EksZonDe - Magic Missiles Amazon

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Stygian Watcher
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I am also using SoV with physical resistance capped and some defense stacked. There are various ways to achieve 50% DR but cheapest and a very effective setup is
Linga Sharira
Oris' Herald

Oris' Herald

Runeword Level: 100
Orb Effects Applied to this Item are Doubled
+(2 to 3) to All Skills
+5% Bonus to Spell Focus
15% Attack Speed
35% Cast Speed
+(15 to 20)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
+(30 to 35) to Magic Missiles
+1000 Defense
25% to Energy
Physical Resist 10%
Ashaera's Armor
Ashaera's Armor
Belt (Sacred)

Defense: 1687 to 1760
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 575
Item Level: 105
+(21 to 25) Spell Focus
+(11 to 15)% to Spell Damage
+500 Defense
(11 to 15)% to Energy
Elemental Resists +(10 to 15)%
Physical Resist 10%
Socketed (2)
+ TA trophy + Lucky bonuses. Also instead of
The Collector
The Collector
Bone Shield (Sacred)

Defense: 965 to 1119
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 110
Required Dexterity: 527
Item Level: 120
(Bonus for each Socketed Great/Elemental Rune)
+1 to All Skills
+10 Life after each Kill
+25% Bonus to Defense
+8% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
Orb Effects Applied to this Item are Doubled
Socketed (6)
you can eerie craft a Setzschild with 5 amazon skill + Blood Fury oskill + ~200ED% + ~110LaeK/ MF/ attributes etc. Add to that two shrine bonuses from crafting and blessing and 6 more jewels you can socket and it's almost as good as Collector but with a 15% MS penalty.
17 | 1
demonshalo wrote:Btw, thanks a lot for being so civil and encouraging. I will link your post as well below the guide so that others can read your configuration and perhaps get some ideas from it too. As for me, I did run MF with SoV hybrid at ~300 MF and found that to be enough. Not sure how 500%+ is for you but I suspect that you sacrificed lots of dmg and hp to get it. So I´m wondering, did it work out well for you in general or do you feel squishy / lacking dmg?

Honestly I didn't spend much time crafting or perfecting jewels or farming that much, before that I was at about 150 MF so I spent prob a couple of hours with 500+ MF, might be abit overkill but dmg wise in Fauztville atm its doing pretty well, I do have non MF Gear I swap to when doing Ubers but dmg wise atm no issues. There is still lots of space to improve in terms of jewels because I have only 1 +3 Spell dmg jewel rest are all +2, thats just me beeing lazy rather than not having the resources to craft better so only future will tell how pumped up will I get :P

As far as the squishyness... honestly considering I've been playing Pouncezon, Paladin and Barbarian till now.. well that build will always be squishy, thats just how in general half the Amazon builds are so yes for me personaly it will almost always feel on the squishy side and I love it that way :P

Eadan wrote:I am also using SoV with physical resistance capped and some defense stacked. There are various ways to achieve 50% DR but cheapest and a very effective setup is
Linga Sharira
Oris' Herald

Oris' Herald

Runeword Level: 100
Orb Effects Applied to this Item are Doubled
+(2 to 3) to All Skills
+5% Bonus to Spell Focus
15% Attack Speed
35% Cast Speed
+(15 to 20)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
+(30 to 35) to Magic Missiles
+1000 Defense
25% to Energy
Physical Resist 10%
Ashaera's Armor
Ashaera's Armor
Belt (Sacred)

Defense: 1687 to 1760
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 575
Item Level: 105
+(21 to 25) Spell Focus
+(11 to 15)% to Spell Damage
+500 Defense
(11 to 15)% to Energy
Elemental Resists +(10 to 15)%
Physical Resist 10%
Socketed (2)
+ TA trophy + Lucky bonuses. Also instead of
The Collector
The Collector
Bone Shield (Sacred)

Defense: 965 to 1119
Chance to Block: Class%
Required Level: 110
Required Dexterity: 527
Item Level: 120
(Bonus for each Socketed Great/Elemental Rune)
+1 to All Skills
+10 Life after each Kill
+25% Bonus to Defense
+8% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
Orb Effects Applied to this Item are Doubled
Socketed (6)
you can eerie craft a Setzschild with 5 amazon skill + Blood Fury oskill + ~200ED% + ~110LaeK/ MF/ attributes etc. Add to that two shrine bonuses from crafting and blessing and 6 more jewels you can socket and it's almost as good as Collector but with a 15% MS penalty.

Thats a pretty interesting idea to fill up the gap, will give it a try today and put my feedback on it, however the Blood Fury oSkill for me is sort of lackluster and doesn't offer that much in return. As for the DR options, honestly this feels like your gimping quite a hefty ammount of DMG to achieve that and so far runing with 16 % DR if I do get surrounded I will die or when port over a wall in Duncraig so idk if its worth it to strickly aim for 50% DR except for maybe some ubers

TweakedFetus wrote:For engame efficiency, I was wondering exactly how much of each stat I would need before I can move onto stacking another stat. For example, stack 500 energy points, 300 energy factor, 200% magic/physical damage...etc. Also exactly what stats should be on my jewels?

