How many games to you play? How many you master?

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Jungle Hunter
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I been playing exclusively MXL I tried playing other games, hearts not in it.... Mondern Warfare remaster, nier automata, and path of exile are a few i never played but i cannot commit cause of MXL... Now I'm not a Gamer who plays tons of games at once, I play one to three games unless i'm playing a arpg or mmo which i usually focus on one then. I cannot move on till after current season, my goal is to get every class to level 118+ before seasons end. I figure because i got a goal is why i'm focusing on MXL, anyone else have this problem of focusing on one game until your satisfied? Or is it the norm? Honestly I can't really enjoy any game unless it's the only one i'm trying to master.

So whats your story? Focus on one game, or do you play several games at once? Do you master? or move on to the next quickly?
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Son of Lucion
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Monkey King
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I don't game a lot, so I tend to only play a game or two over a period of years.
I started Median back in 08 and even though I've played other games since, I always return to Median eventually.

I played PoE a lot in Beta, but got sick of spending weeks grinding gear, just to have every build nerfed into oblivion.
I played a lot of LoL, but Howling Abyss (ARAM), rather than the usual game (which I found a bit boring).

I also retro game with what I grew up playing on consoles (emulated). SEGA Genesis had some fantastic titles; Landstalker, Shining Force (1 and 2), Phantasy Star (IV is epic).
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Kraken Guard
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havent got much time to game, but when i do its usually PoE or Overwatch.
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not counting several hundreds hours of gaming when i wasnt on steam (seriously, i only been on steam since like 6 years ago during dota 2 hype, only started to buy game like 4 years ago) and several other platforms. not counting those early days gaming era in lan shop.
17 | 2
I usually fokus on one or two games at once. As a veteran of playing world of warcraft since beta. That have always been one of my games i play as much as i can or feel for. Second game i play regular is heartstone. This usually means i have time to try out a third game now and then.
Forcmyself if you dont fokus on a few games its hard get better on them.
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Kraken Guard
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Amazon Warrior
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I'm master of none, well Median has been my love since 1.fb. I just don't have the patience/interest to focus on one game and grind my ass off.
Now I have too much time on my hands and I bore easily so I have a few games going on:

Fable 3
It's lacking the charm of the first one so I propably leave this one on the shelf... Money gathering and bying properties is boring af, I want adventures. Some funny quests though.

Witcher 2
Besides countless bugs and glitches I enjoyed the first one and I'm enjoying this one too. Currently my most played game.

Grim Dawn Forgotten Gods
On and off game. Similiarity to Titan Quest is what attracts me, build possibilities are endless. Maybe a bit slow-paced... so I tried Path of Grim Dawn mod but sadly it was bugged at least for me (many invisible mobs, not fun).

Sacred 2
Another on and off. Playing with Diablo 2 Fallen mod and two toons going on Platinum, Paladin and Druid. Playing SC but pretty much feels like HC because death penalty is huge, you lose your Survival bonus that is hard to get. So far no deaths thank god.

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing
Just started yesterday. Combat seems nice and interactions with ghost lady fun. I hear it hasn't much replay value but I definitely finish my current char.

Borderlands 2
First one was great, this feels similiar. Currently having little problems with mouse so hard to play FPS-games but when I get a new one I surely continue this.

Torchlight 2
Playing Berserker and Warlock on tandem with Synergies mod. Also downloaded more classes mod (forgot the name), at first glance they seem surprisingly well done and balanced, have to try them out sometime.
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Sand Maggot
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well I got master tier on 2 heroes in dota2 if that counts :)
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Right now, I've a Cold War itch to scratch, so I've been replaying the single player campaigns of Wargame Airland Battle and Red Dragon... well, in my free time, as I'm right now supposed to "play" Insurance Agent Simulator 2019 with these Lake Garda villas in Italy for my company... And out of all the games I've played in my life, the only ones I can say I master are the Ace Combat PS2 trilogy, Silent Hunter III, Total Annihilation and of course Diablo II and III.