The TLDR 2H Barb

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I remember patch where it still was 100%, and eth was by far the best options. Dropping it to 50%, and if you have just regular one, then it isn't clear winner anymore. Up there, but there are other options.
Issue is you can't combo anything besides that stormblast proc with lightning pierce you stack. If axe worked with self cast stormblast that would have been another story. There is little bit of flat lightning damage from daedalus, but thats not much.
For instance if you go some other 800dmg axe and ancient hand, stack fire pierce, quite sure this will win just from sheer number. Every swing releases significantly stronger skill, and you can just focus on one element.
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Also AH moves slower and has 35% multiplier iirc (bigger than SB/IB).

And yes, axes having Thunderfury (lightning), Yaggai's' Stormblast (lightning), and cold skills (Deathgaze/Iceburst), Nephalem Weapons (fire/lightning) kind of do not mix too well.

Although, if doing fully elemental build, with total 26 Xar runes it is -52 triple pierce.
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So very new on this forums and i´m a bit confused about this build of yours. you say always use Thunderslam but you dont put any points into that well you use 1 point am í missing somthing or do you only need one point in Thunderslam?
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yes, 1 point :cheers:
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This guide assumes you use some basic logics. If there is 1 point in last skill of the tree, there is no other way of doing that than to have at least 1 point in previous skills in the tree that lead to it. Thats why 1pt tslam.
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Well thx for the response, i new about the 1 point thing just thought maybe i was missing something because of the "always use tslam" thing :-)
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It is crowd control skill (stun nova) that has cooldown, and by that I mean you wanna use it as often as possible, there is no reason not to. Cooldown is flat 15 seconds, so investing more points would be pointless.
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At about what point can we expect to have the strength required for Tier 4 Wrathchild?
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You can technically even wait till bunch of level 110 charms that grant +stats. Totally doable.
If you want it earlier, you can socket some +5% str or +10str runes, depending whats better, you can MO some of your TU armors with +25 str, these items are disposable and easily remade with 2 crystals. So you have flexibility there. Again, depends if you want it early or not, its preference. You can have all required strength even in nightmare difficulty if you use bunch of runes and mystic orbs to help you achieve this goal faster.