Try to avoid all enemies and quickly reach Primus. Kill him by Thorn wall skill. If you didn't get charm (1/6 chance), restart game and repeat it again.
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Azmodan - medium
Target: Azmodan's Heart charm
Strategy: Regularly use Elvensong. Try to avoid all enemies and quickly reach Azmodan. Kill him by Thorn wall skill.
Sometimes he is immune to physical damage. In this case restart game.
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Cathedral of Vanity + Secret: Inarius’ Revenge - medium
Target: Idol of Vanity charm + Spirit of Damnation charm

Cathedral of Vanity
Regularly use Elvensong. Try to lure so many enemies as you can in to the small room and teleport to the left top corner of the big room. Hide behind the column from death spiral, when it pass go to Crystal Ball and kill it by Thorn wall skill. Kill all rest enemies and take charm Idol of Vanity.

Secret: Inarius’ Revenge
a) Make TP to the town in right bottom corner of the big room.
b) Summon Acid friends - it will be your meats shield
c) Go to small room (I am not sure this is the best place for summoning Inarius' ghost but I did it here)
d) Cast 20 trap eggs, cast summon and quickly change your position. Rather than you will die here because of death strike (it casts when dies one of the Inarius’ minion)
e) Resurect in town, go to map, make TP again and use Elvensong to lure rest minions and Inarius' ghost from your body.
f) Take your body and go to town again
g) Summon Acid friends, shift to trap rat form (don't forget about + to all skills staff and godberry)
h) Go to map, keep moving (to avoid death strike) and kill rest monsters by quills.
i) Take charm and cube it with Idol of Vanity
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Judgment Day - medium
Target: Crystalline Flame Medallion charm
1) Firs of all temporary change one of your rings to another one (for this uber) and cube it with mystic orbs +15 to Summon Daystar (or Shredder / Bane Monster)
2) Wear honorific gloves, insert in sockets Perfect Turquoise gems (2 or 4 pcs) - avatar of Imperius or Malthael use poison atack! Also add +faster run/walk from 15 mystic orbs, cast teleport when struck 15 mystic orbs + poison res from 15 mystic orbs.
3) Wear honorific boots, insert in sockets Perfect Amethyst gems (for some extra dex). Also add +faster run/walk from 15 mystic orbs, cast teleport when struck 15 mystic orbs + total char def 15 mystic orbs.
4) Summon maximum Daystar/Shredder/Bane Monsters
5) Make TP to the town (if you need quick heal your life in the town)
6) Summon meatshild Acid friends
7) Cast dark summoning and change your position
8) Summon Daystar/Shredder/Bane Monster until avatar of Imperius or Malthael will appear, use life potions if need
9) Keep mooving to avoid fire splash (it appears time to time)
10) Kill avatar of Imperius or Malthael by quills
11) Keep charm, Save and Exit
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Baal Destruction + minagame mirror mirror - easy
Target: Get access to the secret cow level + class charm update
1) Cast Elvensong, and use Quill storm.
2) When appear aura (after killing one of the baal minions) cube your class charm with Lem Rune in town
3) Get back to the map and continue your work :twisted: until success
4) Go to the red tp
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Khalimgrad - easy
Target: Zakarum's Ear charm
1) Wear your normal gears, or use honorific gloves like in Judgment Day but without TP on struck!
2) Use Elvensong, and cast Quill storm to kill everybody,
3) Avoid punishers and use Pagan Rites or life potions if you need
2) Remember, that avatars are vulnerable for a short period when near to them dies one of their minion. Kill all avatars.
3) Chance to drop charm 1/12. If you didn't get it, make new game and repeat.
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Legacy of Blood - easy
Target: Legacy of Blood charm
1) Wear your normal gears
2) Cast Acid friends for meatshield
3) Cast 20 aggs, quickly change your position and use quills.
4) Regulary go to upstairs, heal your life, cast meatshield again and get back to the map.
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All rest ubers I haven't finished yet.

Endgame gear
I haven't planned post here endgame gear but I suppose it can be usefull for some players.

Our main goal is getting so much fire/light/cold dmg and -enemy fire/light/cold res as we can. Also spell dmg is usefull for us too.

- good against of strong enemies
+5K elemental dmg
+physical dmg
good res
Before RW make double MO bonus and after RW making put here 72 LAEK (9 orbs)

- nice dmg too

Drow Valor
- nice reanimates (safe farm), chapter of spiders. I use it for cleaning big areas.

