Old school Lightning Sorc 2020

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Oh yeah I forgot to mention that you don't need to be lvl 50 to enter Tran Athulua, you just need to be 50 to cube the charm. I usually end up being mid 40's when I get to Baal.
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Good changes for
Elemental Children
Elemental Children
(Sorceress Lightning Set)

Elemental Clash
Elemental Fury
Elemental Spirit
Elemental Storm

Set Bonus with 2 or more set items:
-20% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+50 to all Attributes

Set Bonus with 3 or more set items:
75% Cast Speed
+25% to Lightning Spell Damage

Set Bonus with complete set:
+5 to Sorceress Skill Levels
+150 Spell Focus
Blink Cooldown Reduced by 2 seconds
+50% to Lightning Spell Damage
+16 to Blink
+100 to all Attributes
Physical Resist 15%

10 more pierce, huge lightning Spell damage boost on items and Set Bonus and slightly more energy/EF. I guess it is now totally midgame viable.

and most OP change of all: 3 second Cooldown for Blink makes it good for farming/repositioning early on.
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Jampula wrote:True, but Fortress spawns to your back and Idol of Scosglen pierces minions and makes him pretty sturdy (of course not the case with this build).I just have always feared Duriel the most in early game if playing HC so that comment kinda stuck out, Mephisto, Diablo and Baal can be handled with just dodging the most dangerious stuff but with Duriel you are stuck in a small room and using TP is a must from time to time. Luckily it's not level-locked.

Somehow He's never really been a problem with all the characters I gone through. If we're talking purely about Act bosses I always found Mephisto to be the most threatening on Normal because of his Countdown and Reinforcements. I assume the experience between Softcore and Hardcore are just different. If we are purely talking about Duriel I think his classic version is way more threatening compared to his Median counterpart.

Sonicbdwa wrote:Isn't it random on the vision summoning?

I'm pretty sure summon reinforcement is actually on striking. With my method he doesn't summon anything as long as I don't get hit. Whether that's because me kiting him glitched out his AI or if summoning is actually on striking I can't really confirm unless someone else can do a deep dive into the game files. However, the only times I've seen him summon reinforcements are after I get hit by his Ice Wave, Fire Wall, Singularity / Defile, Stormcall, Harbinger. With the history of attacks in Median I wouldn't be surprised if things that look like spells (Ice Wave, Fire Wall, Defile) actually have a weapon component to it.

Jampula wrote:Oh yeah I forgot to mention that you don't need to be lvl 50 to enter Tran Athulua, you just need to be 50 to cube the charm. I usually end up being mid 40's when I get to Baal

I'll update that sometime next week when I get my pc back since it's a massive pain to scroll through the huge wall of the text in the original thread.

About the upcoming patch, I'll look through the patch notes in the weekend and a major update to the guide can be expected sometime around next weekend when I have time to test out the changes that get rolled out.
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Guide should be up to date now. I would also like to give a massive shoutout to mortimer_85, who practically wrote the section about Witchblood for me.
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TLDR (cause it got a bit long);
Great guide, thanks!. Elemntal Fury set is amazing (3s teleport is to good). Every Charm up to and including 120s easy (just keep Elementals up and spam Thunderstorm in between), so far (not tried Baal).

*edit* Nvm - Tried Baal, he died first try to just following the guide. Brilliant (charm rolled 3/10/3, oh well).

Thanks for this guide. Especially the Uber progression and stat goals for each stage. The progression part is something any new player should be pointed to no matter what build they play imo.

I already had a Fire Sorc at lvl 122, which I felt had reached it's potential with the gear I managed to find (haven't traded), but I found the last piece of the Elemental Fury set on my OoA Necro last night. I had tried Lightning before (without ), but didn't like it. But I decided to try this, and it's amazing.

The Elemental Fury set is fantastic. That 3s teleport is going to be hard to give up. Other than the set, I'm using random +1 rings, +2 amulet, a fairly bad crafted belt and Wake of Destruction boots. I haven't event put stuff in all my sockets, but I did make sure to reach the FHR/FCR caps suggested for Hell (I have 213FCR and 127FHR now, bit to high on FCR after getting many new charms). My pierce is just 87% so far to. Think I had 180k defense at first, up to 219k or so now.

With this I managed to get every 120 charm very easy (and I've never done any of them before). Except Baal, who I just haven't tried. Not sure I wanna try, he seems really annoying, but I'll give it a go I guess.

Some Ubers that I thought would be really rough ended up super easy. Like Kabraxis, who I've seen a few people do on streams, and thought I'm never doing that. I died just once. Just kept spamming Ice Elementals to keep 5 up on him and then Thunderstorm in between, moving in a circle around him between every 2-3 casts. That's basically every fight. Just making sure Elementals are up and blocking any damage and then spam Thunderstorm, and resummon Elementals asap. Even Quo Tsin was easy like this with resists between 78 and 81. That was basically Summon x5, Thunderstorm x1-2, repeat though, cause they died fast. But it worked.

Also did Ruins of Ureh first try after watching a video of how to get to the boss. The 3s teleport and spamable Ice tanks make this one incredibly easy.

Tenganze was probably my least favorite. I felt like I couldn't go fast there. But it was supersafe once I started spamming Ice elementals and Thunderstorm from a far (like a sniper). The boss killed me a dozen times before I started focusing on spamming Elementals more than Thunderstorm on him as well. After that it was easy.

Triune also had me a bit stomped at first, cause you said to "unsummon elementals", and I thought that meant they would ruin the fight somehow. But I understand now that it was just to lure the boss out easier. I kept dying after having lured him out, cause it spawned lots of mobs (bats in particular), but once I figured out that I could still use my Elementals there it got easy as well.
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Do you switch from Tempest to Forked Lightning when you get the ghostmoon and dump some points into forked lightning
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Shaktar wrote:Do you switch from Tempest to Forked Lightning when you get the ghostmoon and dump some points into forked lightning

I didn't, but that's more so I can test the build than anything. If you have enough belladonna you can swap to full Forked Lightning and make farming faster. Points can be taken from either Thunderstone or Frigid Sphere since you won't really have a lot of points in Tempest anyway.
2 | 0
Just started playing again,last time it didn't go so well due to the lack of time so I'm definetely a beginner, gonna try this build and see how it goes! Thanks a lot for your time and effort.
Void Archon
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Is the dmg increase from base lvls on tempest so low that it is recommended to not max it? Why would you forego maxing your main farming skill?
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Diaco wrote:Is the dmg increase from base lvls on tempest so low that it is recommended to not max it? Why would you forego maxing your main farming skill?

they way he spent the skill points is totally wrong if ur farming rn you should definetly max tempest and witchblood crazy clear speed and sustain.