That makes me curious myself too, early game going full Energy seems to be the way to go due to mana issues, however right now for me I am noticing that Energy doesn't give me that much boost so a more direct focus on EF over the other too can be an option too, I will be playing arround with a few gear options the next few days so will post my feedback
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Stygian Watcher
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Waldamer wrote:Thats a pretty interesting idea to fill up the gap, will give it a try today and put my feedback on it, however the Blood Fury oSkill for me is sort of lackluster and doesn't offer that much in return. As for the DR options, honestly this feels like your gimping quite a hefty ammount of DMG to achieve that and so far runing with 16 % DR if I do get surrounded I will die or when port over a wall in Duncraig so idk if its worth it to strickly aim for 50% DR except for maybe some ubers

I don't lose that much DPS maybe 10% but I already one shot enemies with 23k average MM damage with bloodfury. The extra survivability lets me blink much more aggresively and take more enemies at once so I end up clearing faster.
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Im playing this char since sigma release, wanna share my way to play it;
Using ssu phoenix shield - spells cost life instead of mana <<----------- this is awesome. Im constantly running the bloodlust buff with it.
And whenever im in trouble i just use antimass and im fine again. (some leak reduce this lifecost cause you kill the whole screen with 2-3 casts) Also i only have 1 point in wild and free, getting 50% slow from def harmony. Maxing spellbind -> 1 point in fire elementals (each elemental 24k life)

With this setup i can run through fauzt like crazy. And i never have to worry about dying. Im getting 25% dr and 20 k life.
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Stygian Watcher
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Manu300000 wrote:Im playing this char since sigma release, wanna share my way to play it;
Using ssu phoenix shield - spells cost life instead of mana <<----------- this is awesome. Im constantly running the bloodlust buff with it.
And whenever im in trouble i just use antimass and im fine again. (some leak reduce this lifecost cause you kill the whole screen with 2-3 casts) Also i only have 1 point in wild and free, getting 50% slow from def harmony. Maxing spellbind -> 1 point in fire elementals (each elemental 24k life)

With this setup i can run through fauzt like crazy. And i never have to worry about dying. Im getting 25% dr and 20 k life.

What level is your antimass and how much mana% does it convert with what cooldown?
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Eadan wrote:What level is your antimass and how much mana% does it convert with what cooldown?

Its lvl 33 and it restores 66% of your current mana ~ 10k on full mana pool. Cd is 4,5 seconds
Running atm with only 30 life after each kill. But i have zero problems with it.
17 | 1
Eadan wrote:I don't lose that much DPS maybe 10% but I already one shot enemies with 23k average MM damage with bloodfury. The extra survivability lets me blink much more aggresively and take more enemies at once so I end up clearing faster.

Played arround with your idea for the shield and still didn't get a shield with Bloodfury on it however I did craft this:

atm that is an upgrade to my poorly rolled Witch Drum, so that has potential more than
Edda (Xis)
that shield is just a waste of resources to even craft compared to a mid tier crafted shield or even
Setzschild (4)

Defense: (492 - 573) to (969 - 1127)
Chance to Block: 4%
(Amazon Only)
Required Level: 12
Required Strength: 39
Item Level: 10
1% Chance to cast level 1 Guard Tower on Kill
(10 to 15)% Block Speed
+(35 to 57)% Enhanced Defense
(8 to 10)% to Strength
(8 to 10)% to Dexterity
Physical Resist 5%
Physical Damage Reduced by (3 to 5)
(8 to 10)% Bonus to Defense
Socketed (1)
Defense: (1695 - 1902) to (3048 - 3418)
Chance to Block: 4%
(Amazon Only)
Required Level: 30
Required Strength: 77
Item Level: 31
2% Chance to cast level 1 Guard Tower on Kill
(20 to 25)% Block Speed
+(81 to 103)% Enhanced Defense
(14 to 16)% to Strength
(14 to 16)% to Dexterity
Physical Resist 7%
Physical Damage Reduced by (9 to 11)
(14 to 16)% Bonus to Defense
Socketed (3)
Defense: (4287 - 4723) to (7550 - 8319)
Chance to Block: 4%
(Amazon Only)
Required Level: 47
Required Strength: 270
Item Level: 51
3% Chance to cast level 1 Guard Tower on Kill
(30 to 40)% Block Speed
+(126 to 149)% Enhanced Defense
(20 to 22)% to Strength
(20 to 22)% to Dexterity
Physical Resist 9%
Physical Damage Reduced by (15 to 17)
(20 to 22)% Bonus to Defense
Socketed (5)
Defense: (6416 - 6983) to (11272 - 12268)
Chance to Block: 4%
(Amazon Only)
Required Level: 56
Required Strength: 539
Item Level: 77
4% Chance to cast level 1 Guard Tower on Kill
(40 to 50)% Block Speed
+(149 to 171)% Enhanced Defense
(23 to 25)% to Strength
(23 to 25)% to Dexterity
Physical Resist 10%
Physical Damage Reduced by (18 to 20)
(23 to 25)% Bonus to Defense
Socketed (6)

The third thing is that having Earie Crafted Gloves with an Earie Blessing is better than getting pure Enchanted ones, thats for late game when you start having alot of Energy.
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Waldamer wrote:
Eadan wrote:I don't lose that much DPS maybe 10% but I already one shot enemies with 23k average MM damage with bloodfury. The extra survivability lets me blink much more aggresively and take more enemies at once so I end up clearing faster.

