MXL Knowledge Quiz

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At least I got my username correct.
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Slain Soul
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Very cool! I got like 24 wrong, lol!

I would love to see this become a thing, but idk in what fashion. Also I'd love to see a retro-questionnaire asking questions like, "In what version of Median were Summoning Mystic Orbs used to create the Daystar Necro?", "What was the last version of Median to have Punisher traps?", AC 1000 challenge, Sacred Armor + Adrenalin Pots cheese, etc., etc. Would be fun, if anything for nostalgia, possibly educational.
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Jungle Hunter
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This is a great way for new and old players alike to gauge where their knowledge bases are. Game mechanics knowledge is the largest barrier to player retention in Median.
38 | 4
PaMxl wrote:This is because you need to invest more % in FCR, FHR, etc each time you decrease the frames per second than for the previous breakpoint.

You misunderstand my point - I know that you need to invest more and more points to get to the consecutive breakpoints, but I wouldn't exactly call the returns "diminishing", when every other frame is so much more valuable than the previous one (i.e. an increase from 12 fpa to 11 fpa is a ~9% increase in overall speed, while 4 to 3 would be as high as 33%).

In fact the returns are increasing, just that the system works with breakpoints rather than raw values.

Also, according to speedcalc, it's not always the case - for example an amazon needs 4 block speed for the first frame drop(17->16), but only 6 (so 2 more) for another one(16-15) when she's wielding a scepter.
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On the Deadly Strike stuff, I now know it doesn't affect +element to attacks, but does it affect elemental damage from elemental bases?
Onyx Knight
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Gamdol wrote:On the Deadly Strike stuff, I now know it doesn't affect +element to attacks, but does it affect elemental damage from elemental bases?

No, phys damage only.
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41/50 D:

Some of these questions are REALLY hard :D (like the poison question)
and others are a bit confusing (like the diminishing value on combat speed). In my mind I thought the added value was the same, but reaching frames became harder. Not necessarily a diminishing value like mf/ms.

1/12 to be fhr'd

This should be 1/16th!!! At least it was the value I got when I tested it in-game toying around with life/pr vs necrobots :O
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Astral Guardian
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Doesn't give an overall score? Pretty disappointed.
Pit Knight
114 | 6
That was actually fun to me.

- A score at the end would be nice.
- I just realized I missed all the multiple choice questions because I didn't see that they had more than one answer. Some larger text and bolded for the near blind like myself? 39/50 , could have got 43/50 instead.
- The stat "Increase Maximum Life %" does NOT increase : Answer: Life gained from +Vitality bonuses. I chose Life gained from leveling. The way it is worded makes it sound like if I had a level 1 character with %life, I would have more health than a character with the same stats but had the same % life later in the game. Maybe reword it to say "base" health for clarity.

Everything else looks good.
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Core Lord
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lol I tried even with little knowledge. cool test! taught me some things that are good to know :-D