The value of Tyrael's Might? Ladder?

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anyone know?
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put it on auction and see who pays more
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10 tg ! Is my bid :)
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i just wish that sometimes People in this Community would stop just givin meme answers and just answer normally.

im not Sure myself. nor have any Clue how much. but since its so extremly rare and definetly a very good Armor. i would say at least over 2k tg.
Pit Knight
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Odrios wrote:i just wish that sometimes People in this Community would stop just givin meme answers and just answer normally.

im not Sure myself. nor have any Clue how much. but since its so extremly rare and definetly a very good Armor. i would say at least over 2k tg.

And ridiculous answer like yours is also not helping. Who's paying close to 2k for anything this late into the season, even if it's Tyrael's Might?
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The price is what the market dictates.
The item does not go to market often (only once prior)?
This season is not identical to that season.
There is no way to give an actual answer.
Auction it.

That being said, 5tg

The longer you sit on it, on a week to week basis, the less it will be worth as less people will be playing. IMO, field offers for a few days and see if you get something you like, if not, auction it Friday so that people getting off their work week to play will see it.
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It depends on:

What builds are meta this season?
How much time has left for the season?

Keep in mind that an item like this one solve, by itself, 2 things: max res and pr. Max Res is the most valuable stats in the game imo. But, you can get to 81 with charms, 82 with laz trophy. Tyrones helps when you have to overcap max res also. If you want it for your lab merc it is, probably, the best option.

For me it comes to: if you can itemize around this and get a better dps outcome, since it covers most of the defensive stats, go for it.

If you can't it's not that valuable. So I would say at least 1k but it can get to 4k depending on how many people want it and how much they are willing to spend to have it.
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Now take my 1k like i told you on discord or aucton i5 heh
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Core Lord
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I'd pay 750-1K TG for it on NL. Don't use that as a basis for its value though, like others have said Tyrones is such a ridiculously rare item that the price people will pay will fluctuate wildly. Much more so than other SSSUs. The guys with 30K + TG would likely outbid everyone just to have one.

As others have also said, the value will of course drop towards the end of a ladder season. If you do indeed have one and are looking to sell, auction is absolutely the way to go. Just be sure to set the value pretty high. No shame in getting no bids on something and auctioning it again at a bit lower price.
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2-3k but for people that know the game dont wanna pay that amount coz its not BIS for most builds , it’s an defensive item and as you may know offensive is better than defensive