Played arround with your idea for the shield and still didn't get a shield with Bloodfury on it however I did craft this:

atm that is an upgrade to my poorly rolled Witch Drum, so that has potential more than
Edda (Xis)
that shield is just a waste of resources to even craft compared to a mid tier crafted shield or even
Setzschild (4)

Defense: (492 - 573) to (969 - 1127)
Chance to Block: 4%
(Amazon Only)
Required Level: 12
Required Strength: 39
Item Level: 10
1% Chance to cast level 1 Guard Tower on Kill
(10 to 15)% Block Speed
+(35 to 57)% Enhanced Defense
(8 to 10)% to Strength
(8 to 10)% to Dexterity
Physical Resist 5%
Physical Damage Reduced by (3 to 5)
(8 to 10)% Bonus to Defense
Socketed (1)
Defense: (1695 - 1902) to (3048 - 3418)
Chance to Block: 4%
(Amazon Only)
Required Level: 30
Required Strength: 77
Item Level: 31
2% Chance to cast level 1 Guard Tower on Kill
(20 to 25)% Block Speed
+(81 to 103)% Enhanced Defense
(14 to 16)% to Strength
(14 to 16)% to Dexterity
Physical Resist 7%
Physical Damage Reduced by (9 to 11)
(14 to 16)% Bonus to Defense
Socketed (3)
Defense: (4287 - 4723) to (7550 - 8319)
Chance to Block: 4%
(Amazon Only)
Required Level: 47
Required Strength: 270
Item Level: 51
3% Chance to cast level 1 Guard Tower on Kill
(30 to 40)% Block Speed
+(126 to 149)% Enhanced Defense
(20 to 22)% to Strength
(20 to 22)% to Dexterity
Physical Resist 9%
Physical Damage Reduced by (15 to 17)
(20 to 22)% Bonus to Defense
Socketed (5)
Defense: (6416 - 6983) to (11272 - 12268)
Chance to Block: 4%
(Amazon Only)
Required Level: 56
Required Strength: 539
Item Level: 77
4% Chance to cast level 1 Guard Tower on Kill
(40 to 50)% Block Speed
+(149 to 171)% Enhanced Defense
(23 to 25)% to Strength
(23 to 25)% to Dexterity
Physical Resist 10%
Physical Damage Reduced by (18 to 20)
(23 to 25)% Bonus to Defense
Socketed (6)

The third thing is that having Earie Crafted Gloves with an Earie Blessing is better than getting pure Enchanted ones, thats for late game when you start having alot of Energy.

For all intents and purposes Witchdrum will serve you better imo unless you are going for some MF craft. The only other alternative GG craft is bloodfury + 5 ama sk + 35+ spell dmg + energy + bunch of UMOs. But all of that is nothing in comparison to The Collector. Thing is that you might need hundreds of shrines to get that GG craft, in which case getting The Collector is probably both cheaper and easier to get unless you are on SP.

Also keep in mind that setzschild while it has lots of def and 6 sockets, it gives you a movement speed penalty.
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demonshalo wrote:... in which case getting The Collector is probably both cheaper and easier unless you are on SP.

Please excuse my spam, but I just farmed Teganze for Oris Herald as an upgrade for my Vesseldin and MM Zon on SP and guess what dropped? ^

Now I have to farm 6 GR but even with my elemental runes this Shield is great...
17 | 1
demonshalo wrote:For all intents and purposes Witchdrum will serve you better imo unless you are going for some MF craft. The only other alternative GG craft is bloodfury + 5 ama sk + 35+ spell dmg + energy + bunch of UMOs. But all of that is nothing in comparison to The Collector. Thing is that you might need hundreds of shrines to get that GG craft, in which case getting The Collector is probably both cheaper and easier to get unless you are on SP.

Also keep in mind that setzschild while it has lots of def and 6 sockets, it gives you a movement speed penalty.

That is my concern too the lack of movement speed on a character that has mobility and positioning as its main defensive tool, however it does have potential over Witch Drum purely dmg wise, other option can be to change the base to counteract the Movement Speed penalty

Anyway done tinkering gear for today, so I will play arround with the pieces I crafted today and see how having 500+ MF and that Movement Speed penalty(atm that shield gives me 1k avg dmg over my +2/33 % Witchdrum so its something)