Xis Shark
OMG, phys dmg, bloodlust on kill (extra ele/phys dmg) and OW
It requires 121 lvl!

The Veil of Magic

+3k elemental dmg
spell dmg
slows target
Spirit of Vengeance Aura increases your life (+2,5k life in my case)
Put here ED and FHR orbs
Also 4 runes Thai (+60% to all res)

for massive pentagram damage + reanimates. Cleans areas very fast (good for T/Dcows too)

Hellfire Plate

Hellfire Plate
Body Armors

Runeword Level: 115
+1% Innate Elemental Damage per 250 Strength and Dexterity
15% Chance to cast level 9 Life Spark on Melee Attack
20% Attack Speed
+250 Fire Damage
-(11 to 15)% to Enemy Elemental Resistances
+(171 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
Maximum Life +(3 to 5)%
Maximum Elemental Resists +(1 to 2)%
Fire Resist +(10 to 20)%
Lightning Resist +(10 to 20)%
Cold Resist +(10 to 20)%
Poison Resist +(10 to 20)%
Physical Resist (7 to 10)%

+1k fire dmg
Ancient blood increases your life (+2,5k life in my case)
Good defence (up to 14 k)
10%DR + 2% DR Blessed oil of luck upgrade (before inserting runes)
Try to get +2 to all skills and 10-14 to Ancient blood
Also 5% Blink will save your life numerous times ;)
Put here ED and FHR orbs

Weapon on switch
Spetum (Sacred)

Two-Hand Damage: (165 - 228) to (302 - 392)
Required Level: 80
Required Strength: 453
Required Dexterity: 492
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
Shower of Rocks: Coodlown reduced by 1.5 seconds
15% Chance to cast level 6 Rust Storm on Melee Attack
(20 to 50)% Attack Speed
Adds (40 to 80)-(140 to 200) Damage
+(120 to 160)% Enhanced Damage
(5 to 10)% Deadly Strike
50% Curse Length Reduction
-5 to Light Radius
Socketed (6)

+10-12 to all skills for prebuff
Also 6 runes Nih (+60% Bonus to Buff/Debuff/Cold Skill Duration)

or better

Azgar's Nemeton
for prebuff Mark of the wild boost my max quill dmg very good. Nih runes for buff duration

Klaatu Barada Nikto
Klaatu Barada Nikto

Required Level: 110
Item Level: 105
30% Enhanced Damage vs. Necrobots
10% Chance to cast level 40 Nova Bomb on Melee Attack
+2 to All Skills
25% Attack Speed
Adds 1-188 Lightning Damage
+650 Poison Damage over 2 seconds
Stun Attack
+(11 to 16) to Hive
Lightning Resist +(40 to 50)%
Poison Resist +(40 to 50)%

+1,5k lighting dmg
Use Hive for prebuff (nice poison extra dmg and bonus to Energy for Path of flames - see below)

Empyrean Band
Empyrean Band

Required Level: 40
Item Level: 40
1% Chance to cast level 18 Singularity on Kill
(3 to 5)% to All Attributes
Maximum Life +3%
Maximum Mana +10%
(5 to 15)% Gold Find

+10%-15% spell dmg (lucky upgrade)
-10% fire/light/cold enemy res (30 orbs)
Poison Length Reduced by 20% (10 orbs)


Required Level: 50
Item Level: 50
1% Chance to cast level 50 Burning Veil on Kill
+50 Life Regenerated per Second
Physical Resist 2%
+1% to Experience Gained
- Burning Veil on kill boost my max quill dmg.

Glor-An-Fhaidha's Firebark
- extra dmg/def
+15 to all res runes in free sockets


+1k fire gmg (and some fire spell dmg)
Prebuff Path of flames - nice fire dmg to near targets
Put here ED and FHR orbs

But for many ubesr I use crafted belt with Inner fire oskill. I use it instead of Pagan Rates (it doesn't work in unformed land of Kabraxis area for example). FHR and def here orbs

Toesie Warmer
- nice on kill fire procs
for Mark of the wild

Kite Shield (Sacred)

Defense: (4190 - 4737) to (4889 - 5527)
Chance to Block: 1% + Class%
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 550
Required Dexterity: 559
Item Level: 120
25% Chance to cast level 60 Forked Lightning on Melee Attack
1% Base Block Chance
+(30 to 40)% to Lightning Spell Damage
-(15 to 20)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+(130 to 160)% Enhanced Defense
(11 to 15)% to Dexterity
(31 to 40)% to Energy
Lightning Absorb 5%
25% Weapon Damage Taken Restores Mana
Socketed (4)

+2,5k lighting dmg
Put here ED and FHR orbs
Also 4 runes Thai (+60% to all res)



Runeword Level: 100
+1 to All Skills
45% Cast Speed
45% Hit Recovery
-(27 to 30)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
-(27 to 30)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
-(27 to 30)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+(172 to 200)% Enhanced Defense
(16 to 25)% Magic Find
Requirements +25%
- pierce shield + def

Breakpoints: 200%+ FHR, 100% CB, FRW, up to -100% to fi/li/cold pierce

121 lvl reaching
First I made 30% reanimates for meatshield in Kali gloves:
My stats before Dcow (see 100% fire pierce!):
I used xlp elixirs 350% for 30 seconds during Dcow farming:
perf emerald + scrol of town portal = 3 exp elixirs. You have to have 500 crafting points for this recipe (200 from charm optical detector and 150*2 from rings)
Also I made next Items for Dcow farming:

I inserted rare Jewels with 2-3% Exp gained

Strategy - make Dcow, lure some cows, get back abd wait until pentagram works. Hold reanimates betwen you and monsters.

Don't forget that if you Dcow on 2..8 players, you exp increases much more!

Thank Marco for this forum and new ladders :)
Thank BrotherLaz for the mod.
Edited by uchenick55 7 years.
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Good job, there is some useful information in this thread. Also a good pointer on how to farm %DR to 50% on a character that is equipping mostly runewords.

One mistake I noticed while skimming the guide - spell damage does not increase quill storm damage. It only appears so on the character sheet.

Also if you want to use videos in spoilers you have to use the testtube tags for now. I edited your post so you can take a look how to do it in the future.

I realise English is not your first language, but if you can somehow proofread & spell check the text it would be a lot easier to read. Looking forward to future improvements like more ubers and better formatting :)
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Good job. Thx for MINIguide
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Ok. I will take note of this and fix post about spell dmg. Thank you
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suchbalance wrote:Good job, there is some useful information in this thread. Also a good pointer on how to farm %DR to 50% on a character that is equipping mostly runewords.

One mistake I noticed while skimming the guide - spell damage does not increase quill storm damage. It only appears so on the character sheet.

Also if you want to use videos in spoilers you have to use the testtube tags for now. I edited your post so you can take a look how to do it in the future.

I realise English is not your first language, but if you can somehow proofread & spell check the text it would be a lot easier to read. Looking forward to future improvements like more ubers and better formatting :)


Also I am fairly sure that Marco "fixed" the "plus skill switch cheese" on Goodberry.
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All items are in blue text, intended sarcasm or not :D Anyway, really good guide, but i would change some items (gloves,armor,weapon and jewels). Im not syaing they are wrong, just for me they lack of ele dmg witch trap rat is know for. Also with jewels u can get - req and bouble res+stat (usually one or 2 if lucky).
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hellgrind wrote:All items are in blue text, intended sarcasm or not :D Anyway, really good guide, but i would change some items (gloves,armor,weapon and jewels). Im not syaing they are wrong, just for me they lack of ele dmg witch trap rat is know for. Also with jewels u can get - req and bouble res+stat (usually one or 2 if lucky).

It is very interesting. What weapon, gloves and body armor would you recommend?
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Armor: jitans/albreht
Gloves: Kali rw (pul in gloves)/TU Chain/Heavy gloves
Weapon: Keep T6 Blade but mo it with ed and +max dmg/as or Vith/Lo for more survi or Azrael (pul in weapon)
Bone Archer
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Lc0 charm gives 10 aa not 10%. Rare druid staff that droped at destr diff can have 12 druid skills.
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vadust wrote:Lc0 charm gives 10 aa not 10%. Rare druid staff that droped at destr diff can have 12 druid skills.

I fixed my post about Lc0 charm, thank you. SSU Asgar's Nemeton Gnarled Staff is very good but I haven't got it yet. And don't forget - this is the mid game build without SU items